
UAD is Trusted to hold PKJ35 Coordination Meeting and Syawalan

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) is trusted to be the organizer of coordination meeting and Syawalan (an annual event to meet and forgive each other’s past mistakes) of Paguyuban Kemahasiswaan Jogjakarta (PKJ35) in 2018. The community is founded by private universities in Kopertis V region. The event took place in Islamic Center hall, located in campus 4 of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

The occasion was attended by the vice rector of student affairs. Vice Rector III of UAD, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., in his speech expressed his gratitude for the trust given to UAD as the organizer of the event.

"Through this second coordination meeting of PKJ35, we want universities to work together with one another, to complement each other in order to support the improvement of student potentials. PKJ35 can be used a means to improve the quality of universities in Kopertis V to compete nationally," he said in front of the participants on Friday (6/7/2018).

He also expected that the good coordination would increase the prestige of private universities to be able to compete with state universities. The goal is for private universities to be better known by the public.

"We should realize that every university has its own uniqueness and superiority. Students have the potential that can be developed to improve the university. Therefore, this occasion can be used as a forum to synergize and share insights about student affairs," he said. (ard)