UAD Officially Opens a Clinic in South Metro, Lampung

The Rector of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., officially opened the first clinic in South Metro, Lampung on Saturday (21/4/2018). The opening ceremony of the MU UAD Clinic was followed with a series of events such as walking for health event, door prizes giveaway, free medical check-up, and the signing of memorandum of understanding with UAD Hospital.

To the journalists, Kasiyarno expressed his pride on the Branch of Muhammadiyah (PCM) of South Metro that pioneered health business in the area.

"This is an achievement and it must be developed to advance Muhammadiyah as well as to provide health services for the community," said Kasiyarno.

In accordance with Muhammadiyah missions, he will support cadres who want to open a clinic. Especially in Lampung, they can work together with UAD. Kasiyarno said that it is possible to open up to 30 branches of clinics.

Meanwhile, dr. Nil Rahmayeni, the Director of MU UAD South Metro South said that she provides health services to make it easier for the people to seek treatments. In Metro, this clinic is a branch of the first UAD hospital.

A week before, MU UAD Clinic had conducted soft launching event as a form of familiarization for the community by conducting a blood donation event. (uad)

UAD Lepas 50 Mahasiswa Asing

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) menggelar pelepasan kepulangan 50 mahasiswa asing yang telah menyelesaikan studi. Acara ini dilangsungkan di auditorium kampus 1 UAD, Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta, Sabtu (12/5/2018).

Ke-50 mahasiswa tersebut berasal dari 5 program yang berbeda. Sebanyak 14 di antaranya mahasiswa program darmasiswa (program bahasa dan budaya Indonesia selama 1 tahun menggunakan beasiswa pemerintah Indonesia),  8 mahasiswa dari Program Studi Sastra Indonesia Fakultas Sastra Budaya dan Komunikasi (FSBK) yang belajar 1 tahun, 18 mahasiswa program dua tahun, 5 mahasiswa program ASEAN International Mobility Students (AIMS), serta 5 mahasiswa reguler Thailand.

Acara pelepasan ini mengangkat tema “Jakatarub Goes Global” dengan harapan agar mahasiswa asing bisa belajar lebih dalam tentang budaya Indonesia dan dapat berbaur dalam perbedaan budaya.

Dalam acara perpisahan ini, mahasiswa asing menampilkan beberapa kesenian Indonesia dan kesenian dari negara masing-masing. Di antaranya tari rentak bulian, lagu-lagu dari Tiongkok, kesenian bela diri Thailand, lagu Timor Leste, dan beberapa lainnya.

Di akhir acara ada penyematan medali kepada para mahasiswa asing sebagai tanda mereka telah menyelesaikan studi di UAD.

Prof. Drs. Sarbiran, M.Ed.,Ph.D. Wakil Rektor IV, dalam sambutannya menyampaikan selamat kepada mahasiswa asing yang sudah menyelesaikan studi.

“Manfaatkan ilmu yang didapatkan di UAD dengan sebaik-baiknya. Sekembalinya ke negara masing-masing, catat pengalaman yang sudah dilalui di UAD, karena pengalaman merupakan guru terbaik,” ujar Sarbiran.

Sementara Ida Puspita, M.A.,Res. Kepala Kantor Urusan Internasional (KUI) UAD berharap semakin banyak mahasiswa asing yang kuliah di UAD.

“Tahun ajaran 2017/2018, UAD memiliki sekitar 125 mahasiswa asing dari berbagai negara benua Eropa, Afrika, dan Asia. Meningkatnya mahasiswa asing di UAD berkat kerja sama semua pihak. Untuk itu, kami akan terus meningkatkan dan memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk memberi kesan baik bagi mahasiswa asing,” tandasnya. (ard)

Prodamat UAD untuk Kampung Patehan

Melalui Program Pemberdayaan Umat (Prodamat), mahasiswa Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) melakukan serangkaian kegiatan edukasi di Kampung Patehan, Yogyakarta.

