Robotic Development Community (RDC) of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) managed win 2 trophies in Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) 2018 regional 3. Al-Jazari team managed to become the 3rd winner in legged KRPAI division, while Lanange Jagad managed to become the 1st winner in KRSTI division.
KRI is organized by Directorate of Student Affairs, Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, and Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti). This event was held as an engineering competition in the field of robotics.
KRI 2018 Regional 3 was held at PGRI University Semarang on April 16-18, 2018 which was participated by teams from public and private universities in Central Java and Eastern and Southern Kalimantan.
KRI 2018 consisted of five divisions, ABU Indonesia Robot Contest (KRAI), Indonesian Fire Brigade Robot Contest (KRPAI), Indonesian Dance Robot Contest (KRSTI), Indonesian Humanoid Football Robot Contest (KRSBI) and Indonesian Wheeled Football Robot Contest (KRSBI).
As many as four RDC UAD teams participated in regional 3 in the divisions of Wheeled KRSBI, KRSTI, KRAI, and Legged KRPAI. Meanwhile, another team participates in regional 4 in the division of KRSBI Humanoid and will compete on May 1-3, 2018 in Malang.
Ibnu Atma Kusnaidi, the Chairman of RDC UAD said, the team prepared a robot with "bat" model. They attended classes from morning until noon and develop the robot from the evening until morning. It took them 7 months to prepare for KRI 2018 which was from September to April.
"The initial goal is to get all of the five teams to be the winners, but the current result is also to be thankful for. This is all thanks to the support and prayers of various parties, especially the university. In the future, we will focus on the National KRI which will be held in Yogyakarta. "
Meanwhile, RDC supervisor, Nuryono Satya Widodo S.T., M.Eng., revealed that the success of the teams in winning the competition was because of the regeneration and continuous research.
"There is a regular recruitment and training for new members, as well as an internal RDC competition. As for research, the team is encouraged to always perfect the robot by trying new algorithms and designs. To support this, students who are members of RDC are also encouraged to work on their final assignment (TA) that is in accordance with the robot they developed for KRI," he said. (ard)
Lanange Jagad (KRSTI): Anggit Pamungkas, Ahmad Sopi Samosir, Irmawan Anang Maulana, Achmad Imam Bardani, Ponco Sukaswanto, Ibnu Rifajar.
Al-Jazari (Legged KRPAI): M. Dhia Dzulfiqar, Yusuf Suwandono, Yoga Prakasa, Zahra Salsabila.
Sagotra (KRAI): Anggit Febriawan, Muhammad Kamaludin, Dody Kurniawan, Rifqi Nur Falah, Rochmat Diantoro, Andi Septian, Despa Engla Saputra, M. Hamam Iqbal, Inna Abroro Lafinangim.
Lafinangim. Fire-X (Wheeled KRSBI): Arief Nugroho, Yogo Paranto Aji, Sigit Rahmat Sasongko, Ahmad Yogaswara, Mey Rendra, Revi Agitasani.