Empowering the Elderly through Taro-Based Products

Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), especially Sleman Regency, is a real example of the region that has a major contribution to the increase of the elderly population. The average life expectancy (UHH) in this region reaches 75.1 years, the highest in Indonesia. Meanwhile UHH in DIY Province is 73.2 years.

The increasing of UHH in Indonesia is a reflection of the increasing health of its citizens. However, if not managed properly, it will cause various social problems that will hinder its development.

In society, the elderly is always associated with someone who needs assistance and a burden to the family and the people around. One effort to overcome the problem of the high number of elderly is by empowering them.

Based on the problem, three lecturers of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) initiated a thematic workshop entitled "The Training of Elderly Families Economic Empowerment". Those lecturers were Ratu Matahari, S.K.M., M.A., M.Kes., a lecturer of Faculty of Public Health (FKM), Fitriana Putri Utami, S.K.M., M.Kes.. a lecturer of FKM, and Azis Ikhsanudin, S.Si., M.Sc. from the Faculty of Psychology.

The elderly economic empowerment event was held on Friday (1/6/2018) at the food business lecture hall in Unit B of campus 2 UAD. About 27 students from Faculty of Psychology, Economics and Business, Engineering, and Pharmacy also contributed to this activity.

The training covered the practice of making steamed taro brownies, taro cookies, taro semprong (crispy roll snack), taro chips, uwuh (traditional herbal drink) syrup, and instant uwuh drink. The selection of taro and family medicinal plants as the main ingredients aimed to improve the utilization of abundant local food sources in the area of ​​Sendangsari village, Sleman. The goal is to improve the economy of the elderly.

The event is a series of Community Service (PPM) of Student Study Service (KKN) funded by Kemenristekdikti 2018.

The empowerment of the elderly will be implemented in three villages, namely Parakan Wetan, Parakan Kulon, and Plembon, Sendangsari, Sleman regency. The next events of KKN PPM include product marketing training, family medicinal planting (toga), and elderly gymnastic training. (doc)

UAD PTS Terbaik Indonesia 2018


Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) menjadi perguruan tinggi swasta (PTS) terbaik Indonesia 2018 dari pemeringkatan Science and Technology Index (Sinta) Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenristekdikti). Sinta merupakan sistem berbasis web yang dimiliki Kemenristekdikti untuk meranking perguruan tinggi dan nonperguruan tinggi, memetakan kepakaran dosen/peneliti, dan meranking kinerja jurnal nasional serta internasional yang ada di Indonesia.

Pada pemeringkatan Kemenristekdikti, UAD memperoleh skor 11,306 dan melampaui beberapa perguruan tinggi negeri (PTN) besar di Indonesia. Secara nasional, UAD di peringkat 10 pada pemeringkatan seluruh PTN dan PTS, serta peringkat 11 jika ditambah nonperguruan tinggi.

Menanggapi hal ini, Rektor UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. mengapresiasi dosen serta pengelola jurnal dan publikasi ilmiah UAD yang telah bekerja keras selama dua tahun belakangan.

“Prestasi ini merupakan kerja keras dan komitmen untuk memajukan UAD. Kami akan terus mendorong peningkatan kualitas UAD dan perguruan tinggi Indonesia agar masuk ke ranking dunia. Kami juga berharap semakin banyak dosen UAD yang memperoleh dana hibah penelitian dan publikasi ilmiah,” tandasnya.

Sementara Kepala Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah (LPPI) UAD, Dr. Tole Sutikno, S.T.,M.T.,Ph.D.,MIET. mengungkapkan, pencapaian ini merupakan yang terbaik sepanjang sejarah.

“Kebijakan UAD berdampak luar biasa bagi publikasi ilmiah dan penelitian dosen. Pencapaian ini tentu juga berdampak secara nasional.”

Dari keterangan Tole Sutikno, saat ini publikasi ilmiah dan penelitian dosen Indonesia sudah dapat bersaing dengan negara-negara ASEAN. Sementara tahun lalu masih tertinggal sangat jauh.

Perlu diketahui, UAD masuk 10 besar perguruan tinggi berdasarkan jumlah sitasi menurut Google Scholar. Sedangkan pada 50 besar dosen/peneliti terbaik di Indonesia, UAD mencatatkan satu nama dosennya pada urutan ke-26, yakni Tole Sutikno. UAD juga mencatatkan Telkomnika Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control sebagai jurnal terbaik Indonesia 2018 di antara seluruh jurnal yang dikelola PTN/PTS. (ard)

UAD Scholarships for Al-Qur’an Hafiz

As an Islamic university, in Ramadan of 1439 H, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) organized the annual Ramadan event, entitled Ramadan di Kampus (RDK) or Ramadan at Campus. One of the events that drew a lot of attention from civitas academica and and the general public was Haflah Nuzulul Quran which took place on Saturday (2/6/2018).

