Muhammadiyah Hasn’t Yet Paid Attention To Politic and Economy

For three days (17-19/06/2016) Council of Cadre Education, Board of Muhammadiyah Chiefs Chapter Yogyakarta Special Province (MPK PWM-DIY) held 1437 Hijriyah Proselytizing with the theme ‘Muhammadiyah’s Future: Strengthening Social, Political and Economic Roles.’

‘The MPK PWM-DIY proselytizing is the realization of present Muhammadiyah’s roles, which should be rooted on public policy central sector and improving economic independence,' sa’d Gita Danupranata, S.E., M.M. in his press release.

Furthermore, the Chief of Muhammadiyah chapter Yogyakarta also said that so far Muhammadiyah has contributed resources to build health sector for example hospitals and education from elementary level up to higher educational level since its early development far before the independence.

Besides that, Muhammadiyah has also contributed its competence cadres to become public leaders. Unfortunately, there are only few cadres becoming politicians and tycoons. This sacred month Ramadhan becomes a good moment to reflect Muhammadiyah’s point of view especially for Muhammadiyah’s Chiefs Chapter Yogyakarta on how to build the nation through politic and economic sectors. From the proselytizing, it is hoped that Muhammadiyah’s cadres will reset their point of view towards good politicians and economic tycoons.

Drs. Suyoto, M.Si., a regent of Bojonegoro, and Ir. Fuad Yahya a regent of Kebument spoke on the strategies and tactics to strengthen Muhammadiyah’s political role. Meanwhile Dr. Haedar Nashir, M.Si. general chief of Muhammadiyah presented the topic revitalization and regeneration of public leadership.

Meanwhile, Abdullah Yazid, M.A. the founder of Bituttamwil Muhammadiyah and the former Yogyakarta mayor Herry Zudianto, S.E., M.M. spoke about realization of Muhammadiyah’s economic independence movement. Furthermore, Prof. Bambang Setiaji, who is also rector of University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) and Prof. Bambang Cipto rector of University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) spoke about contemporary political and economic strategies from academic perspective.

The proselytizing, which was held at Campus I Univesity of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), was attended by all members of Board of Muhammadiyah Chiefs Chapter Yogyakarta Special Province (PDM DIY). The event, which took place for three days was accompanied by breaking the fast.

UAD Carried Out Religious Competition


Designed as a competition called “Ramadhan at Campus (RDK)”, Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) carried out a religious competition.

Through the Development Institute of Islamic Studies (LPSI), UAD carried out two branches of competitions. They were Islamic speech and Hifdzil Qur’an. These competitions were carried out on Sunday (12/6/2016)

There were 40 participants from the study program delegations of UAD. RDK Competition had been carried out from 08.30 to 13.00 at local time in the hall of Islamic Center, campus IV, South Ring-road, Banguntapan, Bantul.

On the same day, there was announcement of the winners right after the competition. Each winner would get trophy, a plaque of appreciation, as well as money-coaching that would be handed in an event of mass religious gathering (tabligh akbar) in commemorating upcoming revelation (Nuzulul Qur’an).

The competition was aimed to develop UAD students’ talents, particularly in religious aspect. Apart from that, it was also aimed to prosper the Islamic Center mosque as the center of Islamic study in Yogyakarta. (AKN)

UAD Kembali Adakan Kompetisi Keagamaan


Dikemas dalam sebuah perlombaan yang dinamakan “Ramadhan di Kampus (RDK)”, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) kembali mengadakan kompetisi keagamaan.

Melalui Lembaga Pengembangan Studi Islam (LPSI), UAD mengadakan dua cabang lomba, yakni ceramah Islami dan Hifdzilil Qur’an. Kegiatan tersebut diadakan pada Minggu (12/6/2016).

Peserta yang diturutsertakan merupakan mahasiswa perwakilan dari setiap program studi. Sehingga jumlah peserta yang berpartisipasi berjumlah 40. Perlombaan RDK ini diadakan sejak pukul 08.30-13.00 WIB dan bertempat di aula Islamic Center, kampus IV, Jalan Ringroad Selatan, Banguntapan, Bantul.

