- Title & Strata
- M.M. (Magister Manajemen). – Pascasarjana (S2)
- Accreditation
- National Accreditation :
❯ Accreditation (BAN-PT)
Sk No: 739/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/IV/2019 - Campus
- Campus 2
Jalan Pramuka No. 42 Sidikan 55161 - SK & Accreditation Certificate
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PMB Information
Ahmad Dahlan University
Telp. (0274) 563515
Hotline PMB
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960
The Master of Management Program is established with the aim of providing great benefits to the institution, communities and the nation, specifically in improving the competence of Indonesian human resources. The competence of human resources in the field of economics, which is currently very much needed, among others are in banking and marketing. The opening of the Master of Management Program will encourage an increase in nation competitiveness.
The Master of Management Program uses learning methods that are based on case studies and research in various fields, especially in banking and marketing. The characteristics of the Master of Management Program in the field of banking and marketing are expected to be able to improve the competences of Indonesian human resources more professionally.
To become an internationally recognized Study Program that excels in the development of management and banking to produce graduates who uphold Islamic values by 2025
- To carry out professional education in management
- To teach Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan
- To implement Islamic religious teachings properly and correctly
- To carry out research in management
- To carry out community service in the fields of management and banking that adjusts to the needs of the national community
- To build a broad network of collaboration with related parties by considering Islamic values as the guarantee for the sustainability of Master of Management Program
- To have academic, professional, social and Islamic personality abilities by 85%
- To have understanding and mastery of knowledge in management and banking by 80%
- To have an understanding of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan by 90%
- To be able to develop excellent research in the fields of management and banking by 85%
- To have the ability to follow the development of science in the fields of management and banking by 95%
- To have the ability to develop and disseminate knowledge in the field of management and banking by 90%
- To have the ability to formulate a science development strategy in the field of management and banking by 85%
- To have professionalism in management and banking that is based on Islamic values and the richness of by 85%
Graduate Prospects
1 | Able to solve current scientific, technical and/ or art problems in the latest banking, marketing, human resource, operational, and financial fields through interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary approaches | |
Practitioners in the fields of banking, marketing, human resources, operational and finance | ||
Banking, marketing, human resource, operational and finance managers | ||
2 | Able to manage and lead a banking or marketing institution based on Islamic values | Banking, marketing, human resource, operational and finance managers |
3 | Develop research and development that is beneficial to the development of science and mankind, and able to obtain local, national, regional, ASEAN, and international recognition in the banking and marketing fields | |
Banking, marketing, human resource, operational and finance analysts Banking, marketing, human resource, operational and finance academicians |
Concentration Elective Course (Banking and Marketing) has 9 credits, including:
Banking Elective Course
1. Asset and Liability Management (Semester 2)
2. Islamic Banking (Semester 3)
3. Credit Management (Semester 3)
Marketing Elective Course
1. Strategic Marketing (Semester 2)
2. Consumer Behavior (Semester 3)
3. Electronic Marketing (Semester 3)
Human Resources Elective Course
1. Organizational Development (Semester 2)
2. Work Culture and Organization (Semester 3)
3. Industrial Employee Relations (Semester 3)
Finance Elective Course
1. Investment Analysis & Management (Semester 2)
2. Financial Risk Management (Semester 3)
3. Behavioral Finance (Semester 3)
Operational Elective Course
1. Quality Management (Semester 2)
2. Logistics Management (Semester 3)
3. Enterprise Resource Planning System (Semester 3)
- Prof. Dr. H. Mifedwil Jandra, M.Ag.
- Dr. Aftoni Sutanto, S.E., M.Si
- Dr. Fitroh Adhilla, S.E., M.Si
- Dr. Salamatun Asakdiyah, M.Si.
- Dr. H. Abdul Choliq Hidayat, M.Si.
- Dr. Purwoko, M.M.
- Dr. Zunan Setiawan, M.M
- Dr. Taufik Hidayat, M.Ec.
- Dr. Agus Siswanto, M.M.
- Rai Rake Setyawan, S.E., GDBus., MSA., Ph.D.
- Dr., Ema Nurmaya, S.E., M.M.
- Dr. Agus Basuki, M.M.
1. Classroom
Every lecture room owned by Master of Management Program of UAD is equipped with complete learning facilities, including air conditioning, free Wi F computer, LCD, Audio-Video System, whiteboard, lecturer and student desks and chairs. The quality of the room is very adequate to support the ongoing learning process, so as to increase student interest in learning.
2. Library
At present, UAD Learning Resource Center (Library) is accredited “A” from the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. The library becomes a very important part to support the success of the learning process at the Master of Management Program of UAD so that UAD pays a great attention to improving the quality of the library by providing complete library collections in the form of learning textbooks, electronic journals and other supporting collections, as well as providing supporting facilities in the form of library physical facilities.
3. Research and Business Laboratory
The Master of Management Program of UAD provides a Research and Business laboratory that is very adequate to support the learning process of management studies. With the existing internet network facilities, students can access various information from around the world to support the learning process on campus.
