Most Diligent Students’ Comments on UADβ€˜s Library Service


As the annual workshop on literacy held took place at Literacy Room Campus 3 last Saturday (09/24/2016) the library of University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) presented rewards the eight most visiting library students, who are keen to borrow the books from the library.

As getting the rewards, the eight students were asked to give suggestion for the library service. In front of UAD’s head of library Tedy Setiadi, M.T. and the staff, the reward holder Kuni a student of Indonesian Language Education Department said that the service was satisfying. He said, ‘The library service is good and the staff always help me find book for our individual as well as group assignment.’

In spite of that, the fifth semester student suggested that the library add its collection of new books. The same opinion was also given by another reward holder Rifki, who said that the service of the library was good with some notes for its book maintenance. ‘Many students after having read the books do not return them in place. This is not good. Why don’t they return them directly to the racks?’ Said Rifki.

Bu Tri or Mother Tri said that it is the librarians, who should return the books for they know the place in relation to the book system of numbering or book classification. Should the students return the books, they will return them improperly and they will get difficulty in finding them in future. ‘It is the task of librarians to return the books.’ said Tri one of the librarians at Campus II.

Now UAD’s library is directly under control of university. It was formerly under Research Publication (LP2I).


Mahasiswa yang Rajin Pinjam dan Berkunjung ke Perpustakaan Terima Reward

 “Setiap tahun kami memberi reward kepada mahasiswa yang rajin pinjam dan berkunjung ke perpustakaan.” Kata Drs. Tedy Setiadi, M.T kepala Perpustakaan Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) saat memberikan Reward kepada delapan mahasiswa, Sabtu (24/09/206) di Ruang Literasi Kampus 3 UAD.

Mahasiswa yang menerima reward dari Perpustakaan UAD tersebut diambil dari masing-masing kampus dua orang yaitu, kampus 1, 2, 3, dan 5.

Tedy memaparkan, bahwa pemberian reward tersebut sudah menjadi tradisi. Bagi Perpustakaan UAD memberikan penghargaan untuk mahasiswa yang rajin, salah satu kiat untuk mempromosikan perpustakaan kepada mahasiswa agar mahasiswa bisa memanfaatkan perpustakaan semaksimal mungkin. Selain itu, untuk mempromosikan, Perpustakaan UAD mengadakan lomba karya ilmiah bagi mahasiswa.

“Tentu saja untuk memacu masa, khususnya mahasiswa agar lebih berkembang dari sisi literasi informasi,” tambahnya.

Selain buku pelajaran, lanjut Dosen Teknik Informatika, ada jurnal online dan berbentuk buku. Majalah karya ilmiah baik yang ada di UAD maupun yang kerja sama dengan Perpustakaan Nasional dan Jogja Library.

Untuk memberikan pelayanan yang baik dan memuaskan pengunjung, pihak perpustakaan UAD selalu memberikan pelatihan kepada stafnya dan dikirim untuk kursus atau ikut seminar. “Bahkan ada juga yang sekolah lanjut untuk maksimal melayani mahasiswa.” Terang Tedy.


Apa Pendapat Penerima Reward tentang Pelayanan Perpustakaan UAD


Bersamaan dengan rapat kerja tahunan di ruang Literasi kampus 3, Sabtu (24/09/206), perpustakaan Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) memberikan reward kepada delapan mahasiswa yang rajin meminjam buku dan sering berkunjung ke perpustakaan.

Selain menerima reward, para mahasiswa yang mendapatkan reward diminta untuk memberi masukan tentang kurang lebihnya pelayanan perpustakaan UAD.

Disaksikan oleh para staff dan kepala perpustakaan UAD, Tedy Setiadi, M.T Kuni mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (PBSI) mengaku mendapat pelayanan yang bagus selama ini. “Perpustakaan UAD sudah bagus dan cukup membantu dalam mendapatkan referensi, baik untuk tugas individu maupun tugas kelompok.”

Meskipun demikian, mahasiswa semester 5 ini meminta tetap memperbanyak koleksi buku-buku yang ada dan buku-buku terbaru.

