
University Graduates Should Be Credible for Their Good Conduct and Honesty

‘In Indonesia there are more Islamic universities so that they are expected to produce good graduates,’ said the Coordinator of Private Universities Chapter V Yogyakarta Special Province, Dr. Bambang Supriyadi, CES., DEA., when giving a speech at syawwalan gathering held by University of ahmad Dahlan (UAD) at Auditorium Campus I last Saturday (16/07/2016)

According to him religious universities should produce good graduates morally as well as academically. Currently, universities sponsored by Islamic mass organizations such Muhammadiyah and NU develop such programs. UAD under Muhammadiyah organization develops a program with a motto moral and intellectual integrity and a vision internationally recognized university with Islamic values.

‘Should Islamic Universities produce credible and morally good graduates, Indonesia will be a recognized country. We hope UAD improve its quality and service,’ said Bambang.

‘So far, UAD has carried out programs in accordance with the objectives,’ said Kasiyarno. The programs include giving rewards to improve the quality and service, and help lecturers gain scholarships.