UAD Releases 50 Foreign Students

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) held the release of 50 foreign students who had completed their studies. The event was held at the auditorium of campus 1 at Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta on Saturday (5/12/2018).

The 50 students came from 5 different programs. As many as 14 of them were students of Darmasiswa program (1 year Indonesian language and culture program with Indonesian government scholarship), 8 students were from Indonesian Literature Study Program of Faculty of Cultural Literature and Communication (FSBK) and had studied for 1 year, 18 students participated in the two-year program, 5 students were from ASEAN International Mobility Students (AIMS) program, as well as 5 regular Thai students.

The launching event was entitled "Jakatarub Goes Global", in the hope that foreign students could learn more about Indonesian culture and could blend in with the cultural differences.

In this farewell event, foreign students presented several Indonesian arts as well as those from their respective countries. Among them are rentak bulian dance, Chinese songs, Thai martial arts, East Timorese songs, and others.

At the end of the event, the foreign students were granted a medal to show that they had completed their studies at UAD.

Prof. Drs. Sarbiran, M.Ed., Ph.D., the Vice Rector IV, in his speech congratulated the foreign students who had completed their studies.

"Make use of the knowledge gained in UAD well. Upon returning to your respective countries, always remember the experience you have gained in UAD, because experience is the best teacher," said Sarbiran.

On the other hand, Ida Puspita, M.A., Res., the Head of International Affairs Office (KUI) UAD expressed her expectation that more foreign students study at UAD.

“In the academic year of 2017/2018, UAD has about 125 foreign students from various countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia. The increase of foreign students in UAD is thanks to the cooperation of all involved parties. For that, we will continue to improve and provide the best service for foreign students," he said. (ard)

UAD Organizes Macapatan

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), in collaboration with Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta (BBY), held macapatan (Javanese verse reading) in the hall of campus 4 UAD on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta on Thursday (10/05/2018). This activity is a routine program of the old literary socialization held by BBY in collaboration with universities and macapatan community in Yogyakarta.

From the description delivered by Drs. Hendro Setyono, S.E., M.Sc., the Chairman of the committee, UAD has joined the macapatan group since 10 years ago. In 2018, UAD has the chance to become the event organizer for the fifth time.

"This activity is to introduce UAD to the community. It is to show that this Muhammadiyah university is concerned about art and culture of Indonesia. UAD nguri-uri (conserves) culture," he said.

In addition, on this occasion the committee collaborated with the Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Gending Bahana to be the musical accompaniment using gamelan instruments. Hendro added that this cooperation was in order to provide opportunities for students to improve their skills and to gain experience.

"There used to be macapatan training of lecturers and employees. However, there is only Gending Bahana now. We hope, old literature, especially macapat which is a part of Indonesian culture can be preserved for use not to lose our identity. UAD is ready to support, even if the system is arisan (rotating savings). "

Meanwhile, Dr. Dedi Pramono, M.Hum., the Head of Bureau of Students and Alumni (Bimawa) conveyed that UAD was very open with art and culture.

"We are ready to work together on art and culture. In the future, Bimawa will visit BBY for possible cooperation. Hopefully, this relationship is useful for all parties." (Ard)

The Opening of Entrepreneurship Development Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


The Service of Training for Applied Technology and Entrepreneurship (STATE) is an institution engaged in entrepreneurship with Entrepreneurship Development Program (KDP) as one of its programs. Inkubasi program is a part of KDP covering entrepreneurial competition that is aimed at students or alumni.

The collection of proposals was the first stage before 30 teams were selected. Then, interviews were conducted to further select the teams, resulting in only 20 of them. This would the last stage that would be followed by several other processes, including internships, workshops, training, and others, with a total time of approximately six months.

The KDP opening ceremony which took place in the hall of campus 2 on Saturday (05/12/2018) was attended by Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., as the Rector of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), Director of Bank BPD DIY, Muhammadiyah Central Institute (LPM), as well as the President Director and the representatives of STATE, namely Drs. Hendro Setyono, S.E., M.Sc., and Hari Hariyadi, S.P., M.Sc.

Kasiyarno conveyed, "It is the era of digital, so we must conduct business digitally."

"If we do not try to keep up with the technology, we will be left behind from those using digital assistance. Nowadays, almost everything is using a digital system, including the system at the bank. Every business must think ahead. Do not be stuck at one point, because there must always be innovation," said the Director of Bank BPD DIY.

