58th Milad UAD Logo is Officially Launched

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) has officially launched the 58th Milad (Anniversary) logo on Tuesday (11-27-2018) at the hall of campus 1 at Jln. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yogyakarta. The launch was attended by leaders and higher officials of UAD.

In this milad, the Faculty of Psychology collaborated with the Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication (FSBK) as the organizing committee. The theme of the event was "Developing a National Identity and Progressing Indonesian Culture".

UAD Rektor, Dr. Kasiyarno, M. Hum., in his remarks at the launching event stated that the 58th Milad had to be optimally utilized by holding various activities, including academic, sports, and entertainment activities.

"The activities in this Milad must really be able to target all UAD elements. Don't forget the predecessors who fought for UAD. Invite their families to together commemorate this 58th Milad, because UAD is indebted to its predecessors," he explained.

There is a difference in the making of milad logo for this year. In the previous milad, the making of the logo was contested. However, this year, the committee designed it themselves. This aims to minimize plagiarism in the logo design used for UAD Milad.

Kasiyarno suggested that the 58th Milad provide more recreational activities. The aim was to refresh the participants’ minds and encourage UAD community to live a healthy life. He also shared his expectation that, once a week, UAD would hold a joint exercise.

"With the existence of quality activities in this milad series, we expect that there will be intimacy among the entire UAD family. And then, what is equally important is a better performance of each element of UAD for the progress of the university," he explained. (ard)

Buat Obat Hepatitis B, Mahasiswa UAD Juara LKTIM Nasional

Tiga mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) menyabet juara pertama pada Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Mahasiswa (LKTIM) bertajuk Chemistry in Festival di Universitas Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) pada 22−25 November 2018. Ketiga mahasiswa tersebut adalah Desty Restia Rahmawati, Diar Winanti, dan Riska Nurkhasanah yang sukses membuat inovasi obat Hepatitis B dari buah mengkudu dan tanaman herba meniran.

Desty, ketua tim menjelaskan, buah mengkudu mengandung senyawa scolopetin yang sangat efektif sebagi unsur anti peradangan dan anti-alergi. Sementara akar dan daun herba meniran kaya senyawa flavonoid yang antibakteri sangat tinggi. Kemudian adanya sentuhan teknologi nano membuat partikel semakin kecil dan dapat menghantarkan obat pada sel yang sakit. Selain itu, obat ini tidak merusak sel yang sehat.

Tim mempersiapkan materi lomba dengan mencari materi di jurnal dan beberapa referensi lainnya tentang buah mengkudu dan tanaman herba meniran. Proposal yang disusun mengombinasikan kedua bahan untuk terapi Hepatitis B. Selain itu, Desty dan tim meningkatkan kapasistas presentasi dan membuat prototipenya.

Proposal yang diajukan berjudul “Moraphy: Prospek Kombinasi Buah Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) dan Herba Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri) dengan Formula Nanoenkapsulasi Berbasis Kitosan dan Pektin sebagai Inovasi Strategis Targeted Drug Delivery System untuk Terapi Hepatitis B yang Menjanjikan.

Pada tahap seleksi, ada 86 tim yang mengajukan proposal. Setiap tim terdiri atas tiga mahasiswa yang berasal dari 30 perguruan tinggi se-Indonesia,” jelas Desty di kampus 1 UAD, Jumat (30-11-2018) didampingi Danang Sukantar, M.Pd. Kepala Bidang Pengelolaan dan Pengembangan Kemahasiswaan Bimawa dan Dr. Hari Susanti, M.Si., Apt. Wakil Dekan Farmasi UAD. Mereka di bawah bimbingan Siti Fatmawati Fatimah, M.Sc., Apt.

Pada tahap final, ada 15 proposal yang lolos dari 11 perguruan tinggi. Atas kerja inovatif ini, tim UAD berhasil menyingkirkan tim Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) sebagai Juara II dan Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta Juara III. Sementara Institut Teknologi Surabaya (ITS) menduduki Juara Harapan I, dan UNS menjadi Juara Harapan II.

