TOT Employability Skill bagi Guru dan Siswa SMK

Pada tanggal 4, 7, 8, dan 9 Mei 2018 di auditorium kampus 3 dan auditorium kampus 2 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LPPM)  bersama Kemenristekdikti menyelenggarakan Training of Trainer (TOT) Employability Skill bagi guru dan siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) dalam Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM). Ini merupakan program berkelanjutan yang hingga kini masih dilakukan pendampingan dan monitoring, serta evaluasi dalam beberapa bulan ke depan. Mitra sasarannya adalah SMK Negeri 1 Seyegan dan SMK Negeri 1 Kalasan Sleman Yogyakarta, yang terdiri atas guru dan siswa.

TOT Employability Skill merupakan program yang melatih guru dan siswa menjadi trainer employability skill yang nantinya mampu menerapkan secara mandiri di lingkungan sekolahnya masing-masing.

“Tujuan utama acara ini adalah untuk menghasilkan guru yang ahli atau terampil dalam memberikan pelatihan employability skill guna meningkatkan kesiapan kerja siswa. Sehingga siswa yang memiliki kemampuan employability skill baik, ketika lulus sudah siap kerja,” tutur Dr. Fatwa Tentama, S.Psi., M.Si. selaku koordinator tim.

Lebih lanjut ia mengatakan, program-program TOT Employability Skill tersebut  di antaranya adalah pelatihan kemampuan komunikasi, beradaptasi, kerja sama, memanajemen, kewirausahaan, kemandirian, kedisiplinan, tanggung jawab, dan motivasi berprestasi.

“Dari tahun ke tahun, data menunjukkan pengangguran terbanyak adalah lulusan SMK. Padahal secara umum, SMK di Indonesia mempunyai satu tujuan yaitu menyiapkan lulusan yang terampil, berkarakter, dan mandiri yang siap kerja. Kesiapan kerja merupakan permasalahan serius di dunia SMK. Lulusan yang tidak siap akan menjadi pengangguran karena tidak mampu bersaing dan mendapatkan pekerjaan, bahkan ketika sudah bekerja pun akan sulit melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang akhirnya akan keluar dari pekerjaannya (turn over). Keprihatinan tersebut yang akhirnya mendorong dilaksanakan TOT Employability Skill ini.”

Program menarik tersebut diusung dan dikoordinatori oleh Dr. Fatwa Tentama, S.Psi., M.Si., dan beranggotakan Dr. Surahma Asti Mulasari, M.Kes., Desta Rizky Kusuma, M.Sc., Sulistyowati, M.P.H., serta Tri Wahyuni Sukesi, M.P.H.

Selain itu, luaran dari program ini adalah buku modul employability skill untuk meningkatkan kesiapan kerja siswa, menghasilkan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI), dan publikasi di Jurnal Internasional.

300-Doctor Program of UAD

In less than five years, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta targets at least half of the total of 600 lecturers to hold a doctoral degree. Vice Rector I of UAD, Dr. Muchlas, M.T., said that the effort to target 300 lecturers to have a doctoral degree was in order to fulfill the standards for the university A accreditation.

In addition, the target of 300 lecturers with doctoral degree is the responsibility of UAD in improving the academic and graduate quality of the university. He revealed that to have the A accreditation, all UAD lecturers must possess a master’s degree and a half of the total lecturers must have gone through a doctoral program.

"The requirement for A accreditation is 50 percent of lecturers must hold a doctoral degree. Currently, the total number of lecturers in UAD is 600, meaning that 300 of them must possess a doctoral degree," he said, Wednesday (05/16/2010).

Muchlas explained that from a total of 600 lecturers, 120 of them already had a doctoral degree, and 100 lecturers pursuing their doctoral degree. So it is expected that, in the near future, the number of lecturers with doctoral degree will reach 220 people.

"The total number of 220 lecturers has not reached the 50 percent standard. It requires 100 more lecturers to hold a doctoral degree. This year, at least, we will send 100 lecturers to attend doctoral programs," he said.

Doctoral scholarship schemes can be external or internal. The external ones include domestic (government and non-government) or overseas scholarship offers. If those are not enough, UAD will prepare internal scholarships.

According to him, by sending the 100 lecturers to get a doctoral degree, in five and a half years from now, at least more than a half of UAD's lecturers would have doctoral degrees.

"We hope the needs of 100 additional doctor lecturers will be fulfilled, in accordance to requirements for UAD to get an accreditation of A. Thus, if it is presented in percentage, 60 percent lecturers will be graduated as domestic students and 40 percent will be from overseas." (Doc / ard)

UAD Provides a BPA Scholarship of 713 Million Rupiah

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) provides a scholarship to students who are currently in the second semester in the academic year of 2017/2018. There is a total of 713 students from 34 study programs who receive the scholarship. The distribution of the scholarship in the form of cash was done in the auditorium of campus 1 UAD on Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta on Saturday (19/05/2018).

