BPD DIY Salurkan 100 Juta Rupiah untuk Wirausahawan

Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) salurkan dana bergulir kepada usaha produktif dan wirausaha muda di DIY. Bantuan 100 juta rupiah ini disalurkan melalui Binaan Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LPM) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD).

BPD DIY sendiri memilih UAD sebagai partner menyalurkan dana bagi wirausahawan karena sudah terbukti memiliki komitmen dalam mencetak wirausahawan baru.

“UAD sudah punya mata kuliah entrepreneur sehingga mendukung lulusannya menjadi pengusaha,” ujar Bambang Setiawan.

Untuk Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) binaan LPM UAD, diberikan dana sebesar 80 juta rupiah bagi 15 UMKM. Monitoring dana akan dilakukan 6 bulan sekali selama 3 tahun. Sementara untuk mahasiswa wirausaha, mereka memperoleh hibah dana pembinaan 20 juta rupiah untuk 7 orang. Sebelumnya, mereka harus mengikuti Kompetisi Wirausaha Muda Istimewa untuk memperoleh dana tersebut.

Bambang selaku Direktur Utama (Dirut) BPD DIY mengatakan, BPD DIY terpanggil untuk mencetak wirausaha baru di DIY. Dengan sarana pendanaan ini, diharapkan jiwa usaha kaum muda semakin tumbuh.

“Kami ingin membantu mahasiswa agar setelah lulus bukan mencari pekerjaan tetapi menciptakan pekerjaan. Jiwa entrepreneurship-nya ada,” ungkap Bambang usai acara yang mengambil tajuk “Penyerahan Dana Bergulir UKM Binaan LPM UAD dan Modal Kerja untuk Pemenang Kompetisi Wirausaha Muda Istimewa”, di ruang sidang I kampus 1 UAD, Rabu (23/3/2016).

Rektor UAD, Dr. Kasiarno, M.Hum. menyampaikan, UMKM yang terpilih mendapatkan dana dari BPD DIY ini diharapkan benar-benar mengelola dana secara maksimal sehingga pada batas waktu yang telah ditentukan mampu mengembalikan untuk disalurkan kembali kepada UMKM lainnya.

“Kami memang tidak hanya mengembangkan pendidikan, tetapi juga melakukan pembinaan untuk pengembangan SDM,” ucapnya.

Mahasiswa yang meraih juara pertama Kompetisi Wirausaha Muda Istimewa Mahasiswa, Esti mengatakan, dana yang diberikan BPD bisa berguna untuk meningkatkan transaksi dalam usahanya warung makan bebakaran.

Sainspreneurship: Berbisnis dengan Sentuhan Sains

Lebih dari 300 mahasiswa program studi Biologi turut serta dalam kuliah umum yang diadakan oleh Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (F.MIPA) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). Acara tersebut diadakan pada Jum’at (11/03/2016) di aula Islamic Center, Jalan Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul sejak pukul 08.30-11.00 WIB.

Dalam kuliah umum yang mengambil tema “Implementasi Biosains dalam Wirausaha Budidaya Ikan”, didatangkan Dr. Agung Budiharjo, S.Si., M.Si. yang merupakan dosen Biologi Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) sebagai pembicara. Saat ini, ia telah sukses mengembangkan bisnisnya berupa budidaya sidat, ikan cupang, rumput laut, teh celup, dan lain sebagainya. Bahkan, penjualannya sudah menembus pasar dunia sampai ke Paris, Prancis.

Agung berujar bahwa ia mencoba membudidaya sambil berbisnis. Dengan penelitian-penelitian yang ia lakukan selama ini, ternyata hasilnya tidak sia-sia. Banyak yang mendatanginya untuk belajar mengenai pembudidayaan dan berbisnis. Dari itu pulalah, uang dapat ia hasilkan dengan sendirinya.

“Untuk bisa sukses, kita jangan minder dan rendah diri, juga harus banyak berkonsultasi kepada ahli, karena tidak akan ada kata akhir untuk belajar,” kata Agung yang juga pemilik rumah makan Jepang di kota Solo tersebut.

Dalam kuliah umum, selain pemaparan materi tentang sainspreneurship, juga diadakan diskusi tentang pembudidayaan biota laut dengan sentuhan sains. Mahasiswa Biologi UAD pun antusias memberikan pertanyaan kepada Agung.

Menurut Agung, tidak ada kesuksesan sebelum berusaha. Sebagaimana ia yang dalam merintis karier memerlukan waktu sepuluh tahun jatuh bangun dan mengalami kegagalan.