Kegiatan ini berlangsung sejak 4 April 2018 dan bekerja sama dengan Relawan Pekerti di Kampung Patehan. Para mahasiswa aktif menemani warga usia sekolah pada jam belajar, sehingga warga lebih optimal dalam memahami pelajaran sekolah.

Selain itu juga dilakukan diskusi dengan warga terkait pembelajaran berbasis teknologi, informasi, dan komunikasi dengan menggunakan PhET. Sehingga, literasi sains dan matematika warga Patehan dapat meningkat melalui simulasi yang interaktif.

Prodamat diakhiri pada 2 Mei 2018 bertepatan dengan Hari Pendidikan Nasional dengan melakukan kegiatan observasi benda langit di Patehan. Kegiatan observasi bekerja sama dengan  Pusat Studi Astronomi (Pastron) UAD dan kelompok studi Andromeda Pendidikan Fisika UAD.

Sebanyak tiga teleskop digunakan pada kegiatan observasi ini. Sekitar 30 orang yang terdiri atas anak-anak, remaja, bahkan dewasa, turut berpartisipasi dalam pengamatan benda langit. Warga sangat antusias dan tertarik mengikuti kegiatan sampai akhir.

Bulan, sejumlah rasi bintang, dan planet Jupiter beserta satelit-satelitnya menjadi daya tarik tersendiri. Di tengah cahaya perkotaan yang mulai mempersulit observasi benda langit dan banyaknya bangunan di perkotaan, warga masih berkesempatan mendapatkan momen istimewa tersebut. Dengan sumber daya manusia dan peralatan yang dimiliki oleh UAD, proses penyebaran informasi dan ilmu pengetahuan ke masyarakat dapat terselenggara dengan baik.

Prodamat merupakan pengabdian mahasiswa kepada masyarakat. Ilmu yang diperoleh di kampus dibagikan kepada masyarakat agar lebih bermanfaat dan memberi pengetahuan baru. Pengelola Pascasarjana UAD dan Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Fisika UAD mendukung sepenuhnya Prodamat.

Di tengah padatnya perkuliahan dan target publikasi internasional, mahasiswa mampu berinteraksi dengan masyarakat melalui Prodamat. Kegiatan ini memberikan potensi yang besar tidak hanya bagi pemberdayaan masyarakat, namun juga bagi civitas academica untuk mengetahui kondisi masyarakat yang memungkinkan untuk dikaji dan diteliti.

Pada pidato penutupan Prodamat di Kampung Patehan, Ketua RW 05, Agus, menilai dengan adanya kegiatan seperti ini memberikan pengalaman baru dan ilmu baru bagi warga. Ia berharap kegiatan ini dapat diadakan lagi ke depannya. Tidak hanya dari Pendidikan Fisika, namun diharapkan juga dari disiplin bidang ilmu lainnya bekerja sama dalam kegiatan edukasi di Patehan. (ard/doc)

UAD Signs a Cooperation Agreement with BNI Syariah


Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta signed a cooperation agreement with Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Syariah. The cooperation involving both parties covers a tuition payment method through host-to-host service system. The signing event that took place on the 10th floor of UAD campus 4 building on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul Yogyakarta was attended by the higher officials of PT BNI Syariah and UAD.

In his speech, Dr. Kasiyarno, M. Hum. as the Rector of UAD, conveyed that this cooperation was aimed to advance both UAD and BNI Syariah, as well as to build trust. He expressed his expectation that some joint activities could be done together.

"So, this cooperation does not only cover financial issues, but also covers technology field. For example, there is a multifunctional card that students can use for tuition payments as well as academic purposes. Until now, UAD keeps its commitment to provide the best service for the students," he said.

On the other hand, Dhias Widhiyati as the Business Director of BNI Syariah explained that in this online payment era, financial transactions must be done quickly and safely.

"The online system will make it easy for people to make transactions. For that, we are ready to support UAD in providing the best service for the students," said Dhias.

