
The Commitment of LPPI UAD to Improve Its Journal Quality

The Institute for Research and Scientific Publications (LPPI) of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), Yogyakarta held a workshop entitled "Scientific Periodical Publishing Management according to National/International Standards and the Strengthening of Scientific Publication for Editors". The event was held at Tjokro Style Hotel (12-13/12/2017) and was attended by scholars and practitioners from UAD, as well as from other universities.

The speakers of the workshop were the Chairman of LPPI UAD, Tole Sutikno, Ph.D., and others, such as Moch Fuad Saifuddin, M.Pd., Lina Handayani, Ph.D., Andri Pranolo, M.Cs., Damar Yoga Kusuma, Ph.D., Dr. Rully Charitas Indra P., Dr. Ir. Dwi Sulisworo, M.T., and Iwan Tri Riyadi, M.IT. Each speaker presented various materials including journal standards, strategies, and how to manage journals.


Tole stated that both organizers and journal authors should be able to take advantage of the journal. "There are many benefits to be gained from journals, not only journals from UAD, but also from various universities outside of UAD and Yogyakarta. In addition, the current quality of journals plays an important role in improving the quality of the university. "

Meanwhile, the Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M. Hum., has a similar view on journal. According to him, by writing journal findings, we can help contribute to the realization of a more civilized nation. Journal presents the findings of research and the development of the current science and technology that must be known by the general public.

"Research can determine the future. It can, at the very least, prepare more competent human resources who understand science and technology. Journal is a medium to publish the latest inventions and innovations. Read it, understand it, and develop it, "said Kasiyarno.

Currently, UAD is committed to continuously improve the quality of journals in every study program and faculty to improve the quality of the university in return. Lecturers of UAD are also encouraged to participate and publish their journals in national and international journal publishers. (ard)