Entries by webmaster

36th Year Anniversary of Indonesian Language Education (PBSI) of UAD

  Green Hall Campus 2 of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) on Jln. Pramuka was full of students wearing brown shirts on Sunday (10/12/2017). Hundreds of students danced together in front of the Head, the Secretary, the lecturers and employees of Language and Indonesian Literature (PBSI) study program. The students gave a surprise flash mob for […]

Islam and the Spirit of Humanity

               Islamic Center of Ahmad Dahlan University (IC UAD) was filled with hundreds of students on Saturday (9/12/2017). The majority of those students came from the Psychology Study Program and they were there to attend a tabligh akbar entitled "Islam and the Spirit of Humanity". Organized by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty […]

A Workshop to Improve the Competence of UAD Most Outstanding Students (Mawapres)

            Student and Alumni Bureau (Bimawa) of UAD conducted a workshop for the candidates of the Most Outstanding Students. There were 27 students who participated in the event. Those students were chosen from various faculties in UAD.             The workshop was aimed at improving the competence of the students who participated in Mawapres event on […]

15 Finalists of UAD Most Outstanding Student Election 2017

  After going through the first round and a soft skill workshop, 15 participants were selected to go to the next round of UAD Most Oustanding Student Election 2017. The selection result was based on the administration selection process and presentation assessment by the jury. Here is the list of 15 finalists of the Most […]

Three UAD Teams Won at PKM PTM 2017

  Three teams from Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta successfully made an achievement in the event of Student Creativity Week of Muhammadiyah University (PKM-PTM) which was held at Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. Of the nine teams sent, three of them managed to get the the 1st and 3rd places, as well as the favorite winner. […]

36 Tahun PBSI UAD

  Green hall kampus 2 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Jalan Pramuka, dipenuhi mahasiswa berkaus cokelat pada Ahad (10/12/2017). Ratusan mahasiswa tersebut menari bersama di hadapan Kepala Program Studi (Kaprodi) Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (PBSI), Sekretaris Prodi (Sekprodi) dan jajaran dosen serta karyawan Prodi PBSI. Tarian Flashmob adalah kejutan dari mahasiswa untuk jajaran dosen dan […]

Islam dan Spirit Kemanusiaan

Islamic Center Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (IC UAD) dipenuhi ratusan mahasiswa pada Sabtu (9/12/2017). Mereka yang didominasi oleh mahasiswa Program Studi Psikologi tersebut tengah menghadiri tabligh akbar “Islam dan Spirit Kemanusiaan”. Diselenggarakan oleh Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) Fakultas Psikologi UAD, acara ini merupakan salah satu rangkaian acara Milad Fakultas Psikologi, Psychomonth 22. Psychomonth 22 mengangkat tema […]


  Perebutan juara ketiga Lomba Debat Hukum yang berlangsung di aula kampus 2 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Jalan Pramuka pada Jum’at (8/12/2017) berlangsung ketat. Lomba tersebut mengangkat mosi tentang Wajib Militer di Indonesia. Bagi tim kontra, Indonesia tidak membutuhkan wajib militer sebab militer bukan satu-satunya cara bagi warga negara untuk melakukan bela negara. Di sisi lain, […]

15 Finalis Pilmapres UAD 2017

Setelah melalui seleksi tahap pertama dan workshop pelatihan peningkatan keterampilan (soft skil), 15 mahasiswa terpilih sebagai finalis untuk mengikuti Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi (Pilmapres) tahap selanjutnya. Pemilihan Pilmapres Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) 2017 tersebut berdasarkan hasil rapat seleksi berkas dan penilaian presentasi oleh dewan juri. Berikut daftar 15 finalis Mawapres tingkat UAD (daftar diurutkan sesuai abjad, […]

Tiga Tim UAD Borong PKM PTM 2017

Tiga tim dari Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta berhasil menorehkan prestasi di ajang Pekan Kreativitas Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah (PKM-PTM) yang diselenggarakan di Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. Dari 9 tim yang dikirim, 3 di antaranya berhasil mendapat predikat juara 1 dan 3, serta juara favorit. Tim Automatic Monitoring System and Control of Hydroponic Agriculture (AUTOMOS) terdiri […]