She added that, with host-to-host system, students were given convenience. The tuition payment cannot only be made in banks, but can also be completed through mobile or internet banking. In addition, UAD will immediately get notifications for every payment that the students make, or whether they have not paid the tuition. This certainly facilitates reconciliation.

Responding to the multifunctional card that can be one of the cooperation programs, Dhias revealed that currently BNI Syariah has already had an education card. This card can be used by UAD students in making academic financial transaction, for transportation, as well as for shopping. (ard)

Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UAD to Implement Disaster Medicine Curriculum

"Medical Education Study Program of Faculty of Medicine (FK), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) attempts to produce health workers or doctors who have quick response to disasters without disregarding Islamic values." This statement was delivered by the Dean of FK UAD, Prof. Dr. dr. Rusdi Lamsudin, Sp.S (K)., M.Ed.Sc., during a press conference on Wednesday (18/04/2018).

This is what distinguishes FK UAD from the other faculties of medicine at other universities. FK UAD focuses on disaster management, considering that Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta, is a disaster prone area.

"Not all health workers are responsive and understand disaster management. This is another plus point for FK UAD. Learning materials about disasters are included in the curriculum and taught early," explained Rusdi who was accompanied by dr. Junaidy Heriyanto, Sp.B., Finacs., the Head of Medical Education Study Program and Dr. Wahyu Widyaningsih, M.Si., Apt., the Head of Academic and Admission Bureau (BAA) UAD.

Meanwhile, the Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., who was accompanied by Vice Rectors I and II explained that UAD had been struggling since 2015 to establish FK. The Decision Letter (SK) from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) was only issued after 3 years through 2 submissions and 2 visitations.

"Faculty of Medicine is becoming a benchmark indicating that the university is getting bigger. Although UAD has already had many study programs and students, it is not considered big if it does not have a medical faculty," said Kasiyarno.

Therefore, UAD continued to seek SK in order to establish a faculty of medicine.

"UAD is considered a good university, but our first try failed since the submission was not given SK. However, another university that is considered not good enough could get SK just fine. This is what made us continue our effort by being istiqomah until the SK was officially given in 2018," he said.

Currently, UAD continues constructing the lecture and laboratory buildings that will be used to conduct activities for FK in campus 4 on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul. Furthermore, the facilities which are being built, designed and prepared are intended to get an A accreditation. Therefore, UAD strives to get an accreditation of at least B at first for the study program. In the academic year of 2018/2019, UAD FK will only accept 50 students. (ard)

An UAD Student is Trusted to be Google’s DSC Leader

Niken Wulandari, a student of Information System study program of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) gained trust from Google as a part of Lead for Developer Student Clubs (DSC) in UAD.

This success is thanks to her hard work in the field of information system technology. From her explanation, DSC is a Google developer program for university students designed to help them learn about mobile and web apps development skills. The DSC program is open to all students, from beginner to advanced developers looking to improve their skills.

Because of her achievement, Niken, a student from Magelang, Central Java who is currently in her sixth semester, got the opportunity to participate in DSC Leader Summit 2018 which was held in Denpasar, Bali, in March 2018.

"DSC is meant to be a means for students to learn and collaborate to solve mobile and web development issues," Niken said when interviewed on Friday (20/4/2018).

For her, the activities done in DSC are very exciting because it is a gathering event for Google employees and developers from various countries to discuss and exchange ideas. The focus of DSC activities includes seminars and workshops on web apps development, android apps development, machine learning, Google Cloud platform advanced skills, and leadership.

Currently, Niken's main task as a DSC Leader is to form a core-team and to organize activities that support the development of student skills in web development and mobile applications.

"The core-team of DSC UAD is open to any UAD students who are interested in managing sharing events to improve their application development capabilities," she said. (ard)

UAD Robotic Team Wins 2 Trophies in KRI 2018 Regional 3

Robotic Development Community (RDC) of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) managed win 2 trophies in Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) 2018 regional 3. Al-Jazari team managed to become the 3rd winner in legged KRPAI division, while Lanange Jagad managed to become the 1st winner in KRSTI division.