Sedangkan untuk pengumuman juara, langsung diadakan pada hari itu juga setelah berakhirnya perlombaan. Masing-masing pemenang mendapatkan tropi, piagam penghargaan, serta uang pembinaan, yang akan dibagikan pada acara Tabligh Akbar dalam memperingati Hari Nuzulul Qur’an mendatang.

Tujuan diadakannya perlombaan ini adalah untuk mengembangkan bakat yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa UAD, terutama dalam bidang keagamaan. Di samping itu, yakni untuk memakmurkan masjid Islamic Center sebagai pusat kajian keislaman di Yogyakarta. (AKN).



Test of English as a Foreign Language atau biasa disingkat TOEFL adalah ujian kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang menjadi salah satu syarat untuk mencapai gelar sarjana. Pada Sabtu (11/6/2016) di ruang 3.1.206 kampus III Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), dilaksanakan tes tersebut.

Sebanyak 120 mahasiswa Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) mengikuti tes simulasi TOEFL yang diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (IPTEK) Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) FMIPA, yang sekaligus bekerja sama dengan Swift English School. Tes tersebut dilaksanakan secara gratis.

“Tes ini diselenggarakan untuk membantu mahasiswa FMIPA agar mengetahui seberapa kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang dimiliki, karena syarat nilai TOEFL untuk kelulusan di FMIPA adalah 450. Jadi, semoga dengan diadakannya tes ini, dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk ke depannya,” ungkap Anggi Surya Permana selaku Ketua Panitia TOEFL dalam sambutannya.

Gubernur FMIPA, Ferry Riano Setyawan, juga berujar, “Terima kasih kepada semua peserta yang antusias berpartisipasi dalam acara ini.”

Simulasi TOEFL dibagi menjadi dua sesi. Sesi pertama dimulai pukul 12.30–15.00, dan sesi kedua dimulai pukul 15.30–17.00 WIB yang dipimpin secara langsung oleh pihak Swift English School.

Terdapat 3 section yang harus dikerjakan oleh peserta yaitu section 1 listening yang berisi 40 soal, section 2 reading sejumlah 50 soal, dan section 3 structure berisi 50 soal.

Hasil tes tersebut akan diumumkan dua minggu setelah pelaksanaan, dan apabila ada peserta yang ingin mencetak sertifikat hasil tes, pihak Swift English School siap untuk melayani. (TF/AKN)

FMIPA UAD Carried Out Free TOEFL Test

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), an English proficiency test for students to obtain under graduate degree was carried out on Saturday (11/6/2016) in room 3.1.206, campus III, Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD).

There were 120 students of Faculty of Math and Science (FMIPA) participating in the TOEFL simulation test carried out by departement of science and technology (IPTEK), Student Executive Board (BEM) of FMIPA in colaboration with Swift English School. The test was free.

“This test is aimed to know the level of FMIPA students’ English proviciency for they should meet the TOEFL score of 450, the FMIPA graduation requirement of TOEFL score. By doing so, hopefully it will be helpfull for the students’ future.”, said Anggi Surya Permana, the head of TOEFL committee in her opening speech.

The governor of BEM FMIPA, Ferry Riano Setyawan said “thank you for all participants who are enthusiatic taking apart in this program”.

The TOEFL simulation test was devided into two sesións. The first sesión had started at 12.30 – 15.00 while the second one had started at 15.30 – 17.00 at local time. Each sesión was run by the staff of Swift English School.

There were three sections of the test that should be completed by the participants. They were section 1 consisting 40 questions of listening test, section 2 consisting 50 questions of Reading test, and section 3 consisting 50 questions of structure test.