Hari Susanti mengatakan, Fakultas Farmasi dan universitas akan memberikan fasilitas penelitian lebih lanjut bagi mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan bakat dan potensi. Bahkan sampai dilakukan uji pra-klinis dan klinis, serta diusahakan untuk dipantenkan. (ard)

Workshop Pendidikan Vokasi: Sasar Inovasi untuk Disabilitas

Program Pascasarjana Program Studi Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) menyelenggarakan Workshop Research Methodology in Vocational Educvation dengan Pemateri dari Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) Malaysia. Pemateri tersebut antara lain Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Nor Azhari Azman dan Dr. Arman Shah bin Abdullah. Ditambah satu pemateri dari UAD yaitu Dr. Budi Santosa.

Pada kesempatan ini, Direktur Program Pascasarjana UAD, Prof. Dr. Achmad Mursyidi, M.Sc.,Apt. menyampaikan, pendidik atau guru di Indonesia harus meningkatkan kompetensi dan keterampilan supaya bisa menjadi seorang profesional.

Pengalaman mengajar itu penting, tapi pengalaman belajar juga penting. Banyak mahasiswa S2 yang berasal dari kalangan guru. Ketika di sekolah jadi pendidik, ketika di perkuliahan jadi mahasiswa. Maka belajar itu tidak ada putusnya.”

Kemudian, ia juga menjelaskan pentingnya menguasai ilmu agama. Pengetahuan dan ilmu agama merupakan bekal untuk menjadi orang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara. “Jika gurunya bagus, mutu siswa juga akan bagus. Ini akan memajukan pendidikan di Indonesia,” jelasnya ketika memberi sambutan di kampus UAD 2B, Sabtu (1122018).

Sementara, Mohamed Nor Azhari Azman mengatakan, saat ini banyak penelitian di pendidikan vokasi. “Inovasi-inovasi baru terus bermunculan. Termasuk inovasi yang menyasar penyandang disabilitas. Kita tidak boleh mengesampingkan disabilitas. Oleh karenanya pendidikan harus menyasar semuanya.”

Meski bertema research methodology, dalam kesempatan ini juga menyinggung tentang perkembangan pendidikan vokasi, khususnya untuk kaum disabilitas. Bekal keterampilan bagi penyandang disabilitas merupakan hal penting untuk memaksimalkan potensi. Jadi dalam keterbatasan tetap ada kelebihan.

Kami berharap kerja sama antara UAD dengan UPSI bisa terus belanjut. Ke depan mungkin bisa ada join research dan program-program lainnya. Jadi, tidak hanya dalam hal akademik saja, tetapi bisa ke penelitian dan pengabdian.” (ard)

Bimawa UAD Adakan Pelatihan Anti Napza

Biro Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni (Bimawa) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) bekerja sama dengan Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi (BNNP) DIY menyelenggarakan pelatihan anti Napza, 1−2 Desember 2018 di kampus 3 UAD, Jln. Prof. Dr. Soepomo, S.H. Warungboto, Yogyakarta. Pelatihan ini diikuti mahasiswa umum UAD dan perwakilan dari Organisasi Mahasiswa (Ormawa) maupun Organisasi Otonom (Ortom).

Hendi Ristiono, S.Farm.,MPH.,Apt. Kepala Bidang CDC dan Alumni Bimawa dalam keterangannya menjelaskan, kegiatan yang diinisiasi UAD dan BNNP DIY untuk memberikan pengetahuan mengenai Napza dan untuk menekan pemakaian serta peredarannya.

Kegiatan ini sebetulnya bentuk kepedulian UAD, karena mahasiswa baru yang masuk Yogyakarta setiap tahun sekitar 90 ribu. Jumlah ini tentu menjadi pangsa riskan penyalahgunaan Napza. UAD ingin membekali mahasiswanya supaya tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan obat-obatan terlarang,” kata Hendi.