On this occasion, there are seven qari and qariah (a person who recites the Quran with the proper rules of recitation or tajwid) of national and international level that present Qur'an verses recitation at the Mosque of UAD Islamic Center on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. On the same day, from morning till noon, there was a Qur’an reading of 30 juz by 20 student hafiz and hafizah.

Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., UAD Rector in his speech said, the hafiz would get special attention from UAD, including full scholarships to complete their undergraduate studies.

"Lately, a lot of hafiz and hafizah start to appear. At UAD, we will provide scholarships for Qur'an hafiz and hafizah of at least 10 juz. Last year, there were about 15 people who got scholarships. Hopefully, the number will increase this year. The awarding of the scholarship is a form of the attention given by UAD to the students," he said.

In line with Kasiyarno, the Chairman of Mosque Takmir of IC UAD, H. Nurkholis M.Ag., said that 20 hafiz and hafizah got scholarships from Margaria Group.

"The scholarship is a form of appreciation. We expect the number of hafiz and hafizah at UAD will increase. "

Meanwhile, the qari who recited the Qur’an verses included Ustaz Dr. H. M. Nur, M. Ag. (National qari), Ustaz H. Hervan Said, S. Ag. (International qari), Ustazah Dra. Hj. Rita Maesaroh (National qariah), Ustaz Ahmad Nabil Mubarak (First place winner of National Student MTQ in 2017), Ustazah Hj. Siti Muthmainah (National qariah), Anas Bijaksana (Little qari, First place winner of MTQ DIY), and Yusuf Ramadhan, Indonesian representative for ASEAN MTQ. (ard)

UAD Signs MoU with a University in Russia


Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with People Friendship University of Russia (RUDN). RUDN is one of the 10 best Russian universities located in Moscow. The signing was done by the Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., accompanied by the Head of UAD International Program, Dr. Dwi Santoso, Ph.D., and several staff of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Russia.

The cooperation includes a variety of academic activities such as student exchanges, joint research, joint seminars, visiting professors, and joint publication. The targeted study programs also vary, from Pharmacy, Engineering, Public Health, Medical Education, to Social Studies.

"However, for a start, the cooperation will be focused on Pharmacy, Public Health, and Medical Education study programs. Those are the excellent study programs of RUDN," said Dwi Santoso on Sunday (27/05/2018).

On the occasion, the Director of the Medical Institute of RUDN, Prof. Aleksei Abramov, the Vice Rector for Foreign Cooperation, and several professors from the Medical Institute spoke and inquired directly through a video call with the Dean of UAD Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Dyah Aryani Perwitasari, M.Si., Ph.D., Apt., about the academic excellence of the faculty.

The topics they discussed included accredited scientific publications, both nationally and internationally, the types of research that had been undertaken, the number of students, partner universities, the lecturers, and other excellence of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

As a follow up to the MoU, in the near future RUDN delegates will be invited to UAD to provide guest lectures at several faculties and to discuss further and more details on the cooperation to be undertaken. This cooperation is also strongly supported by the Indonesian Embassy for Russia.

On the previous occasion, Indonesian Ambassador for Russia, M. Wahid Supriyadi, said that Russia was an advanced country in various fields, especially modern technology. Therefore, he strongly encouraged universities in Indonesia to cooperate with universities in Russia.

The embassy will provide full support related to academic activities to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. In addition to the MoU, UAD delegates also had the opportunity to attend an international conference hosted by QS Worldwide located at RUDN in Moscow, Russia.

On this occasion, UAD delegates met with more than 300 delegates from all over the world in order to improve the quality of education and the university rank, so that it could compete on the international level. With UAD being recognized internationally, it is expected that there is an increase in the number of foreign students studying at UAD. (doc / ard)

Pemberdayaan Lansia melalui Produk Berbahan Talas

Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), khususnya Kabupaten Sleman, merupakan contoh riil daerah yang memiliki kontribusi besar terhadap peningkatan populasi lansia. Rata-rata umur harapan hidup (UHH) di kabupaten ini mencapai 75,1 tahun, sekaligus tertinggi di Indonesia. Sementara UHH di tingkat Provinsi DIY 73,2 tahun.