Senada dengan Kuni, salah satu penerima reward lainnya, Rifki mengatakan sudah sangat baik dan pelayanan sudah memuaskan. Meskipun begitu, masih ada hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan, salah satunya perawatan buku. “Banyak mahasiswa, setelah membaca buku tidak dikembalikan ke tempat. Hal ini tidak enak dipandang. Kenapa tidak langsung di masukkan ke rak dari pada tergeletak di meja.” Kata Rifki.

Bu Tri, mengatakan, etika dari perpustakaan, yang menata buku adalah dari pihak perpustakaan, karena itu ada hubungannya dengan penomoran agar urut. Biasanya, jika mahasiswa yang menaruhnya ada kemungkinan tidak urut dan itu bahkan merepotkan staf dan mahasiswa yang mau mencari buku. “Karena itu yang memindah buku adalah staff.” Terang Tri koordinator perpustakaan kampus 2.

Saat ini, perpustakaan UAD yang dulunya di bawah Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah (LP2I) sekarang langsung di bawah Universitas.


8 Post Graduate Students of UAD To Finish Their Thesis in The Philippines

Wednesday (09/23/2016), 8 post graduate students of English Education Department (PBI) University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) set off to finish their theses at University of Saint Anthony (USANT) in the Philippines.

 The head of the department Dr. R.A. Noer Doddy Irmawati, M.Hum said the participants have met the requirement to pass TOEFL test score of 500 with the minimum GPA of 3.7. ‘In future we will support the students to reach the GPA of 4.00 or the maximum.’ said Doddy in her speech.

The students will spend one semester to finish their researches from September to January. They will stay there at USANT. They are under supervision of USANT and UAD lecturers. The thesis examination is held at USANT with UAD and USANT examiners.

‘Seriousness is necessary in completing their theses within a short time. Set a deadline while writing them. Write at least one page a day accompanied by prayers.’ suggested Vice Rector IV, Prof. Dr. Sarbiran, Ph.D. in his speech. He added, ‘Your success is UAD’S and Interuniversity Office’s, and the state’s success.

The cooperation has so far run for four years since 2013. Alhamdulillah Pray be to God Allah, all graduates from this program got their work less than a month after graduation.’ Doddy explained.

The ceremony was held at the main hall of UAD campus I attended by Prof. Dr. Achmad Mursyidi, M.Sc. Apt. (Director of Post Graduate Program), Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. (Head of International Office) and all lecturers at Post Graduate Program. The set off ceremony was prepared by Suryono Hadi (Head of Administrative Office). The 8 students are Eny Dwi Marcela, Zahara Ramadani, Ade Irma, Hasrul Sani, Noviyanti Hakim, Irfan Nur Aji, Irfan Nur Aji, M SyahrulZaky R, and Ita Purnama.

            Ida Puspita, M.A. Res. said, ‘UAD is the first international partner for USANT so that USANT is seriously maintain the cooperation with UAD. Other cooperation activities include joint-seminar, visiting professor program, guest lecturer program, joint-workshop, joint-publication, etc. This Joint-Thesis Supervision program is annually done to improve students’ interest in the program, which is beneficial for them,’ Ida ended her speech.

UAD Build A Public Gas Station (SPBU) To Support Educational Cost.

‘This public gas station is built to support the cost for running the university, said the rector of University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) at the official opening ceremony of the station belonging to the university, on Monday (09/26/2016).

The station, which lies on Jalan Wates 13th  Kilometer, also is one of the realization of the ministry of research and higher education’s appeal, which says that higher educational institutions should not only depend on the students’ fee (SPP) in running the institutions. That is why the institutions are allowed to found business entities as a source of money income.

‘The students’ tuition fee should contribute 35% of the total budget of the educational institutions. The rest or 65% should be obtained from other sources. With that reason we run and own business entities.’ said Kasiyarno the rector of UAD.

Before the settlement of public gas station, UAD has got other business entities such as businesses in health measuring instrument and calibration, banking BPR Syariah, and hospital Holistika Medika.

‘Lest put more burden on the students, we develop business entities. There may be more stations to be built by UAD.’ Kasiyarno added. The university so far has held at hand the permit even for more business. Now we consider founding an installation for hospital waste treatment. All of them can reduce the burden of the students and society or the tuition fee.’ Kasiyarno emphasized.