Lebih lanjut, ia menjelaskan, usia rata-rata yang menjadi sasaran penyalahgunaan narkoba adalah usia produktif. Artinya pelajar dan mahasiswa masuk dalam kategori tersebut. Ke depan, UAD akan membentuk satuan tugas (Satgas) dan pegiat anti Napza bekerja sama dengan BNNP DIY.

Melalui pelatihan ini mahasiswa akan dibekali pengetahuan oleh para pemateri dari BNNP. Harapannya, mahasiswa yang mengikuti pelatihan akan menyebarkan keilmuannya serta bahaya tentang penyalahgunaan Napza kepada keluarga, teman, maupun lingkup masyarakat.”

Kemudian, anti Napza juga direkomendasikan oleh Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenrsitekdikti) RI masuk dalam kegiatan kemahasiswaan selain anti korupsi dan anti radikalisme. Kegiatan ini juga dapat meningkatkan perguruan tinggi dalam Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pemeringkatan Mahasiswa (Simkatmawa).

Sementara, Danang Sukantar, M.Pd. Kepala Bidang Kemahasiswaan Bimawa senada dengan Hendi, pembekalan mengenai anti Napza perlu terus digalakkan. “Mahasiswa UAD harus jadi pegiat anti Napza. Saat ini, Yogyakarta berada di urutan teratas pelajar yang menyalahgunakan Napza,” terangnya.

UAD akan terus mengembangkan kerja sama dengan BNNP. Misalnya dalam hal riset. Beberapa fakultas seperti Fakultas Farmasi, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Psikologi, dan Fakultas Hukum bisa ambil bagian dalam kerja sama riset ini. Tetapi, tidak menutup kemungkinan juga bagi fakultas-fakultas lain. (ard)

Postgraduate Alumni Must Help Advance the Society

Postgraduate Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) released 112 graduates in the graduation period of November of 2018. The debriefing and release events for UAD Postgraduate Program were held at the auditorium of UAD campus 3 on Friday (11-11-2018). The 112 graduates came from eight study programs.

Prof. Dr. Achmad Mursyidi, M.Sc., Apt., the Director of the Postgraduate Program, in his speech stated that the alumni of the Postgraduate program of UAD had to be able to unify the community. "At present, many people are fragmented, especially regionally. Therefore, the Postgraduate alumni must be cadres who are able to unify the community when they are back to their hometown."

In addition, Mursyidi advised UAD graduates to show good ideas and innovation to advance the people and society. What was equally important was for them to educate the people.

"Do not let the community split. Avoid untrue news, hoaxes. Give education to the community to strengthen its unity," he said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Kasiyarno, M. Hum., the Rector of UAD, congratulated the Postgraduate graduates for completing their S2 studies. "Always be grateful for what you have. High learning motivation must continue to be maintained. If possible, do not just stop at getting a master’s degree and get a doctoral degree in S3."

UAD recorded its history by releasing 1,868 graduates in this graduation period. This number is the biggest number of graduates ever released in one period since UAD was established. Out of the total graduates, S1 graduates amounted to 1,756 graduates with an average Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.4 and S2 graduates amounted to 112 graduates with an average GPA of 3.64. On the other hand, the number of graduates with cum laude predicate amounted to 768. Up to now, the total number of UAD alumni is 45,610 people. (ard)

Interested in Epidemiology, Luthva Becomes the Best Graduate

Luthva Luviandani Pratiwi is the best graduate of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) at the graduation period of November 2018 with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.97. In total, there were 1,868 graduates with 768 of them being cum laude graduates. The woman, who was born in Garut on September 3, 1996 and is from the Faculty of Public Health (FKM), is interested in epidemiology.