Meningkatnya UHH di Indonesia adalah cerminan dari meningkatnya derajat kesehatan warganya. Namun, jika tidak dikelola dengan baik akan menimbulkan berbagai masalah sosial yang akan menghambat laju pembangunan.

Dalam masyarakat, lansia selalu identik sebagai seseorang yang tidak berdaya dan menjadi beban bagi keluarga dan orang lain. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi masalah tingginya jumlah lansia adalah dengan pemberdayaan.

Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, tiga dosen Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) menginisiasi kegiatan pembekalan tematik “Pelatihan Pemberdayaan Perekonomian Keluarga Lansia”. Dosen tersebut di antaranya Ratu Matahari, S.K.M.,M.A.,M.Kes. dosen Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (FKM), Fitriana Putri Utami, S.K.M.,M.Kes. dosen FKM, dan Azis Ikhsanudin, S.Si.,M.Sc. dari Fakultas Farmasi.

Kegiatan pemberdayaan ekonomi lansia dilaksanakan Jumat (1/6/2018) di ruang kuliah bisnis makanan, kampus 2 UAD Unit B. Sekitar 27 mahasiswa dari Fakultas Psikologi, Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Fakultas Teknik, serta Fakultas Farmasi turut berkontribusi pada kegiatan ini.

Pembekalan diisi dengan praktik membuat brownies talas kukus, cookies talas, semprong talas, keripik talas, sirup uwuh, dan minuman uwuh instan. Pemilihan bahan dasar talas dan tanaman obat keluarga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan sumber bahan pangan lokal yang melimpah di wilayah Desa Sendangsari, Sleman. Tujuannya tak lain untuk meningkatkan perekonomian keluarga lansia.

Kegiatan tersebut merupakan rangkaian Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (PPM) yang didanai oleh Kemenristekdikti tahun 2018.

Pemberdayaan lansia akan dilaksanakan di tiga dukuh, yaitu Dukuh Parakan Wetan, Parakan Kulon, dan Plembon Desa Sendangsari Kabupaten Sleman. Rangkaian kegiatan KKN PPM selanjutnya adalah pelatihan pemasaran produk, penanaman tanaman obat keluarga (toga), serta pelatihan senam sehat lansia. (doc)

UAD Hosts PWM DIY Ramadan Al-Qur’an Study of 1439 H

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) was trusted to be the host of Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PWM) DIY Ramadan Al-Qur’an Study of 1439 H on June 1-3, 2018. The study, entitled "Da’wah for Developing Islam" was held in the west hall of UAD campus 4 building on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

According to Arum Priadi, M. Pd., BI., the chairman of the committee, the selection of the theme was because Muhammadiyah just entered the second century being strongly committed to the enlightenment movement as a continuation of the renewal movement that was carried out in the first century.

"The Enlightenment Movement is the actualization of da’wah and tajdid mission that is transformative, which is dynamic change strategy that emphasizes the process of liberating, empowering, and advancing people's life," explained Arum.

The enlightenment is realized in all fields, including business fields of Muhammadiyah. It does not stop as a mere thought, so it is realized in a movement that enlightens the lives of the people, nation, and universal humanity. In the development of da'wah, the enlightenment movement is actualized through a community-based enlightenment da’wah model aimed for heterogeneous social groups and the rapid growth of Indonesian society today.

The study was attended by all elements of leadership from the provincial level (provinces), regional level (districts/ cities), branch level (sub-district), to the sub-section level (urban village).

Meanwhile, UAD Rector, Kasiyarno, M.Hum., in his speech expressed his gratitude since UAD was given the trust to organize the annual Ramadan event of PWM. Related to the theme of the study, Kasiyarno highlighted that Muhammadiyah should utilize technology for da’wah, especially in the community.

"The community is already varied. Muhammadiyah must be able to keep in touch with those communities. There should be technology utilization. The challenge that Muhammadiyah currently faces is the virtual community," he said.

On the other hand, Drs. Gita Dhanu Pranata, M.M. the Chairman of PWM DIY conveyed that the presenters of the study for this year were da'wah performers. "The current trend is da'wah through information technology. Muhammadiyah must formulate strategies and methods to adjust with the current condition," he said. (ard)

UAD Holds a Fast-Breaking Event with 1,000 Duafa and Orphans

Every year in the month of Ramadan, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta holds a fast-breaking event with duafa (the poor) and orphans. There were a total of 1,000 people invited to the event in 2018. Each year, the number of participants increases.