KRI is organized by Directorate of Student Affairs, Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, and Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti). This event was held as an engineering competition in the field of robotics.

KRI 2018 Regional 3 was held at PGRI University Semarang on April 16-18, 2018 which was participated by teams from public and private universities in Central Java and Eastern and Southern Kalimantan.

KRI 2018 consisted of five divisions, ABU Indonesia Robot Contest (KRAI), Indonesian Fire Brigade Robot Contest (KRPAI), Indonesian Dance Robot Contest (KRSTI), Indonesian Humanoid Football Robot Contest (KRSBI) and Indonesian Wheeled Football Robot Contest (KRSBI).

As many as four RDC UAD teams participated in regional 3 in the divisions of Wheeled KRSBI, KRSTI, KRAI, and Legged KRPAI. Meanwhile, another team participates in regional 4 in the division of KRSBI Humanoid and will compete on May 1-3, 2018 in Malang.

Ibnu Atma Kusnaidi, the Chairman of RDC UAD said, the team prepared a robot with "bat" model. They attended classes from morning until noon and develop the robot from the evening until morning. It took them 7 months to prepare for KRI 2018 which was from September to April.

"The initial goal is to get all of the five teams to be the winners, but the current result is also to be thankful for. This is all thanks to the support and prayers of various parties, especially the university. In the future, we will focus on the National KRI which will be held in Yogyakarta. "

Meanwhile, RDC supervisor, Nuryono Satya Widodo S.T., M.Eng., revealed that the success of the teams in winning the competition was because of the regeneration and continuous research.

"There is a regular recruitment and training for new members, as well as an internal RDC competition. As for research, the team is encouraged to always perfect the robot by trying new algorithms and designs. To support this, students who are members of RDC are also encouraged to work on their final assignment (TA) that is in accordance with the robot they developed for KRI," he said. (ard)

Lanange Jagad (KRSTI): Anggit Pamungkas, Ahmad Sopi Samosir, Irmawan Anang Maulana, Achmad Imam Bardani, Ponco Sukaswanto, Ibnu Rifajar.

 Al-Jazari (Legged KRPAI): M. Dhia Dzulfiqar, Yusuf Suwandono, Yoga Prakasa, Zahra Salsabila.

 Sagotra (KRAI): Anggit Febriawan, Muhammad Kamaludin, Dody Kurniawan, Rifqi Nur Falah, Rochmat Diantoro, Andi Septian, Despa Engla Saputra, M. Hamam Iqbal, Inna Abroro Lafinangim.

 Lafinangim. Fire-X (Wheeled KRSBI): Arief Nugroho, Yogo Paranto Aji, Sigit Rahmat Sasongko, Ahmad Yogaswara, Mey Rendra, Revi Agitasani.

UAD Signs MoU with BSN

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) officially cooperated with National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN) after both parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The signing was held on Tuesday (17/4/2018) in the west hall of UAD campus 4 building on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

In addition to the signing of the MoU, there were a socialization related to standardization education which was delivered by the Head of BSN Standardization Education and Socialization Center, Ir. Nasrudin Irawan, M.Env.Stud., and SNI Award which was presented by Dr. Ir. Fat Suprayitno, M.M., IPU.

On the occasion, UAD Rector, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., conveyed that this cooperation was to encourage development and quality improvement of every element in UAD.

"We hope this cooperation can be implemented in various activities with the assistance of BSN, especially for quality assurance and our business units. In the future, we may also participate in SNI Award," explained Kasiyarno.

Meanwhile, the Head of BSN, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Prasetya, M.Sc., when giving speech admitted that his side was very grateful and surprised to be able to cooperate with UAD.

"We did not expect to be able to cooperate with UAD this fast. Initially, we explored Kopertis V, but then directly got engaged with UAD," he joked.

