
The Daughter Becomes A Lecturer, Her Father Fulfill His Promise To Clean UAD’s Mosque

It was Joko Setiarjo, who promised to clean the mosque at Islamic Center University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) on condition that his daughter be a lecturer at the university. He said he assisted the mosque’s committee to clean the mosque and serve the people’s breaking their fasting there as he was interviewed by the reporter.

After introducing himself to the committee and campus, the secondary school teacher of SMP 1 Girisubo, Gunungkidul, hurriedly helped the committee for the first day. He did it for a week.

After his daughter was announced a lecturer, the 56 year teacher met his promise. ‘If not cleaning, anything I can do. This is an expression of my honor to Allah as my daughter was announced a lecturer,’ said Joko at Islamic Center Mosque.

Joko admitted that his promise was pronounced when his daughter was studying at university. His daughter Etika Diyah Puspita Sari becomes a lecturer at UAD.

‘I am proud and happy because my daughter becomes a lecturer at UAD.’

He hopes his daughter dedicate to UAD especially in serving the students and society through her researches.

‘UAD’s Mosque is one of Yogyakarta’s highlights located near Ring Road. I want to help clean this beautiful mosque. I hope this mosque enlighten all Indonesians especially the Jogjanese,’ he hopes

“Masjid UAD semacam marcusuarnya umat Islam di Yogyakarta. Apa lagi dekat jalan besar. Saya akan menjaga dan bersih-bersih serta membantu takmir untuk masjid yang cantik ini. Semoga masjid ini mencerahkan bagi Indonesia, khususnya di Yogyakarta,” harapnya.