“Kita harus punya keahlian, karena itu dapat menutupi kekurangan yang ada. Teruslah berkarya, karena berkarya adalah satu kesempatan bagi yang tidak berkesempatan bekerja disektor formal.” (AKN)

From Giant Mottled Eel to Unagi Is Like from Upstream to Downstream Industry


The above title is an analogy for the career of Dr. Agung Budiharjo, S.Si., M.Si. – a biology lecturer at University of Sebelas Maret (UNS). He said that as he was asked to present his success in combining science and business in a public lecture by Department of Biology, Science and Mathematics Faculty (FKIP), University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta.

The event took place at Islamic Center Hall on Friday (11/3/2016). About 300 participants were enthusiastic asking questions in the discussion with the theme, ‘The Implementation of Bioscience in Fish Cultivation Entrepreneurship.

Many things have been run in his business including giant mottled eels, Betta fish, sea weed, teabag, etc. The businessman and owner of a Japanese restaurant in Solo said that it took ten years develop his business and researches before his success.

Agung said, ‘To be successful a man should do something different. For him working can mean producing things and making money. The former suggests that working is an obligatory. A man should be able to change weaknesses into strength. This can be done by research and development. This will result in effective development, right and systematic strategies.

Meanwhile, his fish cultivation industry has reached international market. His products are sent to France and Japan. The sale of unagi from giant mottled eels has reached billions within a year.

Agung added that business opportunities are still open among others businesses related to high valued things and necessary goods. Becoming a pioneer is more important than a follower.

‘Make buyers find us and not the reverse. This can be done through smart marketing,’ he added.

Agung further explained some smart marketing in the event. Firstly, be selective in taking in an event. Secondly, open opportunities at global market. Thirdly, offer products extraordinarily. And fourthly, create positive image or brand.

The reason of a giant mottled eel is chosen as a commodity is that it is marketable and highly valued. Besides the thing is abundant in Indonesia. It needs simple technology. It suits to be developed as business. Nevertheless business is related to luck.

Once his business made cooperation with an Islamic boarding school Qoryah Qoribah in Salatiga Central Java. He was also invited to Japan to be the only invited participant in a business conference. These things can motive the students to be creative and eager to carry out researches in relation to business.

‘Research becomes the keyword to overcome weaknesses in entrepreneurship. We have to be consistent and focus in doing anything,’ he said. (AKN)


Opening Speech by The Rector of Ahmad Dahlan University In undergraduate and postgraduate graduation Period of March 2016

Graduation day of undergraduate and postgraduate program of Ahmad Dahlan University for period of March 2016 held on Saturday 19th March 2016 at the hall A of Jogja Expo Center is attended by 763 of male and female graduates. Those who are being graduated in today’s commencement are coming from 30 undergraduate departments with GPR average 3,24 and 6 postgraduate departments, including 10 English postgraduate department students, 6 Physics postgraduate department students, 7 Profession Psychology postgraduate students, 5 Sains Psychology postgraduate students, 32 Pharmacy postgraduate students and 7 Education Management postgraduate students.

 Up to now, Postgraduate Program of Ahmad Dahlan University have graduated 765 students. Therefore, all in all Ahmad Dahlan University has 36,841 alumni. The fastest student of undergraduate program in this inauguration who spent 3 years 4 months and 25 days is An’umillah Wahyu Nuri Azizah, a Psychology undergraduate student, with GPR 3.87. Then the youngest graduate is Puput Ragil Pratiwi from Management undergraduate program with GPR 3.64 who passes at 19 years 8 months and 12 days age.

It is noticeable that in 2015, there are 259 Ahmad Dahlan University students who won in several national and international competitions, while in this year or 2016 up to March, 19 students made the same achievement. The achievement is made by our students who got the runner up at National Essay Competition in the 4th Anniversary of HKMF at Sriwijaya University and in SETU Taekwondo Competition held at GOR Ciracas, some students got 17 medals consisting of 4 gold, 8 bronze and 5 silver.

Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of academic community of Ahmad Dahlan University, we would like to say congratulation to those who finish their study and achieve academic title from this Muhammadiyah College. Good luck always accompanies you. Especially to the parents of graduates, today at the end of students’ formal study at this beloved University, in this occasion, I as the rector of Ahmad Dahlan University devolve the students to you and also I would like to say thank you for your trust in Ahmad Dahlan University to educate and facilitate the beloved students to be muslim scholars. We hope their status as scholar and muslim would boost your happiness as parents. 

            We do hope that relationship between us would remain tightly in the future. To all of guests, we also appreciate you for attending and becoming with us in this graduation day. May Allah the Almighty consider your kindness as a good deed.

Parents’ Role in Education


Children get their first education at home. Their characters and behaviors are determined by their first learning from the family. Therefore, the family especially parents play a significant role in children’s mental building.

