Kreskit: Merajut Asa, Menghasilkan Tulisan


Senin (30/7/2018), Lembaga Semi Otonom Kreativitas Kita (LSO Kreskit) mengadakan acara peluncuran majalah. Acara tersebut berlangsung pada pukul 19.3021.30 WIB, bertempat di aula kampus 2 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Unit B. Dengan mengambil tema “Merajut Asa, Menghasilkan Tulisan”.

“Berdasarkan Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), merajut itu menjaring, asa itu semangat atau harapan, mengahasilkan tulisan itu sama dengan mengeluarkan tulisan.Jadi, dalam proses majalah ini kami benar-benar mau berproses di Kreskit, semangat menjaring harapan dan menghasilkan tulisan,” jelas Mirja Sentani selaku Pimpinan Umum Kreskit melalui grup WhatsApp.

Selain untuk memenuhi Proker, acara peluncuran kali ini juga untuk meningkatkan literasi mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (PBSI), menumbuhkan semangat menulis bagi anggota Kreskit serta mahasiswa PBSI pada umumnya

Fitri Merawati, M.A.dalam sambutannya menyampaikan, peluncuran majalah tersebut merupakan cita-cita anggota Kreskit sejak lama.

“Walaupun kata anggota Kreskit masih banyak kekurangan dalam majalah ini, tidak masalah. Lebih baik memulai dengan banyak kekurangan daripada tidak memulai sama sekali.

Selanjutnya, memasuki acara inti yaitu mengulas majalah Kreskit dengan pembicara Sudaryanto, M.Pd. Riska Usna Nurfiah selaku moderator menjelaskan, Sudaryanto merupakan aktivis kampus yang bergerak dalam bidang jurnalistik. Jadi, tidak salah lagi jika Kreskit menjadikannya pengulas dalam peluncuran majalah edisi Juli 2018.

“Pembuatan halaman sebaiknya disamakan saja pada setiap rubrik di majalah ini. Namun, tetap memperhatikan banyaknya jumlah kata pada setiap halaman. Ini tampak pada rubrik bicara buku yang memakan tiga halaman. Sedangkan rubrik lain ada yang dua dan bahkan hanya satu halaman saja,” ujar Sudaryanto saat mengulas majalah Kreskit. 

Hiburan dalam acara ini diisi oleh Nur Hudzaifah,komika dari PBSI UADAcara ditutup dengan penyerahan kenang-kenangan dari Kreskit yang diberikan kepada Sudaryanto. (dew)

UAD is Trusted to hold PKJ35 Coordination Meeting and Syawalan

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) is trusted to be the organizer of coordination meeting and Syawalan (an annual event to meet and forgive each other’s past mistakes) of Paguyuban Kemahasiswaan Jogjakarta (PKJ35) in 2018. The community is founded by private universities in Kopertis V region. The event took place in Islamic Center hall, located in campus 4 of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

The occasion was attended by the vice rector of student affairs. Vice Rector III of UAD, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., in his speech expressed his gratitude for the trust given to UAD as the organizer of the event.

"Through this second coordination meeting of PKJ35, we want universities to work together with one another, to complement each other in order to support the improvement of student potentials. PKJ35 can be used a means to improve the quality of universities in Kopertis V to compete nationally," he said in front of the participants on Friday (6/7/2018).

He also expected that the good coordination would increase the prestige of private universities to be able to compete with state universities. The goal is for private universities to be better known by the public.

"We should realize that every university has its own uniqueness and superiority. Students have the potential that can be developed to improve the university. Therefore, this occasion can be used as a forum to synergize and share insights about student affairs," he said. (ard)

Menyimak Tuntunan Ibadah Bulan Dzulhijjah

Bulan Dzulhijjah merupakan bulan terakhir dalam sistem kalender Hijriah (Qamariyah). Di bulan ini banyak peristiwa bersejarah, baik yang berhubungan dengan ibadah maupun hak-hak kemanusiaan dalam sosial masyarakat.

