Milad UAD Ajang Pencarian Bakat Mahasiswa

“Mahasiswa yang memenangi perlombaan Amazing Orange 2017 harus terus mengembangkan kemampuannya. Kami, Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) siap mendampingi dan membantu pemaksimalan potensi, baik akademis maupun non-akademis,” terang Heru Astar, Presiden Mahasiswa 2017/2018 pada sambutannya ketika acara penutupan Milad Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) ke-57.

Perlombaan yang diselenggarakan oleh panitia mahasiswa ini memiliki tujuan untuk mencari mahasiswa berbakat UAD. Selain itu, para pemenang nantinya akan difasilitasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya agar bisa berprestasi di tingkat regional, nasional, maupun internasional.

Acara penutupan yang diselenggarakan di green hall kampus 4, Jumat (22/12/2017) dihadiri oleh Wakil Rektor 3, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., Kepala Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni Bimawa Drs. Hendro Setyono, S.E.,M.Sc., perwakilan BEM se-DIY, mahasiswa UAD, serta masyarakat sekitar. Tampil sebagai bintang tamu Dhyo Haw dan Jikustik.

Sementara, Abdul Fadlil mengungkapkan apresiasinya terhadap kinerja panitia milad mahasiswa yang setiap tahunnya selalu meningkat. “Kegiatan milad memang dimaksudkan untuk menggali potensi mahasiswa dalam berbagai bidang serta menumbuhkan kader baru yang akan mengukir prestasi dan mempertahankannya.”

Ia menambahkan, universitas sangat mendukung Amazing Orange. Kegiatan semacam ini dapat menjadikan prestasi UAD terus meningkat. UAD maju dan berkembang karena prestasi mahasiswa.

“Melalui kegiatan ini, diharapkan memunculkan mahasiswa yang berkembang di bidang keorganisasian. Akan muncul bakat kepemimpinan mahasiswa, sehingga bangsa ini tidak akan kekurangan calon pemimpin di masa yang akan datang,” tukas Fadlil. (ard)

Dosen UAD Dipercaya Ketuai JCI Yogyakarta

Hari Hariyadi, S.P.,M.Sc., dosen Teknologi Pangan Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta dipercaya menjadi Ketua Junior Chamber Internasional (JCI) Indonesia Regional Yogyakarta 2018. Serah terima jabatan dilaksanakan di Fave Hotel Kamis, (21/12/2017).

Dalam acara ini juga ada seminar bertajuk “Peran Generasi Muda dalam Menyambut Indonesia Emas 2045” dengan pembicara Prof. Dr. Sri Adiningsih, M.Sc.,Ph.D., Ketua Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden Republik Indonesia (RI). 

JCI merupakan federasi yang beranggotakan para profesional dan pengusaha muda sedunia yang berusia antara 18-40 tahun. Untuk keanggotaan, perhimpunan pemuda internasional ini memiliki anggota lebih dari 400.000 ribu orang per tahun yang tersebar di 127 negara dan teritorial. Tercatat Joko Widodo, Presiden RI juga pernah tergabung dengan JCI.

Acara ini dihadiri oleh pimpinan dan perwakilian mahasiswa dari universitas se-Yogyakarta, wali kota, dan Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X yang diwakilkan oleh Edi Wahyudi, dari Balai Pemuda dan Olahraga DIY.

Dalam pembacaan pidato sambutan Sultan, dijelaskan pemuda harus berkontribusi bagi kemajuan bangsa dan memiliki cita-cita untuk membawa Indonesia menjadi lebih hebat. Sebab, dalam historisnya, pemuda selalu menempati peran strategis di Indonesia.

Sebagai tulang punggung negara, pemuda harus berkiprah di kancah nasional maupun internasional. Dalam  hal ini konteks kemajuan budaya dan kemandirian ekonomi. Generasi muda harus mampu mandiri, inovatif, kreatif, dan inisiatif untuk membantu menguatkan ekonomi Indonesia dalam menghadapi tantangan pasar global.