UAD Rector, Kasiyarno, M. Hum., said, "Each year, we will continue to increase the number of those invited to the event. The bigger UAD is, the more will be invited," he explained while giving a speech before the duafa and orphans in the west hall of campus 4 UAD on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, on Tuesday (29/05/2018).

In addition to the fast-breaking event, there were also other events, including pengajian (communal Al-Qur’an Reading) with Ustaz Saijan, S. Ag, M. Pd., and distribution of donation to the duafa and orphans.

On the occasion, Kasiyarno also delivered about the scholarship at UAD. Each year, UAD provides scholarships to qualified and competent student candidates. "We give scholarships to those who deserve it. Including prospective students from orphanages," he explained.

UAD also provides scholarships for Hafiz (those who memorize Al-Qur’an). Kasiyarno expressed his expectation that duafa and orphans kept studying at school diligently and tried to memorize Al-Qur’an, in order to get a scholarship to study at UAD.

"UAD is not only an educational institution, but a da'wah institution. We open opportunities for anyone who wants to study at UAD. Hopefully, this activity will help UAD to keep improving itself and keep our faith to Allah SWT. "

Wheelchair Controlling Gloves

They are Ahmad Yogaswara (Electrical Engineering), Iqbal Cahya Kurniawan (Electrical Engineering), and Ferosa Ardina Wardani (Faculty of Public Health) who participate in Student Creativity Program Team of Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) and get the fund from Dikti. These three students make gloves that can control wheelchair. The device is named Si Sistem Sarung Tangan Pintar sebagai Pengendali Kursi Roda (Si Sarpin).

Ahmad Yogaswara as the chairman explained that his team wanted to create technology that could facilitate people with disability to perform daily activities.

"Many disabled people have difficulties in accessing public facilities. Lack of access to transportation, building, education, and employment services are some of the examples that hinder their lives. "

Based on the population census data in 2010, they found that there were 10.6 million people with disabilities. Meanwhile, according to the National Socioeconomic Survey of the Central Bureau of Statistics (Susenas BPS) in 2012, there were a total of 6,008,661 people with disabilities.

Based on BPS data in August 2016, the total number of people included in the Working Age category in Indonesia was 189,096,722 million. Among those people, there were a total of 22,563,392 people who had disabilities, consisting of 10,333,806 men and 12,229,586 women.

Improving the quality of public facilities and government breakthroughs for unemployed disabled people are the efforts made by the government, indicating that they take this issue seriously, in order to prosper people with disabilities. As a result, people with disabilities are able to perform daily activities well.

Ferosa explained that in this technological era, it was important for the younger generation to pay more attention to people with disabilities.

"Nowadays, there are still many of us who forget about people with disabilities, whether about their health, work, or public facilities available for them."

In addition, Ferosa also explained that the modern era should be utilized to create new breakthroughs to improve the welfare of people with disabilities.

"The job of the youth is to create something new to facilitate their daily activities. A tool that people with disabilities often use is wheelchairs with manual control. The technology is more advanced now that some even use a joystick. Surely this innovation greatly facilitates those with disabilities. "

The presence of Si Sarpin is new because it is more efficient and the energy released is not too big. (doc).

Beasiswa UAD untuk Hafiz Alquran

Sebagai perguruan tinggi Islam, pada peringatan Ramadan 1439 H, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) menyelenggarakan agenda rutin tahunan Ramadan di Kampus (RDK). Salah satu acara yang menyita banyak perhatian dari civitas academica maupun masyarakat adalah Haflah Nuzulul Quran yang berlangsung Sabtu (2/6/2018).

Pada kesempatan ini ada tujuh qari dan qariah bertaraf nasional serta internasional yang  hadir melantunkan ayat-ayat Alquran di Masjid Islamic Center UAD, Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Pada hari yang sama, dari pagi sampai sore ada pembacaan Alquran khatam 30 juz oleh 20 mahasiswa hafiz maupun hafizah.

Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. Rektor UAD dalam sambutannya menyampaikan, para hafiz akan mendapat perhatian khusus dari UAD. Di antaranya pemberian beasiswa penuh menyelesaikan studi sarjana.

“Akhir-akhir ini banyak muncul hafiz maupun hafizah. Di UAD, kami akan memberikan beasiswa bagi penghafal Alquran minimal 10 juz. Tahun lalu ada sekitar 15 orang yang kami beri, semoga tahun ini akan semakin bertambah. Pemberian beasiswa ini merupakan bentuk atensi UAD,” ujarnya.