Her love of science comes from his idol, John Snow. "He is the Father of Epidemiology. Epidemiology is a study about the spread of infectious diseases to humans and the factors that can affect their spread. The elective course that I chose while being in the university is also epidemiology. Therefore, I hope that, later in carrying out assignments in the workfield, I can be like John Snow. "

Luthva likes epidemiology because she has the desire to reduce the rate of spread of infectious diseases in Indonesia. Therefore, after graduating from UAD, she still had the intention to continue her master's degree in health.

In the process of becoming the best graduate in UAD, the daughter of H. Wahyudin and Hj. Endah Nurhayati always has her focus in class when the lecturer delivers the material. Unlike most students who take notes from the slides, Luthva takes notes of what the lecturer said. She takes notes and keeps in mind the important things that have been delivered.

"My learning method leans towards visual material. So, I do not print much material, I just study from the laptop and open the power point document. By doing that, without realizing it, I will remember the material based on the location and color in the slide, making it easier for me to memorie everything," she said.

Besides being diligent in studying, Luthva was active in organization, at the Student Executive Board (BEM) of FKM since the first semester. She spent her time at BEM for three periods by starting from being a cadre, then community service staff, and the head of the community service department. In addition, she was a champion of the 2016 the Most Outstanding Student (Mawapres) on the faculty level.

"My main learning motivation is both of my parents. I don't want to disappoint people around me and my family. Therefore, always trying the best in all things is something that I must continue to do."

Just like other regular students, Luthva also often feels lazy and bored. However, she has a good time management to arrange her class, practicum, organization, community service, and holidays. According to the woman who likes Korean dramas, holidays are needed to keep the mind fresh. "So, hanging out is also needed occasionally," she said.

UAD Released 1,868 Graduates for the Graduation Period of November 2018

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) recorded its history by graduating 1,868 graduates. This number is the biggest number of graduates ever recorded in a graduation period since UAD was established. Out of the total graduates, the number of S1 graduates was 1,756 with an average Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.4 and the number of S2 graduates was 112 with an average GPA of 3.64. Meanwhile, the number of graduates with cum laude predicate amounted to 768. Until now, the total number of UAD alumni is 45,610 people.

At the UAD undergraduate and postgraduate graduation session, which was held at Jogja Expo Center (JEC), on Saturday (11-24-2018), the title of best graduate for S1 was given to Luthva Luviandani Pratiwi with a GPA of 3.97 from the Faculty of Public Health (FKM), the second best title was given to Lina Anggraeni with a GPA of 3.96 from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), and the third best title was given to Mahayu Agustia Jayanti with a GPA of 3.95 from FKM.

S1 graduate with the fastest study period was Siska Anggraeny from FKM, with a study period of 3 years 10 months 20 days with a GPA of 3.7. On the other hand, the youngest graduate in the age of 20 years 20 days was Nursuciyati, who is also from FKM with a GPA of 3.23.

UAD Rector, Dr. Kasiyarno, M. Hum., in his speech thanked all the parents of the graduates who had admitted their children to UAD. "Hopefully, UAD alumni can become role models for the community with the knowledge and skills they have. We hope that UAD graduates can contribute to the progress of the nation."

Furthermore, he explained that science and knowledge can be a weapon to defend oneself and win the battle in the current era. Then, what is more important is the ability to build networks and collaborate with other parties, as well as the ability to think critically.

On the other had, Prof. Dr. Widodo Muktiyo from the Council of Higher Education, Research and Development (Diktilitbang) of PP Muhammadiyah in his speech revealed not to forget the educational almamater. "In this era of intense and unpredictable competition, Muhammadiyah university alumni must continue to work and fight," he said.

UAD Inaugurates the Office of Business and Innovation Affairs

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) inaugurated the Office of Business Affairs and Innovation (KUBI) on November 27th, 2018 at campus 2 of UAD. This office is UAD Growth Hub as a realization of Erasmus+ Grant of Growing Indonesia Triangular Approach (GITA) project. In this project of GITA Indonesia, Erasmus+ provided grants to 11 universities from 5 countries, namely 7 universities from Indonesia (UAD, President University, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Universitas Padjajaran, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Universitas Brawijaya, and STIE Malangkucecwara) and 4 European universities (University of Glocestershire from England, Dublin Institute of Technology from Ireland, Fachhochschule des Mittelstands from Germany, and Innsbruck University from Austria). The GITA project aims to synchronize three aspects, namely forming university collaboration, producing alumni who have entrepreneurial skills, and forming new business units.