Sementara, Hari, setelah dilantik mengharapkan JCI dapat bersinergi dengan semua elemen untuk menyukseskan Indonesia dan generasi emas 2045. “Sudah sekitar 10 tahun saya bergabung dengan JCI. Banyak hal yang dipelajari, utamanya membangun relasi dengan masyarakat global. Perhimpunan Pemuda Internasional Indonesia Yogyakarta harus terus bergerak. Saatnya menguatkan sosiopreneur untuk membangun lingkungan dan masyarakat sekitar,” tukasnya. (ard)

PP Muhammadiyah Entrusted UAD as a Host

The Central Leadership (PP) of Muhammadiyah entrusted Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta as the host to hold two meetings at once. The first one was a plenary meeting with the Assembly of Higher Education Research and Development (Diktilitbang). The second was a meeting entitled Management Coordination of Ma'had Asian Muslim Charity Foundation (AMCF) at Muhammadiyah universities (PTM). Both were held in the hall of Islamic Center of Campus 4 UAD on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul.


The event was attended by the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.A.P., the high officials of PP Muhammadiyah and Diktilitbang, the rector of UAD, and representatives from various PTM in Indonesia. Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., UAD as the rector, expressed his gratitude for the trust that PP Muhammdiyah gave to UAD to host the events.

"Thank you for the trust that Muhammadiyah gives to UAD. It is a proof that they believe in us. It seems that both parties gain benefits from the good relationship as PP has previously mentored and assisted us on the AIPT UAD visitation," he joked

In his speech on Saturday (16/12/2017), Kasiyarno explained that UAD was continuing to develop itself to achieve an internationally recognized vision and became a university that can compete nationally and globally.

In regard with AMCF, there were already 22 PTM which were included. The areas of concern were related to religious management and development. One of them was to produce Muhammadiyah supporters.

As an Islamic organization, Muhammadiyah needs to keep moving forward while also maintaining Islamic values in order to develop da'wah amar maruf nahi munkar. Muhammadiyah supporters are expected to become reliable supporters. (ard)

It is Time for Indonesian Journal to Rise

The Institute of Scientific Publication (LPPI) Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) held a workshop on Scientific Periodical Management in Accordance with National / International Standards and Strengthening Scientific Publications for Editor. Located at Tjokro Style hotel, the workshop was held on December 12-13, 2017.

"All speakers in this workshop are organizers of journals from UAD. They are already highly skilled and well known, both nationally and internationally. In the workshop on Journal Management, we have Tole Sutikno, Ph.D., Dr. Nurkhasanah, M.Si., Apt., Lina Handayani, Ph.D., Moch. Fuad Syaifuddin, M.Pd., and Andri Pranolo, M.Cs. Meanwhile in the workshop of Scientific Article Publication, we have Iwan Tri Riaydi Yanto, M.IT., Damar Yoga Kusuma, Ph.D., Dr. Ir. Dwi Sulisworo, M. T., and myself as the speakers, "explained Dr. Rully Charitas Indra, M.Pd.

As the speaker and chairman of the committee, Rully explained that the program of LPPI aimed to improve the quality of journal management and to publish the work of Indonesian lecturers.

"With that in mind, we invite the best journal managers to share their knowledge on journal management and how to be published on well-known journal publications," he explained.

In the journal management practice session, 70 participants were divided into two categories; science and non-science. They were then split again into several groups. Each group consisted of 8 to 10 people, and was accompanied by 1 to 2 coaches. This was to make the group discussion more focused on its respective category and field, as well as to facilitate the coaching process for each participant.

Rully, representing all the workshop committees, expressed his hope for more national journals to be known internationally. "I hope there will be more journals in Indonesia that meet the minimum standards of accreditation and scopus-indexed journals. In addition, the journal managers must also be able to improve their quality by improving their own publications, "he concluded. (dev)

Sudah Saatnya Jurnal Indonesia Bangkit

Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah (LPPI) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) menggelar workshop Pengelolaan Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah Sesuai dengan Standar Nasional/Internasional dan Penguatan Publikasi Ilmiah bagi Editor. Bertempat di Hotel Tjokro Style, workshop tersebut diselenggarakan pada 12-13 Desember 2017.

