The Opening Ceremony of The 14th Anniversary of FKM UAD
A series of programs is to carry out to celebrate the 14th anniversary of Faculty of Public Health University of Ahmad Dahlan (FKM UAD). Tabligh Akbar or great Islamic proselytizer marked the opening ceremony at UAD’s Islamic Center Complex on South Ringroad, Banguntapan, Bantul.
In the event the dean of the faculty, Rosydah, S.E., M.Kes. tuned a gong as an official mark of the anniversary. The great Islamic proselytizer was held last Thursday (5/5/2016) from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. presenting Okrisal Eka Putra, Lc. M.Ag a lecturer of UAD at Psychology Department. The event was attended by some 300 students of different departments at UAD.
The great Islamic proselytizer was also meant to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW on Rajab 27th of Islamic calendar. The day is called Isra’ Mi’raj which means Prophet’s journey from Mosque Al-Haram in Mecca to Mosque Al-Aqsha in Palestine and his journey to the highest outer space.
Okrisal told that Isra’ Mi’raj is an important event for in the event Prophet Muhammad SAW was assigned to tell to the people to practice five prayers Shalat which will be first credited. It is from Mi’raj the study of outer space began. (AKN)