Syukran Anas became one of the students who passed in the Inkubasi selection of entrepreneurial program, "Alhamdulillah, I can get the opportunity to do business with formal guidance coaches accompanied by experts so as to do entrepreneurship well." (Sch).

Prodamat UAD for Kampung Patehan

Through the People Empowerment Program (Prodamat), the students of Physics Education Master Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) conducted a series of educational activities in Kampung Patehan, Yogyakarta.

The activities were done since April 4, 2018 in collaboration with Pekerti volunteers in Kampung Patehan. The students actively accompanied the school-age residents during the study hours, so that residents could understand the school lessons optimally.

In addition, discussions were also held with the residents on technology-based learning, information, and communication using PhET. Thus, the literacy of science and mathematics of Patehan residents could be increased through interactive simulations.

Prodamat ended on May 2, 2018 and coincided with the National Education Day. It was ended with a celestial objects observation activity in Patehan. The observation activity was in collaboration with Astronomy Studies Center (Pastron) of UAD and Andromeda Physics Education study group of UAD.

A total of three telescopes were used in this observation activity. About 30 people, consisting of children, teenagers, and adults, participated in the observation of celestial objects. The residents were very enthusiastic and interested in following the activity to the end.

The moon, a number of constellations, and the planet of Jupiter and its satellites became the main attraction. In the midst of urban lights and the buildings in urban areas that began to obstruct the sight of celestial bodies, residents still had the opportunity to get that special moment. With human resources and equipment provided by UAD, the information and knowledge dissemination to the community can be well organized.

Prodamat is a student service to the community. The knowledge they gain on campus is delivered to the community for it to be more useful. UAD Post Graduate Manager and Physics Education Master Program of UAD fully support Prodamat.

In the middle of tight class schedule and international publications target, students were able to interact with the community through Prodamat. This activity provided great potential, not only for community empowerment, but also for civitas academica to know the condition of the community that to be studied and researched.

At the closing ceremony of Prodamat in Kampung Patehan, the Chief of RW 05, Agus, said that such activities provided new experiences and knowledge for the residents. He expressed his expectation that this activity could be held again in the future, not only from Physics Education, but also from other disciplines of science to work together in educational activities in Patehan. (ard / doc)

Studi Pentas Dukun Kimin Kritisi Masyarakat

Sepekan lalu Teater Jaringan Anak Bahasa (JAB) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta menggelar studi pentas dengan judul “Dukun Kimin”. Pementasan yang berlangsung Minggu (13/5/2018) di green hall kampus 2 UAD disaksikan mahasiswa, pelajar, dosen, sastrawan, pemerhati, penikmat, dan pelaku teater. Pentas tersebut merupakan program kerja tahun 2018/2019.

Rizki Ramdhani penulis naskah sekaligus sutradara mengungkapkan pementasan “Dukun Kimin” merupakan pandangannya terhadap masyarakat saat ini.

“Saya mengira saat ini praduga masyarakat terhadap sesamanya sangat tinggi. Adanya berita yang tidak benar dan perbedaan ideologi mungkin menjadi salah satu penyebabnya.”

Ia juga menjelaskan, masyarakat sampai sekarang masih mempercayai perihal praktik klenik dan sejenisnya. Atas dasar tersebut Rizki menulis naskah dengan membenturkan realitas yang ada di masyarakat.

“Saya juga menduga, yang saat ini terjadi di masyarakat karena mendekati pemilihan kepala daerah (Pilkada). Jadi banyak gesekan,” tandasnya.

Untuk mementaskan “Dukun Kimin”, dibutuhkan proses latihan selama satu bulan. Kru yang tergabung dalam pentas berdurasi satu jam ini sekitar 100-an orang. Di dalam penggarapannya, tim produksi JAB tetap melibatkan para alumninya untuk memberikan dukungan dan kritikan.

Pementasan bergenre drama yang mengangkat tema adat, adab, arah dengan naskah Dukun Kimin berhasil sebagai kritik sosial terhadap politik dan kemanusiaan. (ard)


UAD Dirikan Boarding School di Sambas

Setelah tahun lalu mendirikan sekolah laboratorium MIM Wonosobo di Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) kini tengah bersiap menghadirkan boarding school di Sambas, Kalimantan Barat. Sektor pendidikan merupakan salah satu fokus utama dari pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh UAD.

Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., Rektor UAD mengatakan, sarana pendidikan berkonsep pesantren di Sambas fokus pada pendidikan jenjang SMP dan SMK.

