
UAD Alumni Benefitted from Organizational Experiences at Campus When Teaching in Hinterland of Kalimantan

‘Should you be a teacher here, don’t be afraid’

Harsiwi shared her experience as a teacher at a hinterland of Kalimantan exactly at Gerantung village, Monterado district, Bengkayang regency. ‘No electricity, signal, and lack of clean water are ordinary problems, but how about teaching a 20 year-old class X student?

‘Consider him as if he were our brother or son,’ Siwi, as she is often called by her nickname, said after being asked by Kabar UAD through WhatsApp on Thursday (11/02/2016).

            Siwi got her chance to be a member of Sarjana Mendidik di Daerah Terdepan dan Tertinggal (SM-3T) or University Graduate Teaching at Underdeveloped Frontiers in 2015. She was sent to the area.

The alumnus of Indonesian Language Education of University of Ahmad Dahlan (PBSI – UAD) admitted that she learned a lot from being a member of extra university organization such as developing a team work with her colleagues. Her experience in PBSI’s Kreskit bulletin encouraged her to teach journalism and managed her students to publish wall magazines.

            ‘There are still many illiterate people here. I used to be active in organization, used to manage the members especially Extra Curricular Organization (OSIS), and used to cooperate with others. So I got no difficulty in working together with other SM-3T members.

Since long time ago, this girl with glasses has eagerly insisted on implementing or disseminating her knowledge she got from school or campus.

Driven by her curiosity toward the portrait of education in Indonesia, Siwi, Bangka girl was motivated to join SM-3T program. According to her, one-year dedication in hinterland is not enough as teacher in hinterland is badly needed.

‘I want to give new positive experience to the children,’ she said. Not only do they need teachers but they need facilities as well. Moreover they need quality education.The least attention we gave, the more appreciation they responded,’ she said.

            Siwi hopes more qualified UAD students of Teacher Training and Education Faculty join in SM-3T program willingly. Other parts of the country need assistance and sacrifice of youth’s ideas, devotion for the Indonesia’s future.

            Besides siwi, there are other UAD alumni who join this SM-3T program. They are Nur Pratama dan Mita Septiana (PBSI alumni of 2010), Candra Jati (alumnus of Mathematics Education Department 2010, Tri Bintang (alumnus of Guidance and Counseling Department 2010), Anggit (alumnus of Physics Education Department2010), and many more.

Siwi also shared tips for joining SM-3T program such as making up mind and having determination, preparing for the test, being prepared physically and mentally. When accepted as a member of SM-3T team, one should make a careful plan, especially the program for Indonesia’s children at frontiers. For further information visit http://dikti.go.id/sm3t/.  Develop our nation and educate our children to be the bright ones.