Winning 14 Medals, Tapak Suci of UAD Manages to be the General Champion

Tapak Suci Contingent of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta managed to get the general champion title at the Airlangga Tapak Suci University Open International Championship which took place at Airlangga University on September 12-15, 2018.

This achievement was obtained after winning several branches of competitions with 6 gold, 4 silver, and 4 bronze medals. A total of 14 medals were obtained confirmed Tapak Suci of UAD as the general champion.

The gold medals were won by Herdiyana Asmoroningtyas (Indonesian Literature), M. Arfian Hariz (Hadith Interpretation), Dadang Dwi S (Civics Education), Lu'atul Nadlifah (Hadith Interpretation), Javid Novean Noorcha (Industrial Engineering), and Alfin Mubarroq and Irfan Syarhul R (Hadith Interpretation).

Meanwhile, the silver medals were won by Illyina Aulia A (Psychology), Tito Kurniawan (Legal Studies), Nur Ratnawati (Electrical Engineering) and Pratiwi (Civics Education), and Habib Baharudin (Information Systems).

Bronze medals were obtained by Zulfikar Faishal Akbari (Legal Studies), Dhia Asa Imtinan (Information Systems), Nizar Robbani (Information Systems), Hindryati Muhammat, Risma Dara, (Psychology), Nofal Bowo P (Indonesian Language and Literature Education) and Ahmad Rizki S, L.R.Z. Uday (Hadith Interpretation).

With this achievement, Tapak Suci of UAD has been the general champion for a number of times on national and international competitions. (ard)

23 Mahasiswa PGSD UAD Ikuti Transfer Kredit di Unismuh

Sebanyak 23 mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) semester lima Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta akan mengikuti transfer kredit ke Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar (Unismuh).

Transfer kredit merupakan sebuah mekanisme pengakuan beban kerja dan prestasi pada suatu lembaga pendidikan tinggi dengan lembaga pendidikan tinggi lainnya. Dalam program ini, komponen kualifikasi dapat disetarakan dengan kualifikasi lain dengan menyatukan kredit yang sebanding untuk pencapaian akademis dan prestasi individu.

Ke-23 mahasiswa tersebut akan berada di Makassar selama 40 hari untuk mempelajari mata kuliah penelitian pendidikan yang berjumlah dua SKS. Selama di Makassar, para mahasiswa juga akan tetap mengikuti perkuliahan di UAD dengan metode e-learning secara daring.

Selain itu, mereka akan bertukar pengalaman organisasi maupun pengalaman akademis selama di UAD dengan mahasiswa di Unismuh. Jadi, ada timbal balik dari saling memberikan ilmu pengetahuan.

Sebelum diberangkatkan, 23 mahasiswa ini mendapat pembekalan dan pelatihan. Mereka merupakan mahasiswa yang beruntung karena telah melalui tahap seleksi menjadi peserta hibah transfer kredit melalui Spada Indonesia bagi Prodi PGSD Tahun 2018. Program ini bekerja sama dengan Direktorat Jenderal Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan (Belmawa) dan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenristekdikti).

Mahasiswa tersebut antara lain Dadang Surya Prasetya, Nanda Nissa Fauziah, Sofia Rahmadaniah, Andrianto, Amar Faris, Ratri Aulia Safa Ardin, Vina Deni Putri, Fitria Alfinky, Yeyen Febrilia, Muhammad Ardi Saputra, Niswi Mukarromah, Olvi Mila Nastiti, Susilowati, Dewi Seruni, Erika Wulandari, Kartika Mustanazah, Nindi Elisie, Rifky Hanifah, Sri Octaviyani, Candra Tri Utami, Eka Susanti, Hana Selvi Dwi Cahyani, dan Hilza Aprilia Hutami.

Dr. Muchlas, M.T., Wakil Rektor I UAD, mengimbau kepada peserta transfer kredit dari PGSD UAD untuk menjaga nama almamater maupun pribadi. Hal ini disampaikan ketika ia memberi pembekalan di kampus 5 UAD, Jumat (21/9/2018).

Program ini akan memberikan pengalaman kepada para mahasiswa di dua universitas. Jadi, nanti kami berharap ada umpan balik yang dibawa ke UAD. Mereka yang mengikuti program ini harus bisa berbagi pengalaman dengan mahasiswa lainnya,” ujar Muchlas. (ard)

Diskusi Publik KBM UAD

Kementerian Kajian Strategis mengadakan kegiatan diskusi publik di auditorium kampus 3 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Kamis (20/09/2018). Tajuk yang diangkat “Rupiah Hari Ini dan Dampak Perekonomian Nasional”. Acara tersebut dihadiri dua pembicara, Nurul Satria Abd., S.H.,M.H. sebagai pembicara dalam perspektif hukum dan Mita Adhisti,S.E.,MAECI. sebagai pembicara dalam perspektif ekonomi. Diskusi diikuti seluruh Keluarga Besar Mahasiswa (KBM) UAD.