“Boarding school ini merupakan laboratorium UAD. Kami memberikan dukungan infrastruktur dan sumber daya manusia (SDM),” ujarnya saat dijumpai di ruang kerjanya, Senin (14/5/2018).

Lebih lanjut ia menerangkan, pembangunan sekolah ini selaras dengan program unit sekolah baru (USB) yang dicanangkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) Republik Indonesia. Lahan yang digunakan seluas 15 hektar yang sebagiannya merupakan lahan wakaf.

“Kami target bangunan rampung pada akhir tahun. Sehingga pada tahun depan sudah dapat menerima siswa baru,” jelas Kasiyarno.

Rencana pembangunan sekolah tersebut berawal dari program kuliah kerja nyata (KKN) UAD. Setelah menempatkan mahasiswa KKN di Sambas selama empat periode, UAD memutuskan untuk menghadirkan sarana pendidikan di tempat tersebut.

Menurutnya, keputusan yang diambil merupakan respons atas permintaan masyarakat sekitar yang membutuhkan sarana pendidikan di Sambas. Selain dapat menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat setempat, Kasiyarno optimistis kehadiran boarding school UAD berpotensi menjaring siswa dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. (doc/ard)

Through GLS, Lecturers of PBSI UAD Improve Student Literacy

The consolidation of student and community literacy continues to be the concern of many parties, as what the lecturers of Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Dra. Sudarmini, M.Pd. and Prof. Drs. Soeparno, did.

They did community service through Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) or School Literacy Movement to improve student literacy in SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta. Sudarmini said that the activities (23-24/4/2018) aimed to improve the students' literacy skills.

"The GLS program designed by the government has not been well socialized to schools, including at SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta. The literacy activity level of this school is still very low. This can be seen from the average number of students visiting the library daily which is only five percent of the whole students," said Sudarmini.

He added that the main obstacles in the implementation of GLS included the density of student activities with the five-day school program, the limited human resources because it had to be conducted outside of school hours, and the limited facilities and supporting infrastructure for the visitors. Therefore, the implementation of the program requires collaboration with other parties to assist and provide guidance. In this case, the role was played by the university through community service activity.

GLS is a manifestation of public awareness, especially from universities. This program is one of the national literacy programs. The goal of the program is to improve literacy skills nationally and internationally. Literacy is a basic skill that must be mastered by every person.

In Indonesia, based on data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), more than 50 percent of 15-year-old Indonesians do not have good basic reading skills. The source mentions that Indonesia's literacy level is still at the bottom 10.

Another source from Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) on adults aged 16-65 in Jakarta, by 2015 shows that more than 70 percent of individuals are below level 1 (the lowest level) in terms of literacy.

Responding to this, Sudarmini and the team designed counseling activities and a special GLS campaign for students, including effective reading training (literature and SQ3R reading), writing training (poetry, synopsis, and reviews), as well as poetry writing contests and reviews.

"This activity is not only devoted to students. All the elements in the school, including the principal and the higher officials, teachers, administrative and library staff, and even the security guards are involved. This program is a shared responsibility. There will be a follow-up of collaboration agreement for an optimum result."

One of the GLS implementations that plays a big role on increasing student literacy is the revival of school library. School library becomes one of the fun activity centers to build school literacy.

In this activity, Sudarmini involved PBSI alumni and students as the student learning mentors. She expressed her expectation that the GLS program at SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta could improve the students' literacy skills and make students accustomed to reading and writing activities. (ard)

LAPAN Equips UAD Student with Astronomy

National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) Indonesia provided training to undergraduate Physics Education students of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) (4-5/5/2018). This non-ministerial government agency equipped students with astronomy, particularly about light pollution and planetarium management.

Eko Nursulistyo, M.Pd., a lecturer of Physics Education explained that this training aimed to improve the students’ astronomy skills. In addition, students will get Companion Certificate (SKPI) which can be used after they graduate.

"We cooperate with LAPAN to equip students with planetarium management skills. On the other hand, we also provide knowledge about light pollution, the ways to detect light pollution, and data management," explained Eko.

On the other hand, Drs. Gunawan Admiranto, a solar physics researcher from LAPAN revealed that this activity was one of LAPAN functions fulfillment to provide education to the public.

"We provide education to students in order for them to spread it to the society. Therefore, it does not stop at them. In this training, we also provide mini planetarium with a maximum capacity of 15 people that can be operated by students," he said when interviewed at the auditorium of campus 2 UAD on Jln. Pramuka 42, Yogyakarta.

Gunawan added that the most important thing of this training was about light pollution. He explained that, in the long term, light pollution could affect energy, health, and environment.

