UAD Students Got Scholarship At ASEAN

‘Among 50 students getting scholarship at ASEAN level, seven of them are UAD students.’ said Ida Puspita, M.A. Res., the head of International Affairs Office (KUI)  University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) when interviewed during the briefing and leaving ceremony for the students at the Meeting Room of the Rectorate UAD last Tuesday (25/10/2016)

The selection for this program started as the ministry of research and higher education sent an email to KUI UAD for the program. The information was then transferred to all departments in the university. Registration for the program was held from May 19th to June 1st. The selection included documentary selection at faculty level and at university level. The requirements to get the scholarship were being an undergraduate student at semester 3 or 6, having GPA at least 3.00, holding TOFL score min. 450, MoU of university with the sister universities, holding letter of acceptance from the sister university, choosing subjects from the sister university. Anything related to university-university agreement documents were provided by KUI UAD.

Furthermore Ida said that ASEAN Plus 3 program was first introduced by the ministry this year. Larasati, a student of Faculty of Psychology got full scholarship from Directorate General of Instruction of the ministry to learn at University of Saint Antony (USANT) Philippines.

Laras, her nickname, followed the selection at the beginning of this year. That moment the ministry offered credit transfer program to learn at ASEAN countries plus three countries (Korea, China, and Japan) and Europe/ASEM. This was in accordance with the government strategic plan for 2016.

            As Larasati got the scholarship, other students followed her. A student got the scholarship to study at Chemistry Department in Pahang University Malaysia, another student got the scholarship to study at Law Faculty at University Utara Malaysia (UUM), and another student got the scholarship to study at Public Health Department Kohn Kaen University.

            The head of KUI, who was also a lecturer at English Letter Department, hoped that the opportunity was open every year. UAD is committed to find the students opportunities to get international exposure at least at ASEAN countries by getting scholarship either from the government or from UAD.