Ustadz Irfan Nuruddin, M.Si. pada Pengajian Rutin Takmir Masjid Darussalam Kampus 1 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) menyampaikan, bersama bulan Muharram, Rajab, dan Dzulqa’dah, bulan Dzulhijjah termasuk salah satu dari empat bulan suci. Di bulan ini ada ibadah haji, umrah, khutbah wada’ Rasulullah Saw. disampaikan di hadapan jamaah, dan turun ayat 3 surat al-Ma’idah.

“Secara khusus, ada beberapa ibadah yang dituntunkan oleh Allah dan Rasul-Nya di bulan Dzulhijjah, yakni haji, puasa Arafah, shalat iduladha, penyembelihan kurban (Udh-hiyah), dan larangan berpuasa di hari-hari tasyrik,” kata Ustadz Irfan, Jum’at (27/8/2018).

Berkaitan dengan kurban, ustadz dari Majelis Tarjih PWM DIY ini menyampaikan, hakikat kurban sebenarnya lebih ke spirit berkurban. Bahkan jika dia hanya punya pisau untuk mengiris daging kurban, orang itu termasuk sudah kurban.

“Ketika berkurban, harus benar-benar mencari bahan kurban yang bagus. Karena itu perlu spirit untuk mencarinya,” lanjutnya.

Ustadz Irfan menambahkan, kurban itu bukan semata-mata soal daging. Tapi merupakan implementasi cinta seperti yang dilakukan Nabi Ibrahim kepada Allah lebih besar dari cintanya kepada putranya.

“Karena itu, hadirkan pula cinta dalam berkurban,” pungkasnya.

PIKO Holds Workshop for TTK

"This workshop or training is a regular event held by the Center of Information and Drug Research (PIKO). The workshop is for Pharmaceutical Staff (TTK)," said Dr. dr. Akrom, M.Kes., when interviewed in front of the pharmaceutical laboratory.

PIKO is one of the research centers under the Research and Community Development Institute (LPPM), which is managed by the Faculty of Pharmacy. In addition, PIKO becomes one of the means for the community to implement research, especially in the field of pharmacy. TTK, or commonly referred to as a pharmacist assistant, has a job to interpret drugs prescription, provide drugs, as well as to provide information about the consumption of drugs.

The event entitled "Technical Dispensing Skills Upgrading in Primary Services: Good Dispensing Practice" lasted two days, on Saturday and Sunday, July 28-29, 2018, and took place in the pharmaceutical laboratory of campus 3 of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). The total number of participants who participated in this activity was more than 35 people, including TTK and pharmacists from various hospitals (RS), such as PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta, Bethesda Hospital, Hardjolukito Hospital, UPT Puskesmas Panggang, UPT Puskesmas Tepus, to Kebumen Hospital.

The material about the dispensing and compounding of drugs was the opening material delivered to the participants. The material was delivered by Muh. Muhlis, Sp. FRS., Apt. The introduction of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) was delivered by Dr. dr. Akrom, M.Kes. Material about Information and Education Communication (IEC) was delivered by Ana Hidayati, M.Sc., Apt. Meanwhile, the material about Monitoring drugs side effects on primary care was delivered by Lolita, M.Sc., Apt. The last activity was a case study with simulation, and was presented by Hendy Ristiono, M.P.H., Apt.

"In this case study, participants were asked to determine the problem, and then look for a solution by providing recommendations for improvement. The simulation was done by practicing it. If it is already practiced, it will be evaluated together with the facilitator. The evaluation was done to determine the shortcomings faced by each group. Finally, each group was given suggestions that they should do to make it better," said Hendi Ristiono as the speaker, as well as a lecturer of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

The monitoring of drugs side effects is a concern for TTK and pharmacists. It aims to find out about the side effects of the drugs that have been taken.

"Frequently, TTK and pharmacists do not come to the monitoring, even though it is a duty that they must do," said Hendi.

Akrom, who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy as well as a docter in RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, expressed his expectation he had for this activity.

"UAD can contribute by helping to improve pharmaceutical practice. In addition, when the service is not in accordance with the code of ethics and morals, we can fix the service in the community for it to be better that will result in improved quality of people's lives," he concluded. (sch)