Bambang suggested that UAD should immediately have an inspection body. In addition, they will be very open if there are lecturers from UAD who desire to become an assessor in the inspection body. (ard)

SINTA as an Effort by Kemenristekdikti to Strengthen Research Publication

"We want the number of scientific publications in Indonesia to increase and have good quality. Later, the participants of Indexing and Citation System (SINTA) verification training are expected to help lecturers in their own university to register to SINTA. In addition, we hope that there is input for the improvement of the system," said Ir. Ira Nurhayati Djarot, M.Sc, Ph.D., the Director of Research and Development System of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) while giving a speech at SINTA verification training event.

Verification training on SINTA was conducted with cooperation between Directorate General of Strengthening for Research and Development of Kemenristekdikti with Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD). The event took place on April 17-18, 2018 at Hotel Grand Dafam Rohan Jogja on Jl. Janti-Gedong Kuning, Banguntapan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY).

From Ira's explanation, SINTA is a form of effort made by Kemenristekdikti to strengthen the publication of researchers and lecturers. SINTA is dedicated for the advancement of science and higher education technology in Indonesia

Meanwhile, the Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., expressed his expectation for SINTA to be independent. He made a suggestion on SINTA to be indexed in the future, so there would be no need for it to depend on other databases. This is a challenge for SINTA managers.

"After participating in the training, the verifier should be professional and able to facilitate lecturers who have an account at SINTA. This cooperation is expected to be beneficial for universities, lecturers, and Kemenristekdikti. Thank you for trusting UAD to host the event. Hopefully, we can strengthen our cooperation to improve scientific publications in Indonesia," explained Kasiyarno.

The purpose of this training was to compare perceptions on the features and facilities that will be provided by the trainer to the verifiers, as well as to provide assistance, technical guidance, and problem solving methods in the process of verifying data of lecturers and institutions in each university. Finally, it was also intended as guidance for the verifiers in the university, so that the quality of the existing data in SINTA will be well preserved. (ard)


UAD Gelar Macapatan

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) bekerja sama dengan Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta (BBY) menyelenggarakan macapatan di hall kampus 4 UAD, Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Kamis (10/5/2018). Kegiatan ini merupakan agenda rutin pemasyarakatan sastra lama yang diadakan BBY menggandeng perguruan tinggi dan komunitas macapatan di Yogyakarta.

Dari keterangan Drs. Hendro Setyono, S.E.,M.Sc., ketua panitia, UAD sudah bergabung dengan grup macapatan sejak 10 tahun lalu. Di tahun 2018 ini, UAD berkesempatan menjadi penyelenggara untuk yang kelima kalinya.

“Kegiatan ini untuk mengenalkan UAD kepada masyarakat. Bahwa perguruan tinggi Muhammadiyah ini peduli terhadap seni dan budaya Indonesia. UAD nguri-uri kebudayaan,” ujarnya.

Selain itu, pada kesempatan ini panitia menggandeng unit kegiatan mahasiswa (UKM) Gending Bahana sebagai pengiring menggunakan alat musik gamelan. Hendro menambahkan, penggandengan ini dalam rangka memberi kesempatan mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan kemamampuan dan pengalaman.

“Dulu ada latihan macapatan dosen dan karyawan, sekarang tidak ada. Yang ada hanya Gending Bahana. Kami berharap, sastra lama, khususnya macapatan yang merupakan bagian kebudayaan Indonesia tetap terjaga supaya tidak kehilangan jati diri. UAD siap mendukung, meskipun sistemnya arisan.”

Sementara Dr. Dedi Pramono, M.Hum. Kepala Biro Mahasiswa dan Alumni (Bimawa) menyampaikan, UAD sangat terbuka dengan seni dan budaya.

“Kami siap bekerja sama terkait dengan seni dan kebudayaan. Ke depan, Bimawa akan berkunjung ke BBY dan memungkinkan ada kerja sama. Mudah-mudahan silaturahmi ini bermanfaat untuk semua pihak.” (ard)