KUBI itself aims to incubate business startup and the Growth Hub of UAD which will become the center of entrepreneurship activities in UAD. The target is aimed at students, alumni, lecturers, employees, and UAD stakeholders. KUBI is also an incubation facility to develop innovation and exploit new ideas applied to the local and regional economy in the form of business startups.

The event was attended by a lot of people of various backgrounds, such as General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah, Dr. H. Haedar Nashir, M.Sc., the Mayor of Yogyakarta, Drs. H. Haryadi Suyuti, several representatives from local government agencies, the private sector, and business associations and trading in Yogyakarta.

According to the Head of the UAD International Affairs Office, as well as the coordinator of Erasmus+ UAD Grant program, Ida Puspita, M.A., Res., "The big number of invitations that were distributed was intended to enable all groups of people to take advantage of UAD's KUBI, and this is also a manifestation of UAD community service.”

Islamic Literature: From Ideas to Print and Film Markets

With a theme of "Islamic Literature", Student Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) of KH. Ahmad Dahlan of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (Persada) held a national seminar with Asma Nadia who is a book writer, motivator, FLP founder, and ICMI administrator as the speaker. Her books that have been published and taken to the big screen include Surga yang Tak Dirindukan, Assalamu’alaikum Beijing, and many more. The event took place on Sunday (11-25-2018) at 08.00-11.00 WIB on the 2nd floor of the Islamic Center Mosque of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) in Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

The seminar was also attended by Mudir Persada, H. Thontowi S.Ag., M. Hum., who also gave a speech and opened the event. The event continued with the launch of the First Edition of UAD PERSADA Magazine. More than 700 participants who were UAD students as well as the general public were present at Islamic Center Mosque in order to enliven the seminar as well as increase their knowledge about Islamic literature.

Asma Nadia provided materials on the Dynamics of Literary Work, the Process of Creative Ideas in Penetrating the Print and Film Markets. She advised that students fully support Islamic film in Indonesia, especially D-7 before an Islamic film work was shown in theaters. The hope is for all Muslims in Indonesia to help publishing the film so as not to lose when competing with foreign films or other genres of films. This support will also make Islamic films shown in a lot of cinemas throughout Indonesia.

On that occasion, Asma Nadia gave seven signed books to for seven people who asked questions. Not only that, she also brought books and other merchandise that could be bought by seminar participants. The books purchased can be signed directly by Asma.

Many things were obtained by all participants in the seminar, including being able to take pictures directly with a writer whose works have been published in books or in films, which are now familiar to the public. (M.IA)

Uji Fungsi Rudal Merapi Anti Sasaran Udara

Bertempat di lapangan tembak laboratorium milik Dislitbang TNI AD di Buluspesantren, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah, pada 22 November 2018 telah dilakukan serangkaian uji fungsi rudal yang diberi nama Rudal MERAPI.

Rudal buatan Dislitbang TNI AD bekerja sama dengan Pusat Riset CIRNOV Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) mampu menunjukkan performansi manuver rudal tiap-tiap komponen yang ada melalui alat telemetri yang dipasang di dalam rudal tersebut. Alat telemetri yang memberikan informasi rudal sewaktu terbang dengan gerakan rolling (berputar), yawing (menggeleng), dan pitching (mengangguk), juga ketinggian, kecepatan, dan lain-lain, dapat diperoleh meskipun dalam kondisi hentakan yang cukup besar (melebihi 14 G). Keberhasilan alat ini menjadi dasar diperolehnya data-data riil rudal selama terbang sehingga karakteristik rudal dapat diketahui dengan lebih baik dan akurat. Terlebih lagi gerakan rudal sangat cepat, mengalami tekanan angin yang sangat kuat, perubahan suhu, kelembaban udara, dan mengalami pengurangan berat seiring dengan terbakarnya bahan roket pendorong.