“Seluruh pembicara dalam workshop ini adalah pengelola jurnal dari internal UAD, tetapi mereka sudah sangat ahli dan terkenal baik nasional maupun internasional. Dalam workshop Tata Kelola Jurnal, ada Tole Sutikno, Ph.D., Dr. Nurkhasanah, M.Si.,Apt., Lina Handayani, Ph.D., Moch. Fuad Syaifuddin, M.Pd., dan Andri Pranolo, M.Cs. Sedangkan pada workshop Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah, sebagai pembicara, kami mendatangkan Iwan Tri Riaydi Yanto, M.IT., Damar Yoga Kusuma, Ph.D., Dr. Ir. Dwi Sulisworo, M.T., dan saya sendiri juga sebagai pembicara,” jelas Dr. Rully Charitas Indta, M.Pd.

Selaku pembicara sekaligus ketua panitia, Rully menjelaskan bahwa program kerja LPPI tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas tata kelola jurnal dan publikasi karya dosen-dosen di Indonesia.

“Maka, dengan tujuan itu kami mengundang pengelola-pengelola jurnal terbaik untuk membagikan ilmu tentang mengelola jurnal yang baik dan memublikasikan artikel di jurnal-jurnal ternama,” jelasnya.

Pada sesi praktik pengelolaan jurnal, sebanyak 70 peserta yang hadir dibagi ke dalam dua bidang; science dan non-science. Kemudian dipecah lagi menjadi beberapa kelompok. Setiap kelompok terdiri atas 8 hingga 10 orang, dan didampingi oleh 1 hingga 2 coach. Hal ini dilakukan untuk membuat kelompok diskusi yang lebih fokus pada bidang masing-masing dan memudahkan proses coaching pada masing-masing peserta.

Ditemui di sela-sela waktu istirahat, Rully mengemukakan harapannya mewakili seluruh panitia workshop agar lebih banyak nasional yang muncul ke muka internasional. “Saya berharap akan banyak bermunculan jurnal-jurnal di Indonesia yang memenuhi standar minimum akreditasi dan memenuhi standar jurnal terindex scopus. Selain itu, para pengelola juga harus bisa meningkatkan kualitas diri mereka dengan meningkatkan publikasi mereka sendiri,” pungkasnya. (dev)

UAD Graduate Students to Attend 2017 Prodamat Briefing

The Community Empowerment Program (Prodamat) conducted by the Graduate Program of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta is a means for students to be able to think critically and find the best solution to the problems existing in the society.

Before being sent off, the students were equipped with materials about Prodamat which was delivered by Drs. H. Muchlas Abror, dr. H. Agus Taufiqurrahman, Sp.S., M.Kes., and Dr. Ir. Dwi Sulisworo, M.T. The briefing was held in the auditorium of Campus 3 UAD on Saturday (16/12/017) and was attended by 244 students.

Prodamat is one effort to synchronize general knowledge and science with religion. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Mursyidi, M.Sc., Apt., UAD Post Graduate Director stated that Islam must cover all aspects.

“Knowledge and religion are aimed at realizing prosperity, justice and environmental protection, especially about the environment, community, and nature."

This program required graduate students to serve the community in Yogyakarta and around Central Java. During the implementation of the program, the students must show the attitude of an intellectual. This attitude is important as the foundation for scholars and practitioners who want to deepen their knowledge on religion, especially Islam.

Mursyidi stated that this activity aimed to improve the mental and spiritual aspects of the students as agents of change. In addition, students were encouraged to continue to think critically by using their creativity and innovation to provide alternative solutions for existing problems. Solutions to the existing problems are expected to improve the quality of the society. (ard)

The Commitment of LPPI UAD to Improve Its Journal Quality

The Institute for Research and Scientific Publications (LPPI) of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), Yogyakarta held a workshop entitled "Scientific Periodical Publishing Management according to National/International Standards and the Strengthening of Scientific Publication for Editors". The event was held at Tjokro Style Hotel (12-13/12/2017) and was attended by scholars and practitioners from UAD, as well as from other universities.

The speakers of the workshop were the Chairman of LPPI UAD, Tole Sutikno, Ph.D., and others, such as Moch Fuad Saifuddin, M.Pd., Lina Handayani, Ph.D., Andri Pranolo, M.Cs., Damar Yoga Kusuma, Ph.D., Dr. Rully Charitas Indra P., Dr. Ir. Dwi Sulisworo, M.T., and Iwan Tri Riyadi, M.IT. Each speaker presented various materials including journal standards, strategies, and how to manage journals.


Tole stated that both organizers and journal authors should be able to take advantage of the journal. "There are many benefits to be gained from journals, not only journals from UAD, but also from various universities outside of UAD and Yogyakarta. In addition, the current quality of journals plays an important role in improving the quality of the university. "

Meanwhile, the Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M. Hum., has a similar view on journal. According to him, by writing journal findings, we can help contribute to the realization of a more civilized nation. Journal presents the findings of research and the development of the current science and technology that must be known by the general public.

"Research can determine the future. It can, at the very least, prepare more competent human resources who understand science and technology. Journal is a medium to publish the latest inventions and innovations. Read it, understand it, and develop it, "said Kasiyarno.

Currently, UAD is committed to continuously improve the quality of journals in every study program and faculty to improve the quality of the university in return. Lecturers of UAD are also encouraged to participate and publish their journals in national and international journal publishers. (ard)

Pocari Won ICP 2017

Catering for Posyandu (Pocari), which was initiated by the students of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) succeeded in becoming the 1st place winner in INZI Creative Project (ICP) competition. The competition was organized by JAPFA Foundation and was participated by various public and private universities all over Indonesia.

The final stage was held at Peninsula Hotel, Jakarta (8-9/12/2017). The UAD team succeeded in surpassing 174 proposals from other participants. The team consisted of 4 students, Widia Maika Sari, Asri Lestari, Hasothiya Dwi Lestari Deflores (Public Health), and Gontang Ragil Prakasa (Information Engineering), as well as Oktomi Wijaya, S.K.M., M.Sc. as the supervisor.

From the explanation by Widia as the team leader, the idea of Catering for ​​Posyandu (Pocari) came from the high number of malnutrition problems in Indonesia and the project was an effort made to solve the problem.

"We focus on the first 1000 days of life, because it is a critical period and a period that determines the quality of one's life. The target is for pregnant women to focus on fulfilling the nutrition of their babies’ first 270 days of life. Mothers breastfeed for the first 180 days, and provide home-made MP-ASI for nutritional fulfillment for infants aged 6-24 months in the first 550 days of life."

The food menu provided is adjusted to the nutritional needs of a mother and her baby, based on the Number of Nutritional Needs (AKG). Pocari is also facilitated with an online application called "Mobile Pocari". Therefore, the ordering process can be done anywhere and anytime.

In the meantime, "Mobile Pocari" is still in the form of prototype (dummy). This online application which will make meal reservations easier is still in the process of refinement. There are four features provided, including Bumil (pregnancy) package, Busui (breastfeeding) package, Mpasi (complementary food) package, and Nutritional Information.

In addition to getting the prize of 20 million rupiah, as the winner, the UAD Team will be funded a maximum of 200 million to realize Pocari. In the process of the realization, there will be cooperation with and assistance from Japfa, Health Department and the Ministry of Health.

"The target area for the pilot testing of Pocari will be Nganjuk District, East Java. It is because the number of nutritional problems there is still high. Hopefully, our ideas can provide solutions to the nutritional problems that exist in Indonesia. If it is going according to our plan, this program can be a Posyandu program in Indonesia and recognized as Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)."