Dari diskusi ini menghasilkan beberapa poin yang menyangkut mahasiswa dan keberlangsungan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).

Poin pertama menekankan pada pentingnya peran mahasiswa dalam mencerdaskan masyarakat dalam menanggapi setiap isu yang muncul di republik ini. Terutama dalam menyikapi isu kenaikan dolar dan melemahnya rupiah.

Kedua, negara berperan dan bertindak sebagai penanggung jawab bangsa Indonesia. Ketiga, negara perlu mencontoh negara-negara maju dalam melahirkan ekonomi kerakyatan yang kokoh. Keempat, mahasiswa harus menjadi kaum intelektual yang tidak termakan isu di ranah politik akibat konflik kepentingan.

Kemudian yang kelima, dukungan terhadap langkah-langkah serta tindakan pemerintah harus didasarkan dari salah satu tujuan negara, yakni memajukan kesejahteraan umum. Dengan demikian, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menanggapi isu ekonomi kebangsaan dengan berdasar wawasan ilmu pengetahuan. (doc/ard)

The Role of Postgraduate Students in the Industrial Age of 4.0

The Graduate Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) held a studium generale for the new students of 2018. The theme of the event was "The Role of Postgraduate Students in Social Change in the Industrial Age of 4.0" with Diyah Puspitarini, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Chairperson of the Central Board of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah as the guest speaker.

Dr. Dwi Sulisworo as the Vice Director of UAD Postgraduate Program, in his speech said that students played an important role in the development and change of society in the industrial revolution era of 4.0.

"Students have a role as the flag bearers of truth to carry out education. It can be done not only by delivering lectures, but also by becoming intellectuals who have the responsibility to create a prosperous society," he explained in the auditorium of UAD campus 3 on Saturday (09/15/2018).

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector I of UAD, Dr. Muchlas, M.T. revealed that out of all the people included in the productive age in Indonesia, only about 30 percent of them could study. Therefore, this studium generale forum must be utilized as well as possible to support academic achievements in the industrial revolution era of 4.0.

On the other hand, Diyah shared her expectation for graduate students to be prepared to face the industrial revolution of 4.0, an era of disruption. She, who is a Postgraduate Alumnus of UAD, suggested the students master educational competence, competence in research, innovate technology, know about globalization, and think of future strategies.

"In the future, global change is accelerating which demands changes in all aspects of life. In the meantime, we must be good at self-positioning. We must be brave to face challenges. This era demands two possibilities, to change or to become extinct," she said in front of the new students. (ard)

UMKT Kesling Cooperates with UAD

A total of 20 D3 students of Environmental Health (Kesling) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur (UMKT) attended the Occupational Health and Safety (K3) training in Yogyakarta (4-5 / 9/2018). This activity is in collaboration with K3 Center of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta.

The Head of UMKT Kesling Study Program, Ratna Yuliawati S.K.M., M.Kes. Epid., shared her expectation for students to have superior competence, especially as sanitarian experts.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Rifai, S.K.M., M.Sc., the Chairperson of K3 Specialization of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) UAD, stated that the participants were provided with knowledge and skills in K3 field and obtained SKPI to be utilized after they graduate and used in the workforce. On that occasion, Rifai was present with DR. Ir. Widodo Hariyono., M.Kes., the Head of UAD K3 Center.

"These days, K3 skill has become a necessity both in the industrial or non-industrial, private or governmental fields. One of the reasons for the importance of implementing K3 is to protect workers in an effort to prevent work accidents, occupational diseases, fires, property losses, and so on. "

In addition to the training, there will be cooperation between UMKT Kesling with UAD K3 Center. This cooperation aims to improve students' understanding and quality related to K3. (doc / ard)

Raih 17 Medali, Tim Tapak Suci UAD Sabet Juara Umum

Tim Tapak Suci Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta keluar sebagai juara umum pada Kejuaraan Tapak Suci Internasional di Universitas Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya (12-16/9/2018). UAD ditetapkan sebagai juara umum setelah mengumpulkan 6 medali emas, 7 perak, dan 4 perunggu. Trofi juara umum diserahkan kepada Rektor UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. Kamis (20/9/2018).

