UAD Lantik Pengurus Asmapada

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta melantik pengurus Asosiasi Mahasiswa Pascasarjana (Aspada) UAD periode 2018-2019 di auditorium kampus 3, Senin (21/5/2018). Hadir dalam acara ini Wakil Rektor III Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T. didampingi Wakil Direktur Program Pascasarjana Dr. Ir. Dwi Sulisworo, M.T., dan Danang Sukantar, M.Hum. Kabid Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni Bimawa.

Pelantikan dan rapat kerja Asmapada kali ini bertajuk “Berkarya untuk Pascasarjana yang Berkemajuan”. Diharapkan Asmapada dapat berperan memajukan program pascasarjana dan UAD.

Abdul Fadlil, Wakil Rektor bidang Kemahasiswaan menyampaikan, Asmapada harus memperbanyak kegiatan positif. Program yang ada harus berkolaborasi dengan program studi yang ada di pascasarjana. Harus ada sinergitas dengan organisasi maupun lembaga lainnya.

Selain itu, ia menekankan pentingnya regenerasi. “Regenerasi perlu terus dijalankan, pelantikan adalah bukti regenerasi Asmapada berjalan baik. Kami berharap semua anggota ambil bagian. Semoga amanah dan memberikan banyak sumbangan bagi pascasarjana UAD.”

Ia pun menginginkan lahirnya program-program yang memiliki inovasi dan kreativitas. Tidak harus kegiatan besar, yang terpenting memberikan dampak besar. Program yang dikembangkan disesuaikan dengan sesuat yang ada di borang akreditasi. Supaya bisa menunjang akreditasi institusi.

Sementara Dwi Sulisworo menyampaikan, pengurusan pendek organisasi yang hanya satu tahun memerlukan kerja keras. Terkait situasi kondisi politik nasional, mahasiswa pascasarjana harus memiliki kematangan berpikir, sehingga bisa menjadi agen perubahan dan inisiator.

“Mahasiswa diharap menjadi contoh yang baik, dengan pemikiran-pemikirannya sehingga bisa memberi pencerahan kepada masyarakat. Program pascasarjana akan selalu mendukung kegiatan,” ujarnya.

Dalam kesempatan ini Dwi Pamungkas terpilih sabagai ketua Aspada periode 2018-2019. Dwi merupakan ketua periode ketiga Asmapada. (ard)


UAD Beri Beasiswa BPA Sejumlah 713 Juta

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) memberikan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa semester dua tahun akademik 2017/2018. Total ada 713 mahasiswa yang menerima beasiswa ini yang berasal dari 34 program studi. Penyerahan secara tunai dilakukan di auditorium kampus 1 UAD, Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta, Sabtu (19/5/2018).

Setiap mahasiswa mendapat satu juta rupiah yang dialokasikan untuk semester satu dan dua. Beasiswa BPA sudah berjalan sejak tahun 2008. Selama 10 tahun ini, beasiswa yang diberikan meningkat hampir tiga kali lipat. Dari 360 ribu ke satu juta rupiah.


Pada kesempatan ini Rektor UAD Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. didampingi Wakil Rektor III Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., dan Kepala Bidang Kemahasiswaan Bimawa Danang Sukantar, M.Hum. memberi pengarahan kepada mahasiswa.

Abdul Fadlil Wakil Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan menyampaikan, beasiswa ini untuk menstimulus mahasiswa agar lebih berprestasi.

“Dari 6000-an mahasiswa baru UAD 2017/2018, semua diberi kesempatan mendaftar. Tetapi yang mendaftar hanya 1063, dan yang lolos seleksi 713. Ada banyak beasiswa di UAD, mahasiswa harus proaktif mengakses informasi dan meningkatkan prestasi.”


Sementara Kasiyarno juga mengungkapkan hal yang sama. Mahasiswa dituntut untuk berprestasi di tengah era yang kompetitif.

“Mahasiswa harus menguasai banyak keterampilan. Di antaranya komunikasi, ide-ide inovatif, dan kreatif.”

