- Title & Strata
- M.Pd. (Magister Pendidikan). – Pascasarjana (S2)
- Akreditas
- National Accreditation :
❯ Akreditasi (BAN-PT)
Sk No: 1066/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/IV/2017 - Campus
- Campus 2
Jalan Pramuka No. 42 Sidikan 55161 - SK & Accreditation Certificate
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PMB Information
Ahmad Dahlan University
Telp. (0274) 563515
Hotline PMB
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960
The Master of Education Management Program has been accredited “B” with the Decree of the National Board of Accreditation for Higher Education No. 1066/SK/BSN-PT/Akred/M/IV/2017. Education Management Study Program focusing on reviewing and preparing graduates in education management who are capable of managing educational institutions, especially management at the middle and lower levels. In the future, the study program seeks to explore ideas, understandings and practices of leadership, and local management in Indonesia at the middle and family level, which are reflected in ideas, theories and practices that are compatible with the demands of the current education.
In 2030, master of education management program will become a master program with an international standard that has comparative, creative and innovative advantages based on Islamic values and supported by scientific advancement, research and technology
- To prepare professional education leaders with good moral,
- To improve the performance of the education system that is kaffah (complete and correct),
- To conduct Education Management Research to advance educational praxis,
- To build a network of improvements to Islamic multicultural education,
- To build and develop education information systems,
- To empower educational institutions and organizations.
1. To develop moral and professional competences of Human Resources in the field of education management that have the ability to:
- have noble and professional educational leadership,
- develop professional performance in the field of education management which is demonstrated by analysis accuracy and educational problem resolution through a comprehensive review and utilization of the best practices in education management.
2. To develop an education management based on values, culture, civilization and Islamic institutional system that is able to:
- develop and update the integration of religion, science, technology, and culture by mastering and understanding approaches, methods, scientific principles and application skills in implementing educational management,
- solve educational problems using educational expertise and management through research and development activities based on scientific principles.
Developed Competences and Skills
- The ability to work as an academician, researcher, professional
- The ability to analyze educational and learning management issues that are present in the world of education
- The ability to contribute in finding solutions and efforts to develop concepts, theories and methodologies for effective education management
- The ability to communicate scientifically on science and ideas of effective managerial activities as a result of the studies and research that students have done
- The ability to build networks to improve the quality of education
Graduate Prospects
Graduates of the Master of Education Management Program of UAD have prospects as teachers, principals, education practitioners, supervisors, lecturers and researchers
Main Competences:
Graduates of Master of Education Management Program of UAD: Be able to think holistically, comprehensively, and in Islamic manner; Have the ability to develop educational partnerships; Be able to formulate an education improvement strategy; Be able to conduct research in the field of education management; Have the ability to communicate; Have conceptual abilities; Have the ability to establish interpersonal relationships; Have the ability to organize and improve an organization; Have the ability to delegate authority; Be able to work in a team; Be broadminded; Be tolerant and respectful of diversity; Have the ability to think in systems; Have the ability to analyze organizational behavior and context; Have the ability to think critically, creatively and innovatively; Have the ability to evaluate educational policies and programs
Supporting Competences
The supporting competences of graduates of Master of Education Management Program of UAD are being researchers who: Have the ability to analyze educational policies based on diverse cultural management; Have research-based education policy analysis skills; Have the ability to develop Education Management based on local treasures; Have various technical mastery; Have the ability to write various forms of scientific articles
Lecturer Competences
The lecturers of the Master of Education Management Program have the competence of Professor and Doctor in accordance with their area of expertise, including competences in the philosophy of science and policy, comparative education, educational supervision, educational research, economic analysis of education, and organizational theory and behavior.
Student Activities
The students of Master of Education Management Program actively carry out various activities, both in research, community service, and actively participate in various seminars and discussion forums, both domestically and abroad, including in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines.
UAD Master of Education Management Program’s alumni spread across various regions of Indonesia, the Philippines and China.
Prof. Suyata, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Suharsimi Arikunto, Prof. Dr. Aliyah Rasyid Baswedan, Prof. Sarbiran, M.Ed., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Pujiati Suyata, Dr. Suyatno, M.Pd.I., Dr. Widodo, M.Si., Dr. Trikinasih handayani, M.Si., Dr. Sugito, M.Si., Sumarno, M.A., Ph.D., Dr. Muhammad Zuhaery, M.A., Dr. Achadi Budi Santosa, M.Pd., Dr. Edhy Susatya, M.Pd., Dr. Yoyo, M.A.
- Comfortable and representative lecture rooms,
- Library of the study program,
- student reading and discussion rooms
- Education Management Laboratories
- The education management laboratories consist of laboratories in the field and on campus, to conduct research and study various Education Best Practices. The education laboratory becomes a discussion forum for the research process and results.
More information about the Ahmad Dahlan University Education Management Masters Program through the website below.
Ahmad Dahlan University has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.