UAD’s Educational Contribution at 13th Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Congress.


As one of Muhammadiyah’s Higher Education Institutions (PTM), which is one of Muhammadiyah’s charity institution (AUM), University of Ahmad Dahlan always cantributes to the success of  Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (NA) congress.

The congress, which took place from Thursday – Sunday August 25th – 28th 2016 in Yogyakarta, NA gives chances to the youths to be take part in proselytizing. This is realized in the theme Young Woman Movement for Independent Nation.

A number of activities were held to coincide the main agenda. Those activities included bazar, health consultation, and educational assistance or educare, etc. In this case UAD  sent its students to take part in education and psychological consultations.

When visited at University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), some 15 students from Elementary Education Department (PG SD) and Early Education Department (PG PAUD) Of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training were assisting children. They were students, who practiced teaching at Nuraini Kindergarten Ngampilan Yogyakarta.

‘We purposely invited UAD students to hold the educare program because they are experienced in the field.’ said Dewi Mahmudah the coordinator of educare, who is also a teacher at Nur’aini kindergarten.

Educare is an educational corner consisting of early childhood learning facility and lactation room. This was meant to assist the congress participants in taking care of their children.

Meanwhile, Laila Nurul one of the students said, ‘With educare the participants can concentrate to the congress and their children are taken care of by experts.' She said she was happy to be able contribute in the congress. ‘This can be a good experience for me to understand children.’ Said Nurul, who hopes this can be a promising program. (AKN)