Each student received a million rupiah, which would be allocated for the first and second semester. The BPA scholarship has been awarded to students since 2008. Over the past 10 years, the amount of the scholarship awarded has been multiplied, from 360 thousand to one million rupiah.

On the occasion, UAD Rector, Kasiyarno, M.Hum., accompanied by Vice Rector III, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., and the Head of Student Affairs of Bimawa, Danang Sukantar, M. Hum., gave briefing to the students.

Abdul Fadlil, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs said that this scholarship was to stimulate students to achieve more academically .

"All new students of UAD, with a total of approximately 6000, in the academic year of 2017/2018 were given the opportunity to apply for the scholarship. However, the number of students who applied for it was only 1063, and a total of 713 students passed the selection process. There are many scholarships available at UAD. The students must be proactive to access information and improve their achievement. "

On the other hand,  Kasiyarno also revealed the same thing, that students were required to excel in the middle of the competitiveness

 "Students must master many skills. Among them are communication, innovative ideas, and creativity. "

In addition, he stated that students should be able to think critically and positively, be able to collaborate, and master the latest technology.

"In the future, we will direct students to be employers, become entrepreneurs. Not merely being a civil servant."

Ganis Dwi Andaryani, a student of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD), a BPA scholarship grantee, was very motivated and happy to get the scholarship.

"This scholarship increases students' motivation to achieve better. I will save it, just in case I need it for something later," said the woman, who is originally from Yogyakarta. (ard)

Program 300 Doktor UAD

Dalam waktu kurang dari lima tahun, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta menargetkan setidaknya setengah dari total 600 dosen yang ada akan bergelar doktor. Wakil Rektor I UAD, Dr. Muchlas, M.T. mengatakan, upaya UAD menargetkan 300 dosen bergelar doktor dalam rangka melengkapi standar yang telah ditetapkan bagi universitas yang telah terakreditasi A.

Selain itu, target 300 dosen doktor ini sebagai tanggung jawab UAD dalam meningkatkan kualitas akademik dan lulusan. Ia mengungkapkan, dengan akreditasi yang sudah A, semua dosen UAD harus telah menempuh jenjang S2. Kemudian setengah dari total dosen sudah menempuh S3 atau doktoral.

“Kebutuhan rasio dosen bergelar doktor dengan akreditasi A, harus sudah 50 persen. Saat ini total dosen UAD mencapai 600 orang, artinya 300 di antaranya harus bergelar doktor,” ujarnya, Rabu (16/5/2018).

Muchlas memaparkan, dari total 600 dosen, 120 orang di antaranya sudah S3. Kemudian dosen yang on going menyelesaikan S3 berjumlah 100 orang. Sehingga diharapkan dalam waktu dekat dosen S3 mencapai 220 orang.

“Jumlah 220 dosen ini belum memenuhi standar untuk mencapai 50 persen. Sehingga diperlukan 100 dosen lagi yang bergelar doktor. Tahun ini minimal kami kirim 100 dosen mengikuti program doktor,” tandasnya.

Skema beasiswa doktoral bisa eksternal maupun internal. Kemudian dipetakan yang eksternal seperti tawaran beasiswa dari luar negeri atau dalam negeri (pemerintah dan non-pemerintah). Apabila juga belum tercukupi akan disiapkan beasiswa internal dari UAD.

Dengan pengiriman 100 dosen calon doktoral ini, menurutnya pada lima setengah tahun dari sekarang, setidaknya lebih dari setengah dosen UAD telah bergelar doktor.

“Kami berharap tercukupi tambahan 100 dosen doktor, sesuai syarat UAD universitas dengan akreditasi A. Dengan demikian jika dipersentasekan, nantinya 60 persen lulusan dari dalam negeri dan 40 persen luar negeri.” (doc/ard)

UAD Releases 50 Foreign Students

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) held the release of 50 foreign students who had completed their studies. The event was held at the auditorium of campus 1 at Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta on Saturday (5/12/2018).

The 50 students came from 5 different programs. As many as 14 of them were students of Darmasiswa program (1 year Indonesian language and culture program with Indonesian government scholarship), 8 students were from Indonesian Literature Study Program of Faculty of Cultural Literature and Communication (FSBK) and had studied for 1 year, 18 students participated in the two-year program, 5 students were from ASEAN International Mobility Students (AIMS) program, as well as 5 regular Thai students.

The launching event was entitled "Jakatarub Goes Global", in the hope that foreign students could learn more about Indonesian culture and could blend in with the cultural differences.