Dadang Arif Dwi Saputro, ketua Tapak Suci UAD menjelaskan, pada kejuaraan ini UAD mengikutsertakan 22 atlet dan 4 pelatih. Medali emas diraih Herdiyana Asmoroningtyas (Sastra Indonesia), M. Arfian Hariz (Tafsir Hadits), Dadang Dwi S (PPKn), Lu’atul Nadlifah (Tafsir Hadits) , Javid Novean Noorcha (Teknik Industri), serta Alfin Mubarroq dan Irfan Syarhul R. (Tafsir Hadits).

Sementara medali perak diraih Illyina Aulia A. (Psikologi), Tito Kurniawan (Ilmu Hukum), Nur Ratnawati (Teknik Elektro), Pratiwi (PPKn), serta Habib Baharudin (Sistem Informasi). Medali perunggu dipersembahkan Zulfikar Faishal Akbari (Ilmu Hukum), Dhia Asa Imtinan (Sistem Informasi), Nizar Robbani (Sistem Informasi), Hindryati Muhammat, Risma Dara, (Psikologi), Nofal Bowo P (PBSI), serta Ahmad Rizki S. dan L.R.Z. Uday (Tafsir Hadits).

Untuk mengikuti kejuaraan ini, Tim Tapak Suci UAD melakukan persiapan selama kurang lebih tiga bulan. Latihan rutin dilakukan pagi, sore, dan malam hari. Kami hanya istirahat selama dua hari untuk pemulihan,” jelas Dadang Arif Dwi Saputra setelah menyerahkan trofi juara umum di kampus 1 UAD, Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta.

Tapak Suci UAD sudah sering berlangganan juara umum di tingkat regional maupun nasional. Tahun 2018 di Unair, kejuaraan diikuti 34 provinsi dan pimpinan daerah Tapak Suci, serta peserta dari Timor Leste, sehingga kejuaraan kali ini dikatagorikan internasional.

Atas raihan ini, Kasiyarno menyambut baik prestasi yang diraih mahasiswa, khususnya atlet Tapak Suci yang berhasil menjadi juara umum. Perjuangan, keuletan, dan pengorbanan diperlukan untuk dapat meraih 6 medali emas, 7 medali perak, dan 4 perunggu.

Kami melihat usaha Tim Tapak Suci UAD sungguh-sungguh, sehingga hasilnya bagus. Juara itu hanya di podium. Tahun lalu berhasil menjadi juara umum, kini menjadi juara umum lagi. Alhamdulillah Tim Tapak Suci UAD bisa membuat tradisi juara umum,” jelas Kasiyarno. (ard)

UMKM Pioneered by UAD KKN PPM was Inaugurated by the Vice Regent of Kulon Progo District

After a month of being founded, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (UMKM) which was pioneered by the team of Student Community Service (KKN) and Community Empowerment Learning (PPM) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta was inaugurated on Wednesday (05/09/2018).

The UMKM, named Salari, was inaugurated by the Vice Regent of Kulon Progo, Drs. Sutedjo, in Sendangsari Village, Pengasih Sub-district, Kulon Progo.

The establishment of Salari as one of the program initiated by PPM KKN was funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), with the title of "Management of Cooking Oil Waste into Soap".

Sutedjo expressed his hope that the UMKM can manage the business of soap making from cooking oil waste and improve the economy of Sendangsari community.

"We really appreciate and support the existence of the UMKM because it can be one of the solutions in improving the economy of the community. In addition, it can also overcome waste management problems," he explained.

Before it was inaugurated, UMKM of Salari had conducted several activities accompanied by UAD KKN PPM team, which is pioneered by Iis Suwartini, M.Pd., Vera Yuli Erviana, M.Pd., and Ahmad Ahid Mudayana, S.K.M., M.P.H. The activities included cooking oil purification training, soap making training, and product marketing activities. (doc / ard)

UAD Bponik Wins 1st Place in Complementary Competition of the 31st Pimnas

Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) students of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) won another achievement in the 31st National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) at Yogyakarta State University (UNY). Participants in this competition are students from universities that are members of 31st PIMNAS of 2018.

The theme raised in the 31st PIMNAS complementary competition is "Diversity as a Shield for Radicalism". In this event, the team of Bluetooth for Hydroponic Monitoring and Control (BPONIK) won 1st place in the complementary entrepreneurship booth of the 31st PIMNAS.

Bponik's entrepreneurship booth team consists of Vernandi Yusuf Muhammad (Electrical Engineering), Mar’atul Husna (Chemical Engineering), Yenny Rahmawati (Electrical Engineering), Ponco Sukaswanto (Electrical Engineering), with Anton Yudhana, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. as the supervisor.