"Light pollution does not only obstruct our view to the outer space. In the long-term, it will also affect energy security, human health, and environmental changes. Light pollution will change the period of humans and animals being awake. "

He gave some examples, like the rarely seen fireflies, bats, and animals of the same kind. Furthermore, the reproduction of turtles was also disrupted by light pollution. The pollution causes light to last for 24 hours, half is from the sun and the rest is of lamp lights.

Currently, light pollution is considered a fairly serious problem given its impact on the life cycle of living things. Although difficult to handle, this problem must be solved by all parties. The simplest thing to do is to turn off unnecessary lights and not to point the light upward. (ard)

Tapak Suci of UAD Wins 6 Gold, 4 Silver, and 1 Bronze

Alhamdulillah, good news comes from Tapak Suci (Indonesian martial arts) Team of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) by winning the 6 gold, 4 silver and 1 bronze medals in a National Championship held at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). The event that took place on Thursday-Saturday (3-5 / 5/2018) was to fight over rotating trophies of MPR RI and IPB rector.

The six athletes who won gold medals were Muhammad Arfian Hariz in the male E category, Herdiyana Asmoroningtyas in the female E category, Alfin Mubarroq and Irfan Syahrul Ramdhani in the doubles male armed category, Javid Novean Noorcha in male C category, Zulfikar Faishal Akbari in male F category, and Habib Baharuddin Husain in the empty-handed category.

The four athletes who won silver medals were Dadang Arif Dwi Saputra in the male H category, Alfin Mubarroq in the single armed category, Dewi Setiawati in the female C category, and Dhia Asa Imtinan in the female D category. Meanwhile, Wahyu Safitri Zana R. in the female B category won a bronze medal.

A total of 29 participating universities was a proof of the fierce competition of the event which was held at Graha Widya Wisuda (GWW). In the meantime, we should not underestimate Tapak Suci martial arts, because it can be proven by the number of achievements made in this field that makes Indonesia more known on the international level.

"We should be thankful for whatever we have today. The achievement will make a name for UAD. Once again, I affirm that this is a good start in 2018, do not be too satisfied with what you have today because the next events will be even more difficult. So, practice diligently and insha Allah, UAD will always give you support. Keep the spirit and congratulations for all of you," said Gatot Sugiharto, S.H., M.H. as the coach.

The accompanying team manager, Tito Kurniawan, always advises, "Keep the spirit, guys! You become the champion only when you are on the podium, once you get back down you will be an athlete and have to start practicing again."

Celebrating the 16th Milad, FKM Held a Seminar on Health

Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) held a seminar on health entitled “Mewujudkan Masyarakat Sehat dengan Healthy City dan Healthy Tourism” or "Creating Healthy Society with Healthy City and Healthy Tourism" on Monday (5/7/2018). The event that took place in the west hall of UAD campus 4 on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, was one of the 16th FKM Milad event series.

Ahmad Ahid Mudayana, S.K.M., M.P.H., representing the committee, conveyed that the seminar was inseparable from the vision of FKM UAD to realize healthy society in urban and tourist area. The health seminar was attended by 250 participants consisting of students, health practitioners, and alumni.

"FKM UAD is in an urban and tourism area. So, we want to make contribution by making the public aware about the importance of healthy environment and to realize a healthy city. The creation of a healthy city can be a pilot and model for other cities to follow," said Ahmad Ahid.

On the other hand, the Dean of FKM, Lina Handayani, S.K.M., M.Kes., Ph.D., stated that the theme raised for the seminar was a clear proof of FKM's concern in realizing healthy people, cities and tourism. In this 16th Milad, she conveyed her wish for FKM to be more advanced and helpful for the people.

The seminar was attended by four presenters. In the first panel, Jati Untari, S.K.M., M.Kes. presented the material on the role of public health experts in realizing healthy society. Meanwhile, drg. M. Taufik Abdul Kadir, M. Kes. from the field of health services of Public Health Office DIY provided material on the integration of academia and health departments in realizing health city.

In the second panel, Ir. Aris Riyanta, M.Si. as the Head of Tourism Office of DIY presented material on the integration of academia and tourism office in realizing health city. The last speaker, drh. Asep Rustiawan, M.S., provided material on the role of public health in realizing Healthy City and Healthy Tourism.

At the end of the event, there was prizes, trophies and certificates awarding for the winners of the debate, tahfiz, and posters competitions to commemorate the 16th UAD FKM Milad. (ard)