
UAD Students of Physics Education Finished Their Study in Philippines

It was Lustianasari and Nizami Asnawi Thalib, who have finished their two year study at University of Nueva Caceres (UNC) Philippines as part their study at University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD).

            Both students, who are of 2012 class at last could finish their 220 credits there. Some of their achievements have been secured among others getting Special Service Award in scholar activities as facilitator for needy children in Sampauita Youth Organization at Sua, Camaligan, Camines Sur district.

In addition, Lustianasari was elected as Cabinet Member of UNC Student Government 2015-2016, while Nizami was appointed as Member of The UNC Professional Choir Group Organization Under College of Education 2015-2016.

The head of Department of Physics Education, Dian Artha Kusumaningtyas, M.Pd.Si. reported that this program is carried out on MoU between  UAD and UNC.

Alhamdulillah our students have finished the program as implementation of MoU between UAD and UNC to realize UAD mission,’ she added.

            Welcoming the graduates were Head of Department of Physics Education, Deputy Rector IV, Prof. Dr. Sarbiran, Ph.D., Dean of Faculty of Eduction and Teacher Training (FKIP) Dr. Tri Kinasih Handayani, M.Si., and Vice Dean of FKIP Dr. Suparman, M.Si., DEA., and Physics Education lecturers.

            All UAD academicians are proud of the achievement and hope that more programs be carried out in order to realize its mission i.e. becoming Muhammadiyah internationally recognized Higher Institution based on Islamic values.