Home Sweet Home

That was the theme of Tabligh Akbar or Great Islamic Proselytizer managed by Islamic Study Development Board of Ahmad Dahlan University (LPSI UAD) on Sunday (24/4/2016). This event received good response from public and students as there were many of them attended this event at Ahmad Dahlan Mosque in Islamic Center, UAD Campus IV, South Ring road, Bantul. 

Two speakers delivered their speeches. Ustadz Bachtiar Natsir, Lc. and Ustadz Okrizal Eka Putra who successively presented the topic of How to Build A Good Family to Become Residents of Allah’s Heaven.

Okrizal, a lecturer of Psychology Faculty UAD said that the characteristics of Paradise residents are those who are spiritually, emotionally and intellectually above average. It means they are able to manage those potentials well. An example of them is the characteristic of forgiving others.   

To forgive others is difficult for ordinary persons. If one could do so, he or she deserves to be a paradise resident for he must be able to manage the three potentials.

The theme Home Sweet Home is related to family building. The law of marriage is mu’bah (a matter of choice), but it becomes compulsory under certain conditions. 

In his presentation, Ustadz Bachtiar Natsir, Lc. said that there were some requirements in Islam to find a partner for a family to be prospective residents of paradise. Finding the partner is encouraged in Islam. But, the most important is religious obedience for it is the basic step toward religious deeds to constitute Baiti Jannati or Home Sweet Home.

By practicing religious deeds, a family will always create happy atmosphere here in the world and will be happy hereafter at heaven. There will be a husband, a wife, and children of obedience, which result in Sakinah or peaceful, mawaddah or affectionate, and warahmah caring conditions. (AKN)