Selain itu ia menambahkan, mahasiswa harus mampu berpikir kritis secara positif, berkolaborasi, dan menguasai teknologi.

“Ke depan, kami akan mengarahkan mahasiswa untuk membuka lapangan pekerjaan, menjadi entrepreneur. Tidak melulu menjadi pegawai negeri sipil.”

Ganis Dwi Andaryani, mahasiswi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) peraih beasiswa BPA menyampaikan sangat termotivasi dan senang bisa memperoleh beasiswa UAD.

“Beasiswa ini meningkatkan motivasi mahasiswa agar lebih berprestasi. Renacanya akan saya tabung, untuk jaga-jaga jika ada keperluan mendadak,” ujar perempuan asli Yogyakarta ini. (ard)

UAD Cooperates with MPI PWM DIY

Library and Information Assembly (MPI) of Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PWM) DIY, along with manager, recently visited Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta. The team was greeted by UAD Rector, Kasiyarno, M.Hum., in the rector's office at campus 1 UAD on Jln. Kapas  9 Semaki, Yogyakarta, accompanied by Vice Rector I, Dr. Muchlas, M.T. and the Head of University Office, Dr. Hadi Suyono, S.Psi, M.Si.

The Chairman of MPI PWM DIY, Dr. Robby Habiba Abror, S.Ag., M.Hum., said that UAD was the future of Islamic campus. So far, UAD has proven its dedication to the nation in terms of education.

According to Robby, independence is an integral part of UAD in addition to moral integrity and intelligence. Muhammadiyah universities (PTM) also often conduct studies of Islam intensively on a regional, national, and international scale. He believes that Islamic civilization can grow and start from UAD campus.

Meanwhile, Kasiyarno expressed his expectation that in the future MPI PWM DIY could synergize with UAD da’wah, especially in terms of Islamic da'wah.

"Currently Islamic propaganda cannot be separated from the media," he said.

On the same occasion, Muchlas, who is also Chairman of MPI PP Muhammadiyah said that together with MPI PWM DIY, UAD was optimistic to build cooperation and work to contribute to Muhammadiyah.

The cooperation between MPI PWM DIY and UAD begins with the provision of web server and the activities coverage of UAD. Implementation of the first activity to be covered is of Ramadan 1439 Hijriyah. This Islamic da’wah is organized by PWM DIY in cooperation with UAD.

Prior to this, UAD and MPI PWM DIY had worked together in the library field in terms of utilization and empowerment of human resources, information technology, and literacy. (ard)

A Total Scholarship of 1 Billion Rupiah for Kampung UAD

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta presented UAD Award to Pucang Village, Bawang Sub-district, Banjarnegara District, Central Java. The award is in the form of a scholarship worth 1 billion rupiah, 30 food staples for dhuafa’ (those in need), and 20 tea set parcels for UAD alumni.

The 1 billion rupiah scholarship was awarded by the Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., to Vice Regent of Banjarnegara, H. Syamsudin, S.Pd., M.Pd., in the courtyard of Aisyiyah 2 kindergarten Pucang on Wednesday (2/5/2018). The UAD Award was attended by local officials, citizens, and UAD alumni in Pucang Village.

From the explanation delivered by Kasiyarno, Pucang Village was selected as the recipient of UAD Award because of its achievement to send the youths to study at UAD since it was still named Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Muhammadiyah. He expressed his hope that the 1 billion rupiah scholarship can be used for the tuition of prospective students from Pucang Village to study at UAD.

"The requirement to get the scholarship is getting a recommendation from local Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah (PCM) or Pimpinan Wilayah Muhammadiyah (PWM). The scholarship will be awarded to prospective students who are high-willed, qualified, and have potential," he said.

Pucang Village, is one of the villages with19 UAD alumni as the head of the family. This is not the total number, considering that there are still many of them that have not been spotted. Interestingly, there is one large family whose 23 members attended UAD, from parents to grandchildren.

