
Wijayakusuma University of Surabaya Visits Law Faculty of UAD

Raising the theme of "Increasing the Spirit of Integrity and Insight in Establishing the Relationship among Student Organizations", the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Law of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) received a BEM visit from Wijayakusuma University of Surabaya at campus 2 B of UAD on Friday (11/16/2018).

On this occasion, the chairman of Law BEM of UAD, Ayu Purnaningsih, in her speech expressed her gratitude to the Faculty of Law (FH) BEM of Wijayakusuma University of Surabaya for sharing information with FH UAD.

In addition to the committee chairman, BEM FH Governor, Mohammad Rifki, was also present. He conveyed about UAD organization system and work program at BEM FH. "I hope that with this visit and sharing of information, it will help us progress. We also hope to meet on other occasions to share legal issues in Indonesia."

The Chairperson of BEM of Wijayakusuma University, Rajindra Bisma Laksana, said that there were similarities in the systems available at UAD and Wijayakusuma University of Surabaya. He also expressed his expectation that the BEM of FH UAD would visit Surabaya.

There were 20 Wijayakusuma University students who participated in this event. They came early to Jogja and went directly to UAD.