Uji tembak dihadiri oleh Kepala Dislitbang TNI AD Brigjen Mulyo Aji, M.A., Kasubdisiptek Kolonel Burlian Sjafei, Komandan Poltekad Kolonel Bagus Antonov, tamu undangan dari Pussenarhanud, Pussenif, segenap staf di lingkungan Dislitbang TNI AD, Poltekad, serta Tim Konsultan dari UAD dan Pustekbang LAPAN.

Rudal MERAPI merupakan Rudal kaliber 70 buatan anak bangsa yang pertama dapat menunjukkan performansinya sebagai roket/peluru yang dikendalikan menggunakan roket pendorong dengan kecepatan awalan penembakan >650 km/jam, yang selanjutnya akan mampu melesat melebihi kecepatan suara. Pendorong roket ini dibuat oleh Poltekad melalui uji-uji yang intensif selama bertahun-tahun. Kecepatan rudal mampu untuk merontokkan pesawat baik pesawat tempur, helikoper militer, serta sasaran udara lainnya seperti drone, juga pesawat sipil. Untuk keperluan uji fungsi rudal, pada tahap awal digunakan sasaran di udara berupa flare yang menghasilkan radiasi sinar infra merah yang dibawa terbang oleh drone. Selama uji, sistem pencari/seeker rudal telah dapat bekerja aktif serta mengirimkan sinyal secara sangat cepat ke sistem kendali rudal yang diikuti dengan gerakan manuver canard (sirip kendali) dan rudal melakukan pengejaran target.

Teknologi seeker sebagai bagian pencari target sangat lazim digunakan untuk rudal dalam meningkatkan akurasi mengejar dan mengunci sasaran seperti pesawat, juga helikopter yang menghasilkan radiasi sinar infra merah melalui panas mesin yang ada. Proses pembuatan rudal dilakukan dengan urut-urutan uji statis terukur yang dilakukan sebelumnya untuk subsistem seeker, kendali, canard, pendorong roket, serta rudal utuh di dalam terowongan angin. Penguasaan teknologi rudal yang sangat kompleks oleh Dislitbang TNI AD ini juga diharapkan mampu menangani rudal-rudal TNI yang sudah expire dan modifikasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan alat perang kita.

Pembuatan rudal anti pesawat tersebut menggunakan teknik Fire and Forget yaitu rudal ditembakkan ke sasaran kemudian secara otomatis rudal akan mengunci dan mengejar sasaran tanpa dipandu operator. Dengan teknik ini, akan sangat aman dan praktis bagi penembak untuk dapat melakukan manuver gerakan personal selanjutnya dalam peperangan. Teknologi seeker yang ada tidak memungkinkan rudal dikacau/dimatikan oleh musuh seperti halnya jika menggunakan panduan radar atau satelit (GPS). Kandungan lokal pembuatan rudal MERAPI sangat tinggi yaitu >70% sehingga relatif aman jika diancam embargo oleh negara lain. Pengoperasional juga relatif sederhana, sesuai karakter TNI serta harga produksi yang diestimasi nantinya jauh lebih rendah dibanding pembelian rudal impor yang biasanya dibarengi dengan persyaratan tertentu.

Seperti yang disampaikan oleh Kepala Dislitbang TNI AD, bahwa ke depan rudal yang sudah dikuasai pembuatannya ini akan disempurnakan sehingga mampu memenuhi syarat-syarat tipe dan kelaikan suatu produk rudal yang sesuai dengan postur dan dapat digunakan oleh TNI dalam meningkatkan kekuatan daya gempur untuk menjaga kedaulatan negara serta mampu merubah peta kekuatan efek diteren untuk kehormatan bangsa Indonesia di kancah internasional.