UAD Held A Training of Web Management for Its Student Organizations


A training of web management for student organizations (Ormawa), Student Activity Unit (UKM), and for autonomous organization (Ortom) at University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) was held from Tuesday to Thursday (21-23/06/2016)

UAD through its Web and Social Media Bureau (WSM) Communication and Information System (Biskom) held the training from Web designing up to managing it.

The activity was done to introduce Website management so that every student body can manage their website and publish their activities in the website for public.

The event was done in two sessions each day the first session 08.00-11.30 and the second session 12.30-16.00. The first session covered university and faculty level materials and the second level covered study program level materials.

The training was conducted at Basic Data Laboratory, Campus III UAD, on Dr. Soepomo Street, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta. The presenters were Ali Tarmuji, Andi Herwanto, Head of WSM, and Wahyu. (AKN)