Yeah… Being Late, New Students To Take Selfie with The Committee

There was something different during the last 2016 campus-introductory program for the new students (P2K) at University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) i.e. those, who broke the rule were punished especially those who came late. The form of punishment was to take selfie with the committee and to read Pancasila or the five principles.

According to the UAD’s spokesperson, last Tuesday (08/30/2016) there were two students found to be late and were punished. They argued that they overslept. In relation to the fact one of the central committee Afrizal explained the punishment was meant to make them watchful as well as to be educative without violence. This is one way of educating them to be on time in all occasions. This is also meant for their character building for their nationalism and their future.

‘Taking selfie with the members of committee is meant to build personal interrelation to avoid awkwardness. So far the new students feel awkward to the environment so that the punishment was given to them.’ said  Afrizal as a member of committee.

Furthermore Afrizal said, ‘Being awkward to the new environment is clearly seen at the beginning of the program. They need be treated specially, one of them is given a chance to take selfie with the committee members and given a change to read Pancasila if they break the rules. (Esti)

320 Muhammadiyah University Students Serving Community Service Program Returned Home

Community Service Program (KKN) entitled 3rd Muhammadiyah Dedication for The Nation was officially ended by the regent of Gorontalo, Prof Dr. H.Nelson Kamis (8/9/2016). The program was followed by 320 students from 18 Muhammadiyah Universities all over Indonesia (PTM). Some rectors of the universities accompanied by deputy rectors and heads of the universities’ Boards of Research and Community Service Program (LPPM).

The regent, who is also one of the rectors, expressed his gratitude to the 18 PTM, which have sent their students for the program.

‘I am proud that Gorontalo has been chosen as the venue of the program nationally and 18 PTM have successfully participated in it,’ he said.

The head of Boards of Research and Community Service Program (LPPM) Muhammadiyah Univefrsity of Gorontalo Dr. Hasyim and the local committee Umar, Msc. Also expressed their gratitude. They felt happy to be the host for different students from all over Indonesia. ‘The program include various activities with different students’ skills.’ He said as giving speech at the closing ceremony at the campus of Muhammadiyah University of Gorontalo.  

320 students in the program were served at  5 districts namely Boliyohuto, Bongomeme, Pulubala, Limboto Barat, dan Telaga Biru.

The annual program was carried out from August-September this year. The first program was done in Lampung in cooperation with Muhammadiyah University of Metro lampung. The second program was done in Bojonegoro regency East Java in cooperation with Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya and the third program was conducted in Gorontalo in cooperation with Muhammadiyah University of Gorontalo.

The chief of organizing committee Dr. Rina Ratih, M Hum. reported that the program ran well. This was because of the support from the rector, who is also the regent of Gorontalo and the chief of local committee.’ said Rina Ratih, who is a lecturer of University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). ‘The next program is scheduled to be held in Palembang.’ she added.

The closing ceremony of the program was marked with certificate giving to the 18 universities and the Gorontalo regent from the central committee. The event was reported by local newspapers and radio broadcast. After the closing ceremony all delegates returned home.


HMPS Sistem Informasi UAD: Mengenal Perindustrian dengan Kunjungan

            Dalam rangka memperkenalkan dunia perindustrian di bidang IT kepada mahasiswa, Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Sistem Informasi (HMPS SI) UAD mengadakan Kunjungan Industri (KI) ke Jakarta dan Bandung.

Acara yang berlangsung Selasa-Jum’at, (6-9/9/2016) ini diikuti 38 peserta dan 2 dosen, Imam Azhari dan Iwan Tri Riyadi Yanto sebagai pendamping.

Kunjungan pertama menuju Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN), Jakarta. Di sana, para peserta ditunjukkan bagaimana cara pengelolaan bank, keamanan sistem, dan pengembangan sistem yang ada.

Kunjungan kedua yaitu ke PT. IBM, perusahaan tersebut telah beralih dari yang sebelumnya bergerak dibidang hardware dan software, saat ini menjadi sesuatu yang berbeda. Hal ini dilakukan untuk bertransformasi dan melakukan inovasi agar tidak tergerus oleh zaman dan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi.

Setelah dari dua tempat tersebut, kemudian peserta menuju Net Tv untuk mengikuti salah satu program acara dari Net Tv.

Selesai mengikuti acara tersebut, mereka langsung pergi ke kota kedua yaitu Bandung. Perusahaan yang dikunjungi di Bandung adalah PT. Telkom Indonesia. Peserta dijelaskan mengenai sejarah dan produk-produk dari Telkom. Mereka juga diajak ke Bandung Digital Valley (BDV), yang merupakan industri pembuatan StartUp software, pengembangan aplikasi, dan masih banyak lainnya.

Setelah puas berkunjung ke 2 kota dan beberapa perusahaan industri, peserta singgah ke tempat pusat oleh-oleh dan wisata di Bandung.

“Kami mendapat banyak ilmu di perusahaan-perusahaan yang kami kunjungi, seperti tata kelola sistem, keamanan sistem, dan banyak lagi yang lainnya. Dan ternyata, dalam kerja nyata tidak semua ilmu yang didapatkan pada perkuliahan akan diterapkan di dunia kerja.” ungkap Muhammad Iqbal mahasiswa semester 3 sekaligus ketua panitia KI 2016. (TF/AKN)

Berikan yang Terbaik: UAD Tetap Sambut Mahasiswa Baru yang Belum Ikut P2K

“Mahasiswa baru berhak disambut dan pihak universitas wajib menyambut.” Kata Ketua Action Training, Triantoro Safaria, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D.Psi. saat ditemui di acara Action Training 2016, Minggu (18/9/2016) Graