
The Colloquy of Commissariat of IMM TDI

Lasted on Saturday to Thursday (28-31/5/16), Muhammadiyah College student association of commissariat board of Islamic Education and Teacher Training, University of Ahmad Dahlan (IMM TDI UAD) carried out the XIV commissariat Colloquy (Musykom).

The colloquy was conducted in the hall of Muhammadiyah Provincial executive board building, Yogyakarta Special Province (PWM DIY), Gedong Kuning Street, Kotagede, Yogyakarta. 

The session was led by three chairpersons namely Rezaldy Romeo, Suwandi, and M. Akbar Fadhilah. The “Musykom” run dynamically as there was long discussion among the participants. 

The participants of Musykom came from various representatives of IMM cadres. They were from the representative of all commissariat boards of UAD, coordinator of commissariat, and IMM Branch of Djasman Alkindi Yogyakarta.

As usual, there were some agendas of sessions discussed at Musykom. They were sessions of rules, accountability report of the Commissariat Board of the 2015-2016 period, commission, and formateur election.

At the formateur session, there had been elected IMMawan Irfan Zamzani, the fourth semester student of Language and Arabic Literature Study Program, FTDI. (AKN)