4. Capital Market Simulation Laboratory
The Master of Management Program of UAD, in collaboration with Indonesian Stock Exchange, established a capital market simulation laboratory as one of the excellent facilities intended for students who have interest in capital market.
More information about the Ahmad Dahlan University Master of Management Study Program through the website below.
Ahmad Dahlan University has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.
Daftar di UAD dan kembangkan potensimu dengan banyak program yang bisa dipilih untuk calon mahasiswa
Informasi PMB
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Telp. (0274) 563515
Hotline PMB
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960
Magister Manajemen Pendidikan (S2) berdiri berdasarkan SK Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 167/E/O/2011, tanggal 5 Agustus 2011. Program studi ini mengkaji dan menyiapkan sarjana manajemen pendidikan yang mampu mengelola lembaga-lembaga pendidikan, terutama manajemen di tingkat menengah dan bawah. Kedepan prodi berusaha menggali gagasan, pemahaman dan praktik kepemimpinan, dan manajemen lokal di Indonesia di tingkat menengah dan keluarga yang direfleksikan ke gagasan, teori dan praktek yang cocok dengan tuntutan pendidikan masa kini.
Menjadikan program studi pascasarjana manajemen pendidikan bertaraf Internasional yang mempunyai keunggulan komparatif, kreatif dan inovatif yang berbasis nilai-nilai keislaman dan didukung oleh kemajuan keilmuan, penelitian dan teknologi
- Menyiapkan pemimpin pendidikan yang bermoral dan profesional.
- Memperbaiki kinerja sistem pendidikan yang kaffah (utuh dan menyeluruh).
- Melakukan Penelitian Pengelolaan Pendidikan untuk memajukan pakis pendidikan.
- Membangun jaringan kerja perbaikan pendidikan multikultural yang islami.
- Membangun dan mengembangkan sistem informasi pendidikan.
Kompetensi Utama
Lulusan harus mampu berfikir holistik, komprehensif, dan Islami, mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengembangkan kemitraan pendidikan, mampu merumuskan strategi perbaikan pendidikan, mampu meneliti dalam bidang manajemen pendidikan, mempunyai kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi, mempunyai kemampuan konseptual; mempunyai kemampuan hubungan interpersonal, mempunyai kemampuan berorganisasi dan perbaikan organisasi, mempunyai kemampuan mendelegasi wewenang, mampu bekerja tim, berwawasan luas, toleran dan menghargai keanekaragaman, mempunyai kemampuan berfikir sistem, mempunyai kemampuan analisis terhadap perilaku organisasi dan konteksnya, mempunyai kemampuan untuk berfikir kritis, kreatif, inovatif, mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengevaluasi kebijakan dan program pendidikan.
Kompetensi Pendukung
Menghasilkan peneliti yang mempunyai kemampuan analisis kebijakan pendidikan berbasis manajemen budaya majemuk, mempunyai kemampuan analisis kebijakan pendidikan berbasis penelitian, mempunyai kemampuan mengembangkan Manajemen Pendidikan berbasis khasanah lokal, mempunyai kemampuan berbagai penguasaan teknis; mempunyai kemampuan menulis berbagai bentuk artikel ilmiah.
Kompetensi Dosen
Dosen-dosen prodi Manajemen Pendidikan memiliki kompetensi Doktor Guru Besar dan Doktor sesuai dengan bidang keahlian. Berbagai kompetensi filsafat ilmu dan kebijakan, pendidikan komparatif, supervisi pendidikan, penelitian pendidikan, analisis ekonomi pendidikan, teori dan perilaku organisasi. Dosen-dosen yang dimiliki antara lain: Prof. Suyata, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Suharsimi Arikunto, Prof. Dr. Noeng Muhadjir, Prof. Dr. Aliyah Rasyid Baswedan, Prof. Sarbiran, M.Ed., Ph.D., Prof. Dr, Wuradji, Dr. Sugito, M.Si., Sumarno, M.Sc., Ph.D., dan lain-lain.
Lab Manajemen Pendidikan
Terdiri dari laboratorium di lapangan dan di kampus, untuk meneliti dan mengkaji berbagai Best Practices Pendidikan. Lab pendidikan menjadi forum diskusi proses penelitian dan hasil penelitian.
Aktivitas Mahasiswa
Mahasiswa Manajemen Pendidikan aktif melakukan berbagai kegiatan baik penelitian, pengabdian kepada masyarakat, serta aktif mengikuti berbagai seminar dan berbagai forum diskusi, baik di dalam negeri maupum di luar negeri antara lain ke Singapura, Malaysia, Thailand, dan Filipina.
Info lebih lanjut tentang Program Studi Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Universitas Ahmad Dahlan melalui website dibawah ini.
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan memiliki dua belas fakultas. Setiap fakultas terdiri dari beberapa program studi yang spesifik mempelajari bidang ilmu masing-masing.