In this farewell event, foreign students presented several Indonesian arts as well as those from their respective countries. Among them are rentak bulian dance, Chinese songs, Thai martial arts, East Timorese songs, and others.

At the end of the event, the foreign students were granted a medal to show that they had completed their studies at UAD.

Prof. Drs. Sarbiran, M.Ed., Ph.D., the Vice Rector IV, in his speech congratulated the foreign students who had completed their studies.

"Make use of the knowledge gained in UAD well. Upon returning to your respective countries, always remember the experience you have gained in UAD, because experience is the best teacher," said Sarbiran.

On the other hand, Ida Puspita, M.A., Res., the Head of International Affairs Office (KUI) UAD expressed her expectation that more foreign students study at UAD.

“In the academic year of 2017/2018, UAD has about 125 foreign students from various countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia. The increase of foreign students in UAD is thanks to the cooperation of all involved parties. For that, we will continue to improve and provide the best service for foreign students," he said. (ard)

UAD Organizes Macapatan

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), in collaboration with Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta (BBY), held macapatan (Javanese verse reading) in the hall of campus 4 UAD on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta on Thursday (10/05/2018). This activity is a routine program of the old literary socialization held by BBY in collaboration with universities and macapatan community in Yogyakarta.

From the description delivered by Drs. Hendro Setyono, S.E., M.Sc., the Chairman of the committee, UAD has joined the macapatan group since 10 years ago. In 2018, UAD has the chance to become the event organizer for the fifth time.

"This activity is to introduce UAD to the community. It is to show that this Muhammadiyah university is concerned about art and culture of Indonesia. UAD nguri-uri (conserves) culture," he said.

In addition, on this occasion the committee collaborated with the Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Gending Bahana to be the musical accompaniment using gamelan instruments. Hendro added that this cooperation was in order to provide opportunities for students to improve their skills and to gain experience.

"There used to be macapatan training of lecturers and employees. However, there is only Gending Bahana now. We hope, old literature, especially macapat which is a part of Indonesian culture can be preserved for use not to lose our identity. UAD is ready to support, even if the system is arisan (rotating savings). "

Meanwhile, Dr. Dedi Pramono, M.Hum., the Head of Bureau of Students and Alumni (Bimawa) conveyed that UAD was very open with art and culture.

"We are ready to work together on art and culture. In the future, Bimawa will visit BBY for possible cooperation. Hopefully, this relationship is useful for all parties." (Ard)

The Opening of Entrepreneurship Development Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


The Service of Training for Applied Technology and Entrepreneurship (STATE) is an institution engaged in entrepreneurship with Entrepreneurship Development Program (KDP) as one of its programs. Inkubasi program is a part of KDP covering entrepreneurial competition that is aimed at students or alumni.

The collection of proposals was the first stage before 30 teams were selected. Then, interviews were conducted to further select the teams, resulting in only 20 of them. This would the last stage that would be followed by several other processes, including internships, workshops, training, and others, with a total time of approximately six months.

The KDP opening ceremony which took place in the hall of campus 2 on Saturday (05/12/2018) was attended by Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., as the Rector of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), Director of Bank BPD DIY, Muhammadiyah Central Institute (LPM), as well as the President Director and the representatives of STATE, namely Drs. Hendro Setyono, S.E., M.Sc., and Hari Hariyadi, S.P., M.Sc.

Kasiyarno conveyed, "It is the era of digital, so we must conduct business digitally."

"If we do not try to keep up with the technology, we will be left behind from those using digital assistance. Nowadays, almost everything is using a digital system, including the system at the bank. Every business must think ahead. Do not be stuck at one point, because there must always be innovation," said the Director of Bank BPD DIY.

Syukran Anas became one of the students who passed in the Inkubasi selection of entrepreneurial program, "Alhamdulillah, I can get the opportunity to do business with formal guidance coaches accompanied by experts so as to do entrepreneurship well." (Sch).

Prodamat UAD for Kampung Patehan

Through the People Empowerment Program (Prodamat), the students of Physics Education Master Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) conducted a series of educational activities in Kampung Patehan, Yogyakarta.

The activities were done since April 4, 2018 in collaboration with Pekerti volunteers in Kampung Patehan. The students actively accompanied the school-age residents during the study hours, so that residents could understand the school lessons optimally.

In addition, discussions were also held with the residents on technology-based learning, information, and communication using PhET. Thus, the literacy of science and mathematics of Patehan residents could be increased through interactive simulations.

Prodamat ended on May 2, 2018 and coincided with the National Education Day. It was ended with a celestial objects observation activity in Patehan. The observation activity was in collaboration with Astronomy Studies Center (Pastron) of UAD and Andromeda Physics Education study group of UAD.

