
23 UAD PGSD Students Join Credit Transfer at Unismuh

As many as fifth semester 23 students of Primary School Education Study Program (PGSD) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta will attend a credit transfer to Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar (Unismuh).

Credit transfer is a mechanism for recognizing workload and achievement in a higher education institution with other higher education institutions. In this program, the qualification component can be compared to other qualifications by bringing together comparable credit for academic achievement and individual achievement.

The 23 students will be in Makassar for 40 days to study two-SKS education research subject. While in Makassar, students will also continue to attend lectures at UAD with online e-learning methods.

In addition, they will exchange organizational experience and academic experience while at UAD with students at Unismuh. So, there is reciprocity by giving each other knowledge.

Before departing, the 23 students receive training. They are lucky students because they have passed the selection stage to become credit transfer grant participants through Spada Indonesia for PGSD Study Program in 2018. The program is conducted in collaboration with the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) and the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti).

The students who participate in the program include Dadang Surya Prasetya, Nanda Nissa Fauziah, Sofia Rahmadaniah, Andrianto, Amar Faris, Ratri Aulia Safa Ardin, Vina Deni Putri, Fitria Alfinky, Yeyen Febrilia, Muhammad Ardi Saputra, Niswi Mukarromah, Olvi Mila Nastiti, Susilowati, Dewi Seruni, Erika Wulandari, Kartika Mustanazah, Nindi Elisie, Rifky Hanifah, Sri Octaviyani, Candra Tri Utami, Eka Susanti, Hana Selvi Dwi Cahyani, and Hilza Aprilia Hutami.

Dr. Muchlas, M.T., the Vice Rector I of UAD, appealed to credit transfer participants from UAD PGSD to maintain the good name of the alma mater and as well as their own name. This was conveyed when he gave a briefing at campus 5 of UAD on Friday (9/21/2018).

"This program will provide experience to students at the two universities. So, later we hope that there will be feedback for UAD. Those who join this program must be able to share their experiences with other students," Muchlas said. (ard)