To date, there are 29 UAD alumni in Pucang Village. It is possible for the number to increase, considering there are still many students who are still studying at this Muhammadiyah university (PTM). Out of the 29 alumni, 16 of them are from RT 01 RW 08. The remaining 13 are from RW 07.

Sri Listiyanti and Endah Hartuti are the first UAD alumni from Pucang Village. Both went to UAD in 1985. According to Listiyanti, most UAD alumni in Pucang Village are successful. This is evident from the number of graduates who have completed and registered to go on a pilgrimage.

"Alhamdulillah, UAD alumni become the benchmarks of success in various fields in this village either in terms of intellectuality, morality, and professionalism. After graduating, most of the alumni could immediately get a job. Most of the alumni are teachers, and many of themhave been appointed to be civil servants. Here, almost no UAD alumni are unemployed," explained Listiyanti.

This Banjarnegara-born woman admitted to choosing UAD as a place to study because it is a part of Muhammadiyah that puts forward intellectuality, moral values, and religious education.

Her motivation to study at UAD is to increase his knowledge in order to be able to improve her welfare as a teacher. Listiyanti who used to be a graduate of SPG (Teacher Education School) was only paid 1,500 rupiah as an elementary school teacher. Therefore,  she asked her father to send her to university.
Meanwhile, in his speech, the Vice Regent said that the education level in Banjarnegara was still low, the poverty rate was about 18 percent, the unemployment and maternal mortality rate is still high. Therefore, he wished that the award given by UAD would be a motivation for people in Pucang inparticular, and Banjarnegara in general, to advance themselves.
"We hope UAD Award will motivate other villages in Banjarnegara Regency. In addition, in the future, hopefully Pucang Village can be a pioneer as a creative, innovative, and independent village," he explained.
Syamsudin explained that the district government was ready to assist in business development in the village. He also expressed his wish that UAD did not only to give awards, but could really guide the people to be educated. (ard)

Regular PPM Activities of FKM UAD in Bantul

Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) organized a regular community service program (PPM) in Bantul District from February 17th to April 6th, 2018. The team implementing the program consisted of atas Ahmad Faizal Rangkuti, M.Kes., Musfirah, M.Kes., and Helfi Agustin, M.KM. It also involved Pimpinan Cabang Aisyiyah (PCA) of Banguntapan Utara.

This program is aimed at helping the realization of the vision of the Regional Government of Bantul Regency. The vision includes the realization of a healthy, intelligent, and prosperous society of Bantul which is in accordance with humanity values, nationalism, and religiosity in the unity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). The implemented action done to realize the vision is improving the quality of human resources in terms of health, intelligence, skill, and noble personality.

The improvement if human resources capacity is directed to the cadres of Pimpinan Ranting Aisyiah (PRA) Baturetno 1, PRA Baturetno 2, dan PRA Banguntapan 4. The materials are focused on solving environmental health problems as measured by the improvement of knowledge, attitude and motivation to participate in the training. The goal is to encourage Aisyiyah cadres, as well as the people around, to realize clean and healthy village.

Many people have not realized the importance of maintaining environmental health. Therefore, there is still a lot of household waste, such as bottles, plastic waste, and fallen leaves which have not been recycled properly. The waste is sometimes left to accumulate and burn. Improper waste management can lead to the emergence of environmental-based diseases such as diarrhea, flyborne disease, leptospirosis, and dengue fever.

The Implementing Team of PPM FKM UAD provided education and training related to three main topics: first, the development of a healthy village towards healthy Bantul regency through 3R movement; second, the management of household organic waste towards healthy Bantul regency; and third, the recycling of inorganic plastic waste into creative craft products in realizing healthy household environment.

The real actions of Aisyiyah cadres could be seen through their participation in the training, including waste sorting and the utilization of painted bottles as containers for hydroponics with wicks method. They then proceeded to make compost from household organic waste and created wallets from plastic waste.