Vernandi, the team leader explained that the purpose of Bponik was to facilitate hydroponic and aquaponic farmers. "We created this product to help hydroponic and aquaponic farmers

overcome their problems in monitoring and controlling water quality. They can buy a similar tool from abroad. However, they must import it at a very expensive prices," he said.

Besides being used by hydroponic and aquaponic farmers, Bponik can also be used in fish or shrimp cultivation. "This tool works by using sensors. Simply put it in the water and the tool will work on its own," Vernandi added.

Prof. Ainun Na'im as the Secretary General of Kemristekdikti congratulated the winners for the achievements that they made. He also advised that the works and ideas that had been made by all winners would hopefully not stop after participating in PIMNAS. This message was delivered during the closing ceremony of the 31st PIMNAS at GOR UNY on Saturday night (01/09/2018).

ICW Telkomnika UAD 2018 Diikuti Peserta Internasional

Konferensi dan Workshop Telkomnika Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) 2018 diikuti 220 peserta dari 19 negara. Acara yang digelar di Hotel Royal Ambarrukmo (18-20/9/2018) ini menghadirkan empat pembicara utama, yakni Dr. Ing Ilham Akbar Habibie, Prof. Dr. Daniel Thalmann, Prof. Dr. Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, dan Prof. Dr. Er meng Joo.

Dr. Tole Sutikno, Ph.D. Kepala Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah (LPPI) UAD menjelaskan, hanya paper berkualitas yang dibahas di The 1st ICW Telkomnika 2018.

Agenda ini tidak sekadar konferensi, tetapi juga ada workshop. Ada sejumlah pakar yang diundang untuk menjadi mentor serta eksibisi oleh mahasiswa dengan karya-karyanya di bidang teknologi,” tambahnya.

Ke-19 negara yang mengikuti di antaranya Algeria, Australia, Mesir, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Italia, Jepang, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Inggris, Amerika, dan Vietnam.

Tujuan lain diselenggarakannya kegiatan ini untuk menjalin kerja sama antarpeserta dari kalangan profesional, akademisi, peneliti, dan pebisnis, sehingga bisa menggelar konferensi maupun workshop berikutnya. Konferensi ini sekaligus untuk mendekatkan peneliti dengan para pakar dari berbagai negara.

Sementra Prof. Sarbiran Ph.D., Wakil Rektor IV yang membuka konferensi menyampaikan, konferensi ini diharapkan menghasilkan wawasan dan kerja sama yang bagus untuk kemajuan UAD. “Kami berharap hasil konferensi ini memberikan sumbangan kemajuan bagi semua lini, jadi tidak hanya untuk kemajuan UAD saja.”

Senada dengan Sarbiran, Ilham Akbar Habibie mengungkapkan empat hal penting yang diperhatikan negara maupun dunia untuk mencapai potensi maksimal untuk masa depan. Di antaranya berinvestasi ke human capital, berinvestasi ke IPTEK serta Science Technology, membina dan mendukung inovasi serta kewirausahaan, terakhir meminimalkan kemiskinan.

Inovasi memegang peran penting dalam perubahan dunia. Jadi ada tiga pilar inovasi yang harus dipahami. Pertama teknologi, kedua talenta, dan yang ketiga toleransi,” tandasnya. (ard)

The 3rd FKIP POM is Officially Opened

Student Sports Week (POM) of the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training (FKIP) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) 2018 was officially opened on Tuesday (11/09/2018). The opening of the 3rd POM was marked by the ignition of torch by Danang Sukantar, M.Pd., the Head of Student Affairs and Alumni, the Bureau of Student and Alumni Affairs (Bimawa) of UAD.

In addition, there was also a return of the perpetual trophy by the Primary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD) who was the champion of the 2nd POM in 2017. The contests held in the event were futsal, basketball, badminton and volleyball.

The purpose of organizing POM is to strengthen the relationship among FKIP members and most importantly to develop the interest of the students in non-academic field. Almost all study programs at FKIP sent their contingents to take part in each competition.

On this occasion, Danang Sukantar in his speech revealed that students had to have physical and psychological health. He explained that many graduates did not pass job selection because they were unhealthy which amounted to 25 percent, 60 percent was because of soft skills, the rest was because of administration issue.

"Physical and psychological health are important. Students must be active both in scientific and non-scientific fields. Continuous practice and maintained condition may lead to achievements," he explained.

He shared his hopes that more UAD students would excel. "There are many national events that can be followed by UAD students. Therefore, the student soft skills must be developed," he said.