 ‘In opening a business, UAD commits to run the business for the business sake but also for knowledge development.’ Said Vice Rector II of Asset Management Dr. Muhammad Safar, M.Sc.

‘Every business unit we found is related to knowledge. In short we develop economic sector with knowledge bases. Not only do the units function as source of university budget but also a place of real laboratory for the students.’ Said Safar.

The UAD gas station is run by P.T. Adi Multi Energi owned by the university. The cost of the construction was Rp. 11.77 billion provided by UAD. ‘Thing, which makes us proud, is the title ‘Pasti Prima’ which means having met the highest standard, above ‘Pasti Pas’ title. This title is firstly achieved in Yogyakarta and Central Java region.’ said Safar.

‘I hope the station will run well. All services to the customers are done honestly and satisfactorily. The consumers’ trust is the most important. With the presence of this unit, the students of UAD will get ease to access for their researches. Should the unit be beneficial for the students’ development.’ Kasiyarno expects.

The Handover of Top Position at Persada UAD

Thursday, (22/09/2016) was an impressive night for all members of Persada (Islamic cleric school of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan). About 200 students, male and female members and male and female cleric teachers, and the top leaders attended the handover ceremony of Persada executive leaders at Islamic Center on South Ring Road, Tamanan, Bantul.

The event was held due to the end of service of the mudir or director and vice director of Persada. Thonthowi, S.Ag, who was vice director of the board for 2016-2017 was appointed as the director taking the position of the former director Anhar Anshari, M.Si.

‘I have been a mudir for 2 years and there are some ideas have not been implemented. Now it is the job of Thontowi to realize them.’ Said Anhar in his speech.

Anhar added that there were three human potentials to be developed i.e. faith, logic, and morals, where the three should be implemented in man. When man possesses the three he will be a ‘perpetual candle’, which is worthwhile for himself and for others.

‘Members of Persada should become young vanguard of the world, they cannot be lazybones nor maudlin. Although they learn at campus during the day time and learn Islamic matters at night, they keep enthusiastic in following many activities. They should be worthwhile for Islam, nation, and for the state.’ Said Thontowi in his speech.

            From the podium, he repeatedly urged the members to recite Arabic proverbs or mahfudhat, which says ‘Ijtihad wa laa taksal wa laataku ghoofilann fanadaamatul ‘uqbaa limayyatakaasalu.’ Which means ‘Make every effort, don’t be lazy nor careless, for regret comes with lazybones.’ (As/AKN)

UAD Bangun SPBU untuk Mendukung Pembiyaan Pendidikan

“SPBU ini kami bangun. Salah satunya untuk mendukung pembiayaan pendidikan,” Kata Rektor UAD (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan) Yogjakarta, Dr. H Kasiyarno M.Hum, pada peresmian SPBU (stasiun pengisian bahan-bakar umum) milik kampus tersebut, Senin (26/9/2016).

SPBU yang terletak di Jalan Wates Km 13 tersebut juga mendukung peraturan Kemenristek-dikti (Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi) menyebutkan, perguruan tinggi tak boleh hanya mengandalkan SPP mahasiswa sebagai sumber pendanaan. Karena itu, perguruan tinggi diperbolehkan memiliki badan usaha sebagai sumber pendanaan pendidikan.

“SPP mahasiswa, hanya boleh menopang 35 persen dari total anggaran perguruan tinggi. Selebihnya, atau 65 persen, harus berasal selain dari SPP mahasiswa. Karena alasn itu kami mengelola atau bahkan memiliki unit usaha,” kata Kasiyarno lagi.

Sebalum memiliki SPBU, UAD sendiri sudah punya unit usaha lain. UAD sudah punya unit usaha jasa pengukuran dan kalibrasi alat pengukuran medis, jasa perbankan dalam bentuk BPR Syariah, dan Rumah Sakit Holistika Medika.

“Agar tidak melulu membebankan pada mahasiswa kami akan terus mengembangkan unit usaha. Kemungkinan masih akan ada SPBU lain yang akan dibangun oleh UAD.” terang Kasiyarno.

