Students of UAD Held A General Election for Its Representative


Like other campuses, Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) has a miniature of government, such as Student Executive Board (BEM), Student Representative Council (DPM), and the Constitutional Court Students (MKM), in University, faculty, and study program level. All students get involved in all level of government. It is aimed to give experience and knowledge about democracy so they are literate about government.

The term of office of Yussy Dwi Astuti and M. Faiz as President of Students (Presma) and Vice Presma period of 2015-2016 would end soon.

In the students’ election (Pemilwa) of Presma period of 2016-2017, there were two pairs of candidates. They are  Naashiril Haq- Riantra Jaya (1) dan Isra’- Gilang (2). Having campaign and 3 rounds of debate, there were Presma and DPM election on Wednesday (11/5/2016) at 5 spots of Green hall in campus I, II, III, V UAD.

The process of Pemilwa lasted from 08.00-16.00 at local time. After that, there was quick count program in auditorium of campus II UAD, Pramuka street, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta. There were more than 200 students attended the quick count program while waiting for the result from Pemilwa Committee.

Alhamdulillah, all UAD academic community was very appreciative participating in the program. They had realized the importance of their voting rights to elect the best representatives in continuing rights and voices of students to campus” said one of election committee at campus I.

Finally, after quick count, the committee announced the result of the election. The candidate with highest votes got 1883 votes, while the candidate with second position got 778 votes. Based on the votes, Naashir – Riau are appointed as Presma and Vice Presma period 2016-2017. (AKN)