The respective PRA leaders asked UAD FKM team to provide regular and ongoing assistance in the recycling process of organic and inorganic wastes. Thus, they hope that there will be output that can stimulate the economic potential of Aisyiyah citizens and the general public. With this achievement, their economic independence will be accomplished, so that optimum environmental health and economic productivity can be achieved.

Warjilah, S.Pd., the Chairman of PCA Banguntapan Utara, expressed her gratitude to the team who gave their best efforts in providing education and training.
"We hope the mentoring activities will not stop with completion of Regular PPM activities, but followed by a sustainable partnership program to realize healthy Bantul regency." (Doc)

UAD to be An Entrepreneurial University

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) attended the launching event of a project with a total of one million euros fund from the European Union entitled "Growing Indonesia a Triangular Approach" (GITA). The event was initiated and held by the University of Gloucestershire Business School (12-13/4/2018).
University of Gloucestershire welcomed this consortium project after the success of its initial meeting in Jakarta last December. GITA project is funded by Erasmus Plus. On this occassion, UAD was represented by Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum. as the Rector, Ida Puspita, M.A.Res. as Head of Office of International Affairs (KUI) UAD, and Hari Haryadi, S.P., M.Sc. as Head of UAD Entrepreneurship Development.
UAD receives the Erasmus Plus grant which is a prestigious grant on the international level. The submission is done by KUI UAD in the field of Capacity Building for Higher Education (CBHE) with a total grant of 1.2 billion rupiah within 3.5 years, starting from 2017 until 2020.
The meeting began with a discussion which was attended by senior management teams from each university, including representatives from Gloucestershire University, Vice-Chancellors Stephen and Richard O'Doherty, and Dean of Academic Development David James.
The project which is led by Prof. Neil Towers of Gloucestershire University, promotes entrepreneurial capacity development throughout Indonesia and involves the creation of growth hubs in Indonesian universities over the next three years. The triangle approach that forms the basis of the project integrates the collaboration of companies, the development of graduates with entrepreneurial activity, and the creation companies.
GITA integrates university business and collaboration, graduate entrepreneurship, and company creations. With a population of over 260 million, Indonesia is the largest economy contributor in Southeast Asia. GITA program aims to instill entrepreneurship education into university curriculum and create growth hubs throughout Indonesia. This hub will be a physical space with incubation facilities to develop innovation and exploit new ideas to be applied to local and regional economies.
The consortium project brings together four European universities and seven Indonesian universities. The European partners include University of Gloucestershire (UK), Dublin Institute of Technology (Ireland), Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (Germany), and Innsbruck University (Austria). Meanwhile, Indonesian universities involved in the project include UAD, President University, Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Islam Indonesia, and STIE Malangkucecwara.
 The main output of meeting which was conducted in the UK was to develop an institutional action plan to integrate entrepreneurial activities in each institution and plan the design of physical space to be developed into a local growth hub.
The development of action plans is based on institutional self-assessment using HEInnovate tool developed by the Dublin Institute of Technology through the provision of a methodology for higher education institutions as well as exploration of entrepreneurial potential and innovation.
"GITA activities are very useful in realizing a university towards Entrepreneur University. It is an honor for UAD to be trusted by the EU to be trained as an entrepreneurial university," said Kasiyarno.
The action plan of UAD is not only by building a growth hub, but also in the form of an entrepreneurial aspect policy, including the review of the entrepreneurship curriculum, the allocation of entrepreneurial funding, as well as the establishment of business and innovation affairs office at UAD that coordinates and integrates all entrepreneurial activities. From this meeting, UAD gradually prepares to become an entrepreneurial university. (doc)

UAD Officially Opens a Clinic in South Metro, Lampung

The Rector of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., officially opened the first clinic in South Metro, Lampung on Saturday (21/4/2018). The opening ceremony of the MU UAD Clinic was followed with a series of events such as walking for health event, door prizes giveaway, free medical check-up, and the signing of memorandum of understanding with UAD Hospital.