UAD sendiri telah mengantongi ijinnya. Pun, unit usaha lain. Yang saat ini sedang digagas, instalasi pengolahan limbah rumah sakit. “Semuanya itu untuk mengurangi beban masyarakat atau mahasiswa karena UAD tidak melulu bertumpu pada SPP mahasiswa,” tandas Kasiyarno.

“Dan dalam membuka badan usaha, UAD komitmen untuk tidak hanya berlandaskan bisnis semata, tapi juga pengetahuan,” kata Wakil Rektor II Bidang Pengelolaan Sumberdaya UAD, Drs. Muhammad Safar Nasir M.Si.

Setiap badan usaha yang didirikan dipastikan berhubungan dengan pengetahuan. “Intinya, kami berupaya membangun ekonomi berbasis pengetahuan. Tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai sumber pendapatan, tapi juga merupakan laboratorium nyata bagi para mahasiswa,” tutur Safar kemudian.

SPBU UAD pengelolaannya dilakukan PT Adi Multu Energi, badan usaha milik UAD. Total dana pembangunan sebesar Rp 11,77 miliar, seluruhnya berasal dari UAD. “Yang membanggakan, SPBU UAD ini menjadi SPBU pertama di DIY-Jawa Tengah yang berpredikat ‘Pasti Prima’ atau standar pelayanan tertinggi di atas ‘Pasti Pas’ sebagaimana dimiliki SPBU lain,” papar Safar.

“Saya berharap SPBU UAD ini akan berjalan dengan baik, semua layanan kepada konsumen dilakukan dengan jujur juga disiplin. Kepercayaan masyarakat adalah hal yang penting. Dengan adanya unit usaha ini, mahasiswa UAD juga akan lebih mudah untuk melakukan penelitian. Semoga bisa dimanfaatkan oleh mahasiswa untuk pengembangan diri.” harap Kasiyarno.

The Construction of New Airport at the Coast of Kulon Progo To Be Questioned

Dr. Hadi Suyono, S.Psi., M.Si.


Head of Clinic for Community Empowerment

Faculty of Psychology, University of Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta


The case of refusal from the local people living at coastal area in southern part of Kulonprogo on the building of a new international airport at the area is similar to the cases of building public facilities in other regions in Indonesia.

The cases suggest that there may be a big problem underlying the development. Though the public facilities are really beneficial for public, some local people neglect it.

The Distrust to The Authority

The reluctant situation of local community to handover their land for the development of public service seems to show that the people’s commitment for the development is weak. Moreover, the social feeling and solidarity seem fade away.

In addition to the above fact, there is a question if it is a common case. The answer is it is not always the case. It may be solidarity and social feeling in the community are still strong. It proves that in the case of natural disaster people help each other hand in hand.

But in the case of issues related to the policy set by the authority holders, some local people refuse them. The number such cases needs investigating deeply i.e. if there is a problem with the authority.


The Existence of Social Cognition

The cause of local community refusal on the plans of public facilities seems to root from the local community distrust to the authority. This case may be caused by the growing social cognition among the community such as the facilities do not directly meet their need and do not directly improve their welfare. The construction of such public facilities for them may harm the local wisdom and marginate them.

Furthermore, the facilities are advantageous for certain people having vested interest to enrich themselves. Proofs say that policy makers, legislators, politicians, and business tycoons earn much money from the existence of the facilities. This fact urges the anti-corruption board to take an action and many of them are imprisoned. 


The Case of the New International Airport Construction in Kulonprogo

Learning from the cases, the construction of new international airport in Kulonprogo faces the same problem i.e. the local people distrust to the authority. They believe that the construction cannot directly bring their prosperity.

On the contrary, they believe that the impact of the construction is that the people will lose their earnings as farmers. They depend on the land so that the construction will force them to hand over the only land for farming.

Culturally, like any other farmers, the farmers in the area depend on the land so that they consider the land as their life. So far the people have changed the arid land into fertile one. Now they successfully produce melons, watermelons, chilly, onions and other commodities.

