
UAD KKN PPM Initiates Disaster Resilient Village

Student Study Service in Community Empowerment (KKN PPM) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), in collaboration with the Ministry of Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) initiated a disaster-resilient village in Potorono Village, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta.
The Chairperson of the KKN PPM Program, Muchammad Rifai, S.K.M., M.Sc., conveyed that the purpose of this activity was to improve the capacity of the community and village government in disaster management.
"In the KKN PPM, there are some activities done, including assessing disaster risk, preparing disaster management plan, strengthening of disaster risk reduction forum, designing early warning system, and designing evacuation plan. All disaster risk reduction activities are carried out on a community basis. The UAD team and students are the facilitators and companions," he explained.
At the peak event of the UAD KKN PPM, an earthquake disaster simulation was held. This simulation involved many stakeholders in disasters, namely BPBD of Bantul Regency, Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC DIY), the sub-district head and elements of Muspika in Banguntapan Sub-district, Puskesmas Banguntapan I, the village government, Pokja Bencana or Disaster Plan, and Potorono Village volunteer group.

In this simulation scenario, there was a 6.9 SR earthquake in the village of Potorono which caused dozens of people to suffer serious and minor injuries and hundreds of residents to flee. To cope with this disaster, the Chief of Potorono Village activated a disaster emergency response team consisting of six sectors, namely the post, evacuation, health, public kitchen, logistics and psychosocial. All sectors work together and coordinate to deal with victims and refugees.

Lecturer of the UAD KKN PPM Program, Oktomi Wijaya, S.K.M., M.Sc., said that the disaster management simulation was conducted to examine the disaster management documents and SOPs that had been prepared by the community.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector I of UAD, Dr. Muchlas, M.T., in his speech explained that Yogyakarta area was prone to disasters. Therefore, people were encouraged to always be vigilant.

"Indonesia is traversed by the ring of fire in the south, so it is prone to earthquakes. We, the leaders of UAD, greatly appreciate the initiation of this activity. This simulation is expected to provide disaster preparedness for the community," he said.

In the peak event of the 68 UAD KKN PPM program, the Initiation of Potorono Village Resilient Disaster was also declared. For the sustainability of the disaster-resilient village program, UAD PPM KKN team collaborates with the Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bantul District. (doc / ard)