The result of the test would be announced in two weeks after the test. While the certificate was provided by Swift English School for those who asked for it. (TF/AKN)


The Achievement of Students of Accountancy Department, Faculty of Economics UAD Lead Them To Follow SUT International Camp 2016


Two students of Accountancy Department, Faculty of Economics University of Ahmad Dahlan (FE UAD), Rachmat Bagus W and Raja Yulianita Sarazwati left for Thailand  representing their institution to follow SUT International Camp 2016  held at Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) Thailand.

The activity covers two sessions i.e. The 3rd International ASEAN Culture Camp: ISAAN Culture Camp and The 2nd International Martial-Arts and Culture Camp: Muay Thai Camp.

‘It is the achievement that leads them to join in the programs. They are students with good achievement at faculty level last year. Rachmat and Raja are the first and second champions at FE UAD in 2015 student achievement championship, said Rikha Muftia Khoirunisa, SE., M.Sc. public relation of FE.

Rachmat got the chance to join in Muay Thai camp because most of the agenda in the camp were martial arts. The material presented were Muay Thai rituals, defense attack techniques, waikru ceremony, and group presentation for everything learned in the camp. Moreover the camp exhibited Pimai Histrical Park and Suranaree Army Camp.

Meanwhile, Raja attended ISAAN Culture Camp. The agenda include conferences, lectures, recreational games, voluntary activities, ASEAN cultural exchange, Thai arts and culture study, and field trips. ISAAN culture camp is carried out to improve awareness of ASEAN community and to give a chance for knowledge, culture exchange and improve brotherhood in every activity.

The event takes place from 19-25/06/2016 and will be closed by a farewell party at the end. UAD team will present a collaboration dance entitled The Beauty of Equator. The dance is a medley of all sorts of Indonesian dance.

‘The International Camp is followed by some countries in ASEAN, so that it becomes a challenge for the members to adapt with the neighboring countries in culture. Moreover, it is a medium to build international relation  among them,’ said Ida Puspita, M.A. Res as chief of International relation office (KUI).


Prestasi Antarkan Mahasiswa Akuntansi FE UAD Ikuti SUT International Camp 2016

Dua mahasiswa Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (FE-UAD), Rachmat Bagus W dan Raja Yulianita Sarazwati berangkat ke Thailand mewakili kampus untuk mengikuti SUT International Camp 2016 yang diadakan oleh Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), Thailand.

Kegiatan camp terbagi atas dua bagian, yaitu The 3rd International ASEAN Culture Camp: ISAAN Culture Camp serta The 2nd International Martial-Arts dan Culture Camp: Muay Thai Camp.

“Prestasilah yang mengantarkan mereka ke sana. Mereka mahasiswa berprestasi tingkat fakultas tahun 2015 lalu, Rachmat meraih juara I dan Raja juara II pemilihan mahasiswa berprestasi FE UAD 2015,” terang Rikha Muftia Khoirunnisa, S.E.,. M.Sc. humas FE.

Rachmat mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bergabung dalam Muay Thai camp karena sebagian besar agenda dalam camp ini adalah seni bela diri. Materi yang diberikan antara lain ritual Muay Thai, teknik bertahan dan menyerang, wai-kru ceremony, dan group presentation untuk mendemonstrasikan yang telah dipelajari selama camp. Selain itu, dalam camp ini akan diperlihatkan berbagai tempat menarik seperti Pimai Historical Park dan Suranaree Army Camp.

Sementara itu, Raja akan mengikuti ISAAN Culture Camp. Kegiatan yang akan dilakukan meliputi conferences, lectures, recreational games, voluntary activities, ASEAN cultural  exchange, Thai arts and culture study, and field trips. ISAAN culture camp diadakan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya masyarakat ASEAN dan untuk memberikan kesempatan dalam pertukaran ilmu pengetahuan, budaya, serta menjalin persahabatan melalui setiap kegiatan yang dilaksanakan.

Kegiatan yang berlangsung (19-25/6/2016) tersebut akan diadakan farewell party di penghujung acara. Tim UAD akan menampilkan sebuah pertunjukan tari kolaborasi yang berjudul pesona khatulistiwa. Tarian tersebut merupakan medley terhadap beberapa tarian daerah yang ada di Indonesia.