The realization of Pocari and "Mobile Pocari" is certainly not without problems. Because it uses an online system, there must be internet connection to access this application. The problem is, not all areas in Indonesia have internet access. Therefore, the team is still developing an application that can be accessed offline. (ard)

Learn How to Maintain Memory Capacity

Last Saturday (16/12/2017), Bimalukar Literature Community (KSB) Wonosobo held Book Discussion (BB) #16. The event is a routine done by KSB, which is held once a month. However, the BB this time was not like the previous book discussions. Sule Subaweh, a writer who was born in Madura, was present in the event along with Rakai Lukman, a writer from Gresik, East Java.
BB #16 event which took place at Mandala Tourism Gate, Wonosobo (Mendolo Station Complex) was actually included in the series of events organized by KSB. The activity was fully supported by Wonosobo Tourism Department. The theme for BB #16 was "Publishing". This was in line with the main theme of Wonosobo's Creative Economy Week, because book publication was one of the economic products.
In BB #16, both Sule and Lukman became the first writers who published their solo book. With a title of Bedak dalam Pasir, Sule wrote short stories, while Lukman wrote his poems in a book entitled Banjir Bantaran Bengawan.
"The event that was attended by students from Wonosobo became one of the benchmarks that local literature is experiencing a dynamic," said Ardy Suryantoko as the chairman of KSB.
The nearly three-hour activity covered a lot of things, but there was one point that really mattered which was about creative process.
"Writing is one way to take care of our memory," Lukman said in the discussion. In line with this idea, Sule added, "The writing process will make us human beings who will not easily forget about things."
Everyone can write, but not everyone can be istiqomah. Yet, this is exactly how someone can keep developing and continue to grow, by doing something diligently.
Lukman added, "Writing is not enough, a more important thing to do than writing is doing research and/or reading."
"The best nutrition intake for a writer comes from reading books," Sule said during the discussion.
Sule and Lukman’s presence along with their books, Bedak dalam Pasir and Banjir Bantaran Bengawan, at the very least, had become a precious contribution to the development of our local books. At the end of the event, Sule and Lukman both advised that the life and continuity of local literature was in the hands of the local youth. Therefore, BB #16 which was organized by KSB and Wonosobo Tourism Department was at least able to give insight that book publishing could also become a part of the economic market. (ards)

UAD Dipercaya sebagai Host oleh PP Muhammadiyah

Pimpinan Pusat (PP) Muhammadiiyah memercayai Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta sebagai host untuk menyelenggarakan dua rapat sekaligus. Pertama, rapat pleno diperluas Majelis Pendidikan Tinggi Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Diktilitbang). Kedua, rapat bertajuk Koordinasi Pengelolaan Ma’had Bantuan Asia Muslim Charity Foundation (AMCF) di Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah (PTM). Keduanya diselenggarakan di aula Islamic Center kampus 4 UAD, Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul.

Acara ini dihadiri Mendikbud RI, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.A.P., Petinggi PP Muhammadiyah dan Diktilitbang, rektor, serta perwakilan dari berbagai PTM se-Indonesia. Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., Rektor UAD, menyampaikan rasa terima kasihnya atas kepercayaan dari PP Muhammdiyah kepada UAD untuk menjadi host.


“Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Muhammdiyah kepada UAD. Ini bukti bahwa ada kepercayaan terhadap kami. Tampaknya ini adalah simbiosis yang saling menguntungkan setelah sebelumnya PP membina dan mendampingi secara teknis terkait visitasi AIPT UAD,” ujarnya berkelakar.

Pada sambutannya, Sabtu (16/12/2017), Kasiyarno menjelaskan saat ini UAD sedang terus mengembangkan diri untuk mencapai visi diakui secara internasional serta menjadi perguruan tinggi yang mampu bersaing secara nasional dan global.

Terkait AMCF, sudah ada 22 PTM yang melaksanakan kerja sama. Bidang yang menjadi perhatian terkait pengembangan dan pembihaan agama, salah satunya untuk melahirkan kader Muhammadiyah.

Sebagai gerakaan Islam, kebutuhan dasar Muhammadiyah adalah terus bergerak dan tetap menjaga watak keislaman dalam rangka mengembangkan dakwah amar maruf nahi munkar. Kader Muhammdiyah diharapkan menjadi kader yang andal. (ard)