Senada dengan Kasiyarno, Ketua Takmir Masjid IC UAD,  H. Nurkholis M.Ag. menyampaikan, 20 mahasiswa hafiz dan hafizah mendapat beasiswa pendidikan dari Margaria Grup.

“Beasiswa merupakan bentuk apresiasi. Kami berharap akan semakin banyak hafiz maupun hafizah di UAD.”

Sementara para qari yang melantunkan ayat-ayat Alquran di antaranya Ustaz Dr. H. M. Nur. M. Ag. (qari Nasional), Ustaz H. Hervan Said. S. Ag. (qari Internasional), Ustazah Dra. Hj. Rita Maesaroh (qariah Nasional), Ustaz Ahmad Nabil Mubarak (juara 1 MTQ Nasional Mahasiswa Tahun 2017), Ustazah Hj. Siti Muthmainah (qariah Nasional), Anas Bijaksana (qari cilik juara 1 MTQ DIY), dan Yusuf Ramadhan wakil kontingen Indonesia untuk MTQ tingkat ASEAN. (ard)


UAD Teken MoU dengan Universitas di Rusia


Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) baru-baru ini menandatangani nota kesepahaman (MoU) dengan People Friendship University Rusia (RUDN). RUDN merupakan salah satu dari 10 universitas terbaik Rusia yang berlokasi di Moskow. Penandatanganan dilakukan Rektor UAD Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., didampingi Kepala Program Internasional UAD Dr. Dwi Santoso, Ph.D., dan beberapa staf Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) Rusia.

Kerja sama  meliputi berbagai macam kegiatan akademik seperti pertukaran mahasiswa, join research, join seminar, visiting professor, dan join publication. Program studi yang dibidik pun  bervariasi seperti Farmasi, Teknik, Kesehatan Masyarakat, Kedokteran, serta jurusan Sosial Humaniora.

“Namun demikian, untuk realisasi kerja sama awal akan difokuskan pada Program Studi Farmasi, Kesehatan Masyarakat, dan Kedokteran. Program studi tersebut merupakan unggulan yang dimiliki RUDN,” ujar Dwi Santoso, Minggu (27/5/2018).

Pada kesempatan tersebut, Director of the Medical Institute RUDN, Prof. Aleksei Abramov, Wakil Rektor bagian Kerja Sama Luar Negeri, serta beberapa profesor dari Medical Institute sempat berbicara dan bertanya langsung melalui video call dengan Dekan Farmasi UAD, Dr. Dyah Aryani Perwitasari, M.Si.,Ph.D.,Apt. mengenai keunggulan akademik Fakultas Farmasi UAD.

Di antaranya yang didiskusikan seperti publikasi ilmiah yang terakreditasi, baik nasional maupun internasional, jenis-jenis penelitian yang telah dilakukan, jumlah mahasiswa, universitas rekanan, staf pengajar, dan beberapa keunggulan Fakultas Farmasi yang lainnya.

Sebagai tindak lanjut MoU, dalam waktu dekat delegasi RUDN akan diundang ke UAD untuk memberikan kuliah tamu di beberapa fakultas dan berdiskusi lebih lanjut dan detail mengenai kerja sama yang akan dilakukan. Kerja sama ini juga sangat didukung oleh KBRI untuk Rusia.

Pada kesempatan sebelumnya, Duta Besar RI untuk Rusia, M. Wahid Supriyadi mengatakan, Rusia merupakan negara yang maju di berbagai bidang, khususnya teknologi modern. Dari hal tersebut, dubes sangat mendorong universitas-universitas di Indonesia untuk melakukan kerja sama dengan universitas-universitas di Rusia.

Pihak kedutaan akan memberikan dukungan penuh terkait kegiatan akademik untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Indonesia. Di samping MoU, delegasi UAD juga berkesempatan memenuhi undangan menghadiri konferensi internasional yang diselenggarakan oleh QS Worldwide yang berlokasi di RUDN Moskow, Rusia. 

Pada kesempatan ini, delegasi UAD bertemu dengan lebih dari 300 delegasi dari seluruh dunia dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan rangking universitas sehingga bisa bersaing di kancah internasional. Dengan dikenalnya UAD di kancah internasional diharapkan dapat menambah jumlah mahasiswa asing yang belajar di UAD. (doc/ard)