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- Title & Strata
- S.Ked. (Sarjana Kedokteran). – Sarjana (S1)
- Accreditation
- National Accreditation :
❯ – - Campus
- Main Campus
Jalan Ahmad Yani (Ringroad Selatan) Tamanan Banguntapan Bantul Yogyakarta 55166 - SK & Accreditation Certificate
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PMB Information
Ahmad Dahlan University
Telp. (0274) 563515
Hotline PMB
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960
The vision of Medical Education Study Program of UAD is as follows:
To become an internationally recognized Medical Education Study Program that excels in education, research and community service in the field of disaster health and is integrated with Islamic values
The UAD Medical Education Study Program describes the tasks, responsibilities, and activity plans that are tailored to the vision of the study program to support Tri Dharma (Three Pillars of Higher Education) established in a set of missions to achieve the vision of the study program. The missions of the Medical Education Study Program of UAD are as follows:
- To organize internationally recognized education, research and community service in the field of medicine and is integrated with Islamic values,
- To produce graduates who are noble, professional, disaster-prepared, and ready to serve in any place of service,
- To establish partnerships with stakeholders, both domestically and internationally, as an effort to implement Tri Dharma.
The objectives of the establishment of UAD Medical Education Study Program are arranged in accordance with the vision and missions of the faculty. The objectives of the Medical Education Study Program of UAD are:
- To implement a Quality Management and Governance System,
- To produce graduates of health professionals who have additional skills in the field of disaster management and possess global competitiveness based on Islamic values,
- To produce graduates who contribute to community service, especially in disaster management, both in Indonesia and the world,
- To produce scientific research and publications in the field of health and disaster on national and international levels as an effort to improve the quality of the community health and disaster management.
Graduate Prospects
The prospect of the study program is to make students become professional doctors who have an Islamic spirit and are competent in the field of disaster so that they can devote themselves for the community. After graduating, students can continue to enrol in the medical clerkship program. After graduating, students can become clinicians, academicians, practitioners, and researchers.
Medical students have competences that are in accordance with Indonesian Doctor Competence Standards (SKDI) applicable in Indonesia. In addition, UAD students are also provided with competences in the field of disaster management which is a distinctive UAD student characteristic.
Lecturers and teaching staff in the study program consist of competent doctors in the fields of biomedicine, public health, clinical medicine and disaster.
UAD Faculty of Medicine (FK) equips Campus 4 of UAD which is located on Jalan Ringroad Selatan (Jalan Ahmad Yani), Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The facilities and infrastructure owned FK of UAD include amphitheatre, lecture room, tutorial room, skillab, OSCE room, laboratory, library, lecturer room, and other infrastructure for student activities. The biomedical laboratories consist of an anatomy laboratory, anatomy histology and pathology laboratory, physiology and pharmacology laboratory, parasitology and microbiology laboratory, clinical biochemistry and pathology laboratory. Besides those laboratories, FK UAD also has a skillab / Basic Clinical Competency room. Each skillab room is equipped with learning media, such as LCD monitor, computer, sink, patient bed and doctor’s desk. The room is set as a student learning simulation in doctor-patient practice. The tutorial room has LCD monitor, computer, desks and chairs and a whiteboard to support tutorial activities. In addition to the main facilities, there are other supporting facilities, including health clinic, Student Executive Board (BEM) room, mosque, Ahmad Dahlan Student Dormitory (PERSADA), basketball court, parking lot, hotspot area, computer, UAD pharmacy, student cooperative, Student Activity Unit (UKM) room, Legal Aid Consultation Center (PKBH) room, student cooperative room, psychology consulting room, and canteen.
More information about the Ahmad Dahlan University Medical Education Study Program through the website below.
Ahmad Dahlan University has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.