A weekly Islamic sermon called ‘Kajian Ahad Pagi’ or Sunday morning lesson is held at University of Ahmad Dahlan’s Islamic Center, South Ringroad, Banguntapan, Bantul starting from 05.45 – 07.00. Last Sunday (13/3/2016) some 300 participants took part in the program while Dr. Khoiruddin Bashori was giving the speech.

He said that parents conduct two significant tasks as their children’s first educator. Those are giving warmth protection and controlling their behaviors. Parents should be able to undertake those responsibilities for the essence of education involves consoling children and getting themselves controlled by stimulating their feelings.

Khoiruddin said, ‘Parents should not only coddle their children by giving whatever they want but also give them opportunity to strife without forgetting self-control.”

There are four categories in children education. First, authoritative. This means that parents give guidance to their children on condition that control is as good as giving kindness to them. This category could build children’s confidence, excitement and courage in making decision.

 Second, authoritarian. Parents guide their children by prioritizing control over warmth. This result in difficulties children’s making decision and becoming autonomous.

‘Be aware if children often ask questions or insist your approvals on many things because it means that they often become depended on parents.’ Khoiruddin added.

Third, in floor. This kind of education is a big problem in parents’ education to children. In this category, children feel ignored and unappreciated. It is caused by the parents’ unwarm relation and lose control. 

Forth, endarson. In this case, parents are too much in giving warmth and control to children that make them spoiled and impulsive. 

In conclusion, parents should be careful in giving instructions to children because their instructions determine their children’s future. Parents should know good ways of educating children so that they will not regret in the future.” (AKN)


Studying beyond Limit Results in Great Achievement


An’umillah Nuri Azizah was surprised to be announced as University of Ahmad Dahlan’s (UAD’s) student with good achievement. She fished her study within 3 years four months and 27 days.

‘After declared to be the student with the shortest period of study, I was surprised and then was grateful to Allah. All of this is because my parents support,’ she said in spite of her busy routines Thursday (17/3/2016)

 ‘Man proposes and God disposes. Don’t forget to ask our parents’ prayer.’

Born in Klaten on July 9th 1994 finished her study cum laude with GPA of 3.87. Moreover, last November Nuri, as she is often called, acquired the third champion in Psychology Olympic conducted by Psychology Student Association (HIMPSI) East Jawa Chapter.

‘I am very proud of our orange university, especially when making Psychology Department reputed nationally. I had to make all my effort to reach this keeping the rank behind Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and University of Indonesia (UI),’ she added. She is a psychology student, who is daughter of Guwat and Wakiyem.

Nuri had to compete with other in basic psychological experiment and measurement instruments in psychology in the Olympic ranging from video analyzing and written-test designing, which were then presented before members of jury and the audience.

She emphasized that it is necessary to make all great effort to step beyond limit. To do that, she prefers to go to bed earlier while others spend it for fun and gets up far before dawn to study.

 During her study she was involved in ‘Kedai Kopi’ a discussion group of Psychology students held fortnightly. Besides, she was a member of Students’ Legislative Board (BEM), Indonesian Psychology Student Association (IMPI), and Journalism Team Poros.

‘I admit that my parents are ordinary farmers, I have to manage my study,’ added the ever third champion of student with great achievement at her faculty. (Ard)

“Saya sangat sadar karena orang tua hanya bekerja sebagai petani, maka saya tidak boleh menyia-nyiakan waktu kuliah yang diberikan kepada saya,” imbuh gadis yang juga pernah menjadi juara 3 Mawapres tingkat fakultas ini. (Ard)


UAD Gets 3 Trophies in ‘Exchange Student Got Talent’ Contest


At exactly on March 17th 2016, Diponegoro University (UNDIP) held a contest for exchange students entitled ‘Darmasiswa Got Talent’. The contest, which took place at International Affairs office of the university. Exchange students from all parts of Central Java and Yogyakarta special province took part.

In the event two Exchange students from University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Liana Snytsar (Ukraine) and Shakir Samadamaeng (Thai) participated in Indonesian speech contest. A team of five exchange students Liana Snytsar, Kim Soo Yeon (South Korean), Li Lening (Chinese)………. were involved in Indonesian performing arts contest presenting a traditional dance of ‘tari piring’ from West Sumatra.

To join in these contests, the team spent every evening for more or less a month to prepare. The results, Liana Snytsar  and Shakir Samadamaeng grabbed the first and second trophies for Indonesian speech contest. Besides, the performing arts team got the second position in the contest.

In the event participants from different universities praised the UAD’s speech contest team, approaching them and making conversation directly.


Working Hard and Being No Treachery

Realizing that her parents is not proud of academic accomplishment only, Iffah Mayasari joined in martial arts her hobby. The student of English Education at University of Ahmad Dahlan (PBI-UAD) is determined to intense her hobby.

As a result, the keen girl of Lugiman and Umi Masitah got her triumph. She is a champion of various sefl-defense inter-university national competitions IV, V, and VI; in a double class together with Zulfa. The events were held at University of  Hasanuddin (UNHAS) where she got the first position of double woman team (2012); at National Development University (UPN) ‘Veteran’ ygoyakarta, where she grabed the second position for double woman team (2013); and at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) she also got the second position for the same category (2014)

Her performance does not end at university level only. She also was selected as a regional athlete for self-defense in Yogyakarta Special Province. To do this, she had to move her status from Lampung resident to Yogyakarta resident.

She exercises much in order that she can master more skills and physical strength as well as harmonize her chemistry with her partner.

‘That’s my routine. I jog in the morning, exercise at campus in evening and at night do another exercise in Sleman. I consume nutricious food, prevent from drinking ice juice, spicy food, and fast food,’ she said with a little laughter as she was met in her routines, Thursday (17/3/2016)

Recently she joined in the selection of Pre-National Sports Event member of Yogyakarta Special Province (Pra-PON DIY). But she had to quit due to her thesis accomplishment. She also resigned from Pelatda DIY.

‘Frankly speaking, writing thesis is not a problem, but I have to fully concentrate to a certain thing to get the best,’ said her, whose GPA is very satisfying.

Born in Lampung on November 28th 1993, she is determined to become a coach. She intends to follow a higher study before returning to her home country.

‘I have to refrain, be ready to face the facts, fight against lazybones. I believe in working hard and being no treachery,’ said the graduate in last Saturday graduation (19/3/2019).

Two Failures Lead to the Best

Although she failed to enter a state university twice, Ana Rahmawati Wibowo was not discouraged to continue her study. Getting information about University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta from her friend, she won a grant for 8 semester scholarship at it. The trust and the ease were compensated for great achievement by the student of developmental economics. Her GPA was 3.94 the highest among the graduates in March 2016 graduation.

‘Frankly speaking, I knew nothing about UAD at that time. I used to concentrate to becoming a state university student. But Allah decides my destiny. This university deserves her best home place,’ said her hospitably as she was interviewed.

UAD’s scholarship granted to a Bantul girl challenged her to finish the study punctually. Ana was engaged in various university organization such as Muhammadiyah University Student Association (IMM), Student Executive Boad (BEM) and Student Legislative Board (DPM). Moreover, she, who was born on April 24th 1994, is currently a chief of youth organization in her home country.

Being active in various organizations, she benefited from getting extra knowledge not provided in formal classes.

‘I learn much about anything from these organizations through discussions with organization and society members,’ she said slackly when questioned at the rectorate office Thusday (17/3/2016). She feels she is not hampered by organizations but she is inspired to learn more and manage time wisely.

From her childhood, daughter of the couple of Dalhari and Painten, is accustomed to be independent. To get extra money, she works as a tutor as well as sells mobile balance. She believes whatever she does needs full concentration piety.

She considers the scholarship as ‘There is no free lunch.’ It requires hard work, fortitude, and the most important prayers. The youngest of three brothers keenly practices fasting a habit, which is rare among her fellow students besides doing Sunnah prayers as characterized by the Messenger – Rasulullah.

As the highest rank graduate, she suggests that students be diligent, be members of organizations and manage time wisely. If there is a chance they should find more experiences outside the campus.

“UAD is like a rainbow, one can find more experiences here. Thanks for our lectures especially those lectures at developmental economics department. Thanks UAD for the knowledge,’ she closed the interview.


Sainspreneurship: running business with science

More than 300 students took part in a public lecture with the topic ‘The Implementation of Bioscience in Business of Fish Cultivation’ by the Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta, on 11th March 2016 at the Islamic Center Hall, South Ring road, Tamanan, Bantul. The event started Friday from 8.30 a.m. until 11 a.m.

Getting fish cultivation started with business is promising said Dr. Agung Budiharjo, S.Si., M.Si, the presenter who is a lecturer of Biology of Sebelas Maret University (UNS). By now, he has been successful in running his businesses covering fish cultivation of Giant Mottled Eel, fighting fish as well as sea weed and teabag production. Moreover, the sales have reached abroad such as Paris

Agung said that he tried fish cultivation while doing business. With the help of his researches it proves that everything is promising. As a result, many people come to follow him and he gets more money from the training.

‘To be successful, a man should be self-confident and be eager to have more consultation with experts. Learning never ends,’ said he, who also owns a Japanese restaurant.

Besides presenting fish matters he also opened a discussion for sea biota cultivation in relation with business. UAD Biology students were actively involved in asking more questions.

Agung said, ‘No success prior to trial.’ As he has proved he has been running his business for more than ten years ups and down.

‘Should we be experts, we can overcome problems. Keep working, through it, job opportunities open.