Their settled life as farmers is worried as they know the plan of new international airport construction in the area. They are afraid of losing their job as farmers. They will lose their earnings. This is one of the reason why they refuse the plan.

Although there is an idea of involving those who lose the land in the development they do not believe it because it is not that easy to change their profession. They have been accustomed to being farmers and more independent. Suddenly they have to follow a system of routine work, which need much obedience. This is difficult for them.

This trait makes us understand why people in the area are against the the construction of the airport in Kulonprogo.


The New UAD Students Full of Achievement

New (University of Ahmad Dahlan) UAD students with various backgrounds have been officially admitted. Their ambitions to study at the university also vary. One of new students at Chemical Engineering department, Mar’atul Husna, said to the Public Relation of UAD that she is admitted with scholarship for the have not (bidik misi). She said she was grateful for being accepted in the desired department and for the scholarship. However, she said that it was not easy for her to get the government scholarship. She admitted that she had prepared for it since she entered senior high school (SHS) and after graduated from it.

‘I realize that my parents cannot afford it, but I must have my dream come true. This is my future. I prepared for the scholarship seriously since I was at first grade in SHS. Alhamdulillah, now I get it,” Husna said at P2K on Thursday (1/9/2016).

She had prepared for the scholarship for three years long in SHS. Not only did she focus on academic achievements but she also contributed many trophies of different achievement for her SHS ranging from Cerdas Cermat Competition up to the best in provincial Dance Competition.

 “Besides focusing on the study, I also searched for information actively to my senior and in the internet,” she said.

She said that she was not worried to study at UAD, which is private university. Nevertheless, she felt proud of the chance to study at UAD. The pride will be realized by learning seriously and giving the best for UAD.

 “For me It does not matter whether to study at private or state university, because what is the most important thing our capabilities. Wherever we are we can be successful when we are serious.” she ended. (H)

Estafet Kepemimpinan Persada UAD

Kamis, (22/09/2016) merupakan malam paling mengesankan bagi seluruh warga Persada (Pesantren Mahasiswa K.H. Ahmad Dahlan) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), sekitar 200 santri, mudabbir dan mudabbirah,  musyrif dan musyrifah, serta seluruh pimpinan Persada hadir dalam acara yang diadakan di Aula Islamic Center,  Jalan Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul.

Acara tersebut tidak lain adalah ‘Reposisi Tugas dan Tanggung jawab’ pimpinan tertinggi Persada, yakni mudir (direktur) dan wakil mudir. Keadaan tersebut dikarenakan habisnya masa jabatan dari kedua pimpinan tersebut.

Thontowi, S. Ag. yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai wakil mudir, pada tahun ajaran 2016-2017 ini diamanahi menjadi mudir, mengganti Anhar Anshari, M. Si.

“Sudah 2 tahun saya menjadi mudir, dan selama 2 tahun tersebut banyak sekali ide-ide yang belum terealisasi. Sekarang giliran Thontowi-lah yang akan melanjutkan tugas saya.” Kata Anhar Anshari dalam sambutannya.

Anhar menambahkan bahwa tiga potensi dasar manusia adalah iman, akal, dan akhlak, di mana ketiganya akan saling bersinergi dalam diri manusia. Jika ketiganya terpenuhi maka ia akan menjadi manusia seperti lilin yang tak akan kunjung padam yaitu manusia yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain.

”Santri persada harus menjadi pemuda pendobrak dunia, tidak boleh loyo dan tidak boleh cengeng. Meski siang belajar di kampus dan malam belajar di asrama, serta mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan lainnya, santri harus tetap semangat. Harus berguna bagi agama, bangsa, dan negara.” Kata, Thontowi dalam pidatonya.

Di atas mimbar, berkali-kali Thontowi mengajak seluruh santri persada untuk bersama-sama mengucapkan kalimat mutiara dalam bahasa Arab (mahfudzat), “Ijtihad wa laa taksal wa laataku ghoofilann fanadaamatul ‘uqbaa limayyatakaasalu.” Yang artinya, “Bersungguh-sungguhlah, jangan malas, dan jangan lengah! Karena penyesalan merupakan akibat bagi orang-prang yang malas.” (As/AKN)