A total of three telescopes were used in this observation activity. About 30 people, consisting of children, teenagers, and adults, participated in the observation of celestial objects. The residents were very enthusiastic and interested in following the activity to the end.

The moon, a number of constellations, and the planet of Jupiter and its satellites became the main attraction. In the midst of urban lights and the buildings in urban areas that began to obstruct the sight of celestial bodies, residents still had the opportunity to get that special moment. With human resources and equipment provided by UAD, the information and knowledge dissemination to the community can be well organized.

Prodamat is a student service to the community. The knowledge they gain on campus is delivered to the community for it to be more useful. UAD Post Graduate Manager and Physics Education Master Program of UAD fully support Prodamat.

In the middle of tight class schedule and international publications target, students were able to interact with the community through Prodamat. This activity provided great potential, not only for community empowerment, but also for civitas academica to know the condition of the community that to be studied and researched.

At the closing ceremony of Prodamat in Kampung Patehan, the Chief of RW 05, Agus, said that such activities provided new experiences and knowledge for the residents. He expressed his expectation that this activity could be held again in the future, not only from Physics Education, but also from other disciplines of science to work together in educational activities in Patehan. (ard / doc)

Studi Pentas Dukun Kimin Kritisi Masyarakat

Sepekan lalu Teater Jaringan Anak Bahasa (JAB) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta menggelar studi pentas dengan judul “Dukun Kimin”. Pementasan yang berlangsung Minggu (13/5/2018) di green hall kampus 2 UAD disaksikan mahasiswa, pelajar, dosen, sastrawan, pemerhati, penikmat, dan pelaku teater. Pentas tersebut merupakan program kerja tahun 2018/2019.

Rizki Ramdhani penulis naskah sekaligus sutradara mengungkapkan pementasan “Dukun Kimin” merupakan pandangannya terhadap masyarakat saat ini.

“Saya mengira saat ini praduga masyarakat terhadap sesamanya sangat tinggi. Adanya berita yang tidak benar dan perbedaan ideologi mungkin menjadi salah satu penyebabnya.”

Ia juga menjelaskan, masyarakat sampai sekarang masih mempercayai perihal praktik klenik dan sejenisnya. Atas dasar tersebut Rizki menulis naskah dengan membenturkan realitas yang ada di masyarakat.

“Saya juga menduga, yang saat ini terjadi di masyarakat karena mendekati pemilihan kepala daerah (Pilkada). Jadi banyak gesekan,” tandasnya.

Untuk mementaskan “Dukun Kimin”, dibutuhkan proses latihan selama satu bulan. Kru yang tergabung dalam pentas berdurasi satu jam ini sekitar 100-an orang. Di dalam penggarapannya, tim produksi JAB tetap melibatkan para alumninya untuk memberikan dukungan dan kritikan.

Pementasan bergenre drama yang mengangkat tema adat, adab, arah dengan naskah Dukun Kimin berhasil sebagai kritik sosial terhadap politik dan kemanusiaan. (ard)


UAD Dirikan Boarding School di Sambas

Setelah tahun lalu mendirikan sekolah laboratorium MIM Wonosobo di Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) kini tengah bersiap menghadirkan boarding school di Sambas, Kalimantan Barat. Sektor pendidikan merupakan salah satu fokus utama dari pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh UAD.

Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., Rektor UAD mengatakan, sarana pendidikan berkonsep pesantren di Sambas fokus pada pendidikan jenjang SMP dan SMK.

“Boarding school ini merupakan laboratorium UAD. Kami memberikan dukungan infrastruktur dan sumber daya manusia (SDM),” ujarnya saat dijumpai di ruang kerjanya, Senin (14/5/2018).

Lebih lanjut ia menerangkan, pembangunan sekolah ini selaras dengan program unit sekolah baru (USB) yang dicanangkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) Republik Indonesia. Lahan yang digunakan seluas 15 hektar yang sebagiannya merupakan lahan wakaf.

“Kami target bangunan rampung pada akhir tahun. Sehingga pada tahun depan sudah dapat menerima siswa baru,” jelas Kasiyarno.

Rencana pembangunan sekolah tersebut berawal dari program kuliah kerja nyata (KKN) UAD. Setelah menempatkan mahasiswa KKN di Sambas selama empat periode, UAD memutuskan untuk menghadirkan sarana pendidikan di tempat tersebut.

Menurutnya, keputusan yang diambil merupakan respons atas permintaan masyarakat sekitar yang membutuhkan sarana pendidikan di Sambas. Selain dapat menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat setempat, Kasiyarno optimistis kehadiran boarding school UAD berpotensi menjaring siswa dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. (doc/ard)