“International camp ini diikuti dari berbagai negara di ASEAN, sehingga menjadikan tantangan tersendiri untuk dapat beradaptasi dengan teman-teman dari berbagai negara, mengenal kebudayaan yang ada di negara Thailand, serta negara ASEAN lainnya. Selain itu juga sebagai media membangun relasi international antar sesama mahasiswa,” kata Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. selaku Kepala Urusan Internasional (KUI).

About Politic, Muhammadiyah Takes The Least Role.

‘Muhammadiyah takes the least role. It does not mean that there is no Muhammadiyah members who respond it. Actually, politic plays an important role in proselytizing because it can be used to resist against a tyrannical rules,’ said Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum at his office before delivering a speech at Ramadhan proselytizing held by Council of Cadres, Boards of Regional Leaders Chapter Yogyakarta Special Province last Friday (17/06/2016)           

The proselytizing with the theme ‘Muhammadiyah’s Future: Strnghthening Social and Political Role and Econmical Independence’ is expected to lead young Muhammadiyah leaders ready to run good governance politicians and tycoons.

With the theme and competence speakers at their fields, it will lead to a further activity in the form of real Muhammadiyah proselytizing in Yogyakarta.

‘We hope, the bad image of political parties can be changed for a better one,’ said Drs. Untung Cahyono, M.Hum., Vice Chief of PWM DIY and Coordinator of Cadre Section Law and Human Rights.

The Role of Religious Leaders in Sustainable Development

‘Religion is a guide for life, so that religion must enlighten life.’

‘Through Al-Anfaal surah, Drs. Suyoto, M.Si. opened a Ramadhan Proselytizing held by Council of Educating Cadre, Board of Muhammadiyah Chiefs Chapter Yogyakarta Spial Province (MPK PWM DIY) last Saturday (18/06/2016) with the theme ‘The Role of Religious Leaders in Sustainable Devevopment.’

The regent of Bojonegoro who is also called Kang Yoto said, ‘To survive, what do you offer? What do you do to be successful? These are questions to be developed,’ he insisted.

One of the answers to the questions is to understand historical contexts to decide what to do. Religious leaders should do the same. According to him, religious leaders are spiritual leaders, who should serve the community to improve their welfare. Their role here is to build global brotherhood involving all sectors either governmental or societal. Religious leaders are obliged to give positive perspective and ethics. Ethics and religion help solve problems in society. They associate human thoughts and deeds, which religious leaders can synchronize.

Peran Agamawan dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

“Agama itu petunjuk hidup, maka beragama harus menghidupkan.”

Melalui surat al-Anfaal, Drs. Suyoto, M.Si. membuka pengajian Ramadhan Majelis Pendidikan Kader Pimpinan Wilayah Muhammadiyah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (MPK PWM-DIY) Sabtu (18/6/2016) di auditorium Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) dengan tema “Peran Agamawan dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan”.

Bupati Bojonegoro yang akrab dipanggil Kang Yoto ini mengatakan, “Untuk menghidupkan, lantas apa yang akan Anda jual? Bagaimana Anda menjual dan sukses? Ini pertanyaan penting untuk maju,” tengasnya.

Salah satu untuk menjawab pertanyaan itu adalah, pahami konteks sejarah untuk menentukan apa yang akan dijual. Agamawan juga harus seperti itu.

Menurutnya, agamawan adalah pemimpin spiritual, pemimpin yang melayani masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan semua masyarakat. Peran agamawan di sini adalah menjalin kemitraan global antara semua sektor, baik pemerintah maupun masyarakat. Kalangan agamawan dituntut memberi perspektif etika. Etika dapat membantu agama dalam memecahkan masalah yang sulit dijawab oleh agama. Hal tersebut bisa menghubungkan dengan akal, budi, pikiran manusia, sehingga di sinilah peran agamawan untuk mensinkronkan.