To the journalists, Kasiyarno expressed his pride on the Branch of Muhammadiyah (PCM) of South Metro that pioneered health business in the area.

"This is an achievement and it must be developed to advance Muhammadiyah as well as to provide health services for the community," said Kasiyarno.

In accordance with Muhammadiyah missions, he will support cadres who want to open a clinic. Especially in Lampung, they can work together with UAD. Kasiyarno said that it is possible to open up to 30 branches of clinics.

Meanwhile, dr. Nil Rahmayeni, the Director of MU UAD South Metro South said that she provides health services to make it easier for the people to seek treatments. In Metro, this clinic is a branch of the first UAD hospital.

A week before, MU UAD Clinic had conducted soft launching event as a form of familiarization for the community by conducting a blood donation event. (uad)

UAD Lepas 50 Mahasiswa Asing

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) menggelar pelepasan kepulangan 50 mahasiswa asing yang telah menyelesaikan studi. Acara ini dilangsungkan di auditorium kampus 1 UAD, Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta, Sabtu (12/5/2018).

Ke-50 mahasiswa tersebut berasal dari 5 program yang berbeda. Sebanyak 14 di antaranya mahasiswa program darmasiswa (program bahasa dan budaya Indonesia selama 1 tahun menggunakan beasiswa pemerintah Indonesia),  8 mahasiswa dari Program Studi Sastra Indonesia Fakultas Sastra Budaya dan Komunikasi (FSBK) yang belajar 1 tahun, 18 mahasiswa program dua tahun, 5 mahasiswa program ASEAN International Mobility Students (AIMS), serta 5 mahasiswa reguler Thailand.

Acara pelepasan ini mengangkat tema “Jakatarub Goes Global” dengan harapan agar mahasiswa asing bisa belajar lebih dalam tentang budaya Indonesia dan dapat berbaur dalam perbedaan budaya.

Dalam acara perpisahan ini, mahasiswa asing menampilkan beberapa kesenian Indonesia dan kesenian dari negara masing-masing. Di antaranya tari rentak bulian, lagu-lagu dari Tiongkok, kesenian bela diri Thailand, lagu Timor Leste, dan beberapa lainnya.

Di akhir acara ada penyematan medali kepada para mahasiswa asing sebagai tanda mereka telah menyelesaikan studi di UAD.

Prof. Drs. Sarbiran, M.Ed.,Ph.D. Wakil Rektor IV, dalam sambutannya menyampaikan selamat kepada mahasiswa asing yang sudah menyelesaikan studi.

“Manfaatkan ilmu yang didapatkan di UAD dengan sebaik-baiknya. Sekembalinya ke negara masing-masing, catat pengalaman yang sudah dilalui di UAD, karena pengalaman merupakan guru terbaik,” ujar Sarbiran.

Sementara Ida Puspita, M.A.,Res. Kepala Kantor Urusan Internasional (KUI) UAD berharap semakin banyak mahasiswa asing yang kuliah di UAD.

“Tahun ajaran 2017/2018, UAD memiliki sekitar 125 mahasiswa asing dari berbagai negara benua Eropa, Afrika, dan Asia. Meningkatnya mahasiswa asing di UAD berkat kerja sama semua pihak. Untuk itu, kami akan terus meningkatkan dan memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk memberi kesan baik bagi mahasiswa asing,” tandasnya. (ard)

Prodamat UAD untuk Kampung Patehan

Melalui Program Pemberdayaan Umat (Prodamat), mahasiswa Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) melakukan serangkaian kegiatan edukasi di Kampung Patehan, Yogyakarta.

Kegiatan ini berlangsung sejak 4 April 2018 dan bekerja sama dengan Relawan Pekerti di Kampung Patehan. Para mahasiswa aktif menemani warga usia sekolah pada jam belajar, sehingga warga lebih optimal dalam memahami pelajaran sekolah.

Selain itu juga dilakukan diskusi dengan warga terkait pembelajaran berbasis teknologi, informasi, dan komunikasi dengan menggunakan PhET. Sehingga, literasi sains dan matematika warga Patehan dapat meningkat melalui simulasi yang interaktif.

Prodamat diakhiri pada 2 Mei 2018 bertepatan dengan Hari Pendidikan Nasional dengan melakukan kegiatan observasi benda langit di Patehan. Kegiatan observasi bekerja sama dengan  Pusat Studi Astronomi (Pastron) UAD dan kelompok studi Andromeda Pendidikan Fisika UAD.

Sebanyak tiga teleskop digunakan pada kegiatan observasi ini. Sekitar 30 orang yang terdiri atas anak-anak, remaja, bahkan dewasa, turut berpartisipasi dalam pengamatan benda langit. Warga sangat antusias dan tertarik mengikuti kegiatan sampai akhir.

Bulan, sejumlah rasi bintang, dan planet Jupiter beserta satelit-satelitnya menjadi daya tarik tersendiri. Di tengah cahaya perkotaan yang mulai mempersulit observasi benda langit dan banyaknya bangunan di perkotaan, warga masih berkesempatan mendapatkan momen istimewa tersebut. Dengan sumber daya manusia dan peralatan yang dimiliki oleh UAD, proses penyebaran informasi dan ilmu pengetahuan ke masyarakat dapat terselenggara dengan baik.

Prodamat merupakan pengabdian mahasiswa kepada masyarakat. Ilmu yang diperoleh di kampus dibagikan kepada masyarakat agar lebih bermanfaat dan memberi pengetahuan baru. Pengelola Pascasarjana UAD dan Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Fisika UAD mendukung sepenuhnya Prodamat.

Di tengah padatnya perkuliahan dan target publikasi internasional, mahasiswa mampu berinteraksi dengan masyarakat melalui Prodamat. Kegiatan ini memberikan potensi yang besar tidak hanya bagi pemberdayaan masyarakat, namun juga bagi civitas academica untuk mengetahui kondisi masyarakat yang memungkinkan untuk dikaji dan diteliti.

Pada pidato penutupan Prodamat di Kampung Patehan, Ketua RW 05, Agus, menilai dengan adanya kegiatan seperti ini memberikan pengalaman baru dan ilmu baru bagi warga. Ia berharap kegiatan ini dapat diadakan lagi ke depannya. Tidak hanya dari Pendidikan Fisika, namun diharapkan juga dari disiplin bidang ilmu lainnya bekerja sama dalam kegiatan edukasi di Patehan. (ard/doc)

UAD Signs a Cooperation Agreement with BNI Syariah


Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta signed a cooperation agreement with Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Syariah. The cooperation involving both parties covers a tuition payment method through host-to-host service system. The signing event that took place on the 10th floor of UAD campus 4 building on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul Yogyakarta was attended by the higher officials of PT BNI Syariah and UAD.

In his speech, Dr. Kasiyarno, M. Hum. as the Rector of UAD, conveyed that this cooperation was aimed to advance both UAD and BNI Syariah, as well as to build trust. He expressed his expectation that some joint activities could be done together.

"So, this cooperation does not only cover financial issues, but also covers technology field. For example, there is a multifunctional card that students can use for tuition payments as well as academic purposes. Until now, UAD keeps its commitment to provide the best service for the students," he said.

On the other hand, Dhias Widhiyati as the Business Director of BNI Syariah explained that in this online payment era, financial transactions must be done quickly and safely.

"The online system will make it easy for people to make transactions. For that, we are ready to support UAD in providing the best service for the students," said Dhias.

She added that, with host-to-host system, students were given convenience. The tuition payment cannot only be made in banks, but can also be completed through mobile or internet banking. In addition, UAD will immediately get notifications for every payment that the students make, or whether they have not paid the tuition. This certainly facilitates reconciliation.

Responding to the multifunctional card that can be one of the cooperation programs, Dhias revealed that currently BNI Syariah has already had an education card. This card can be used by UAD students in making academic financial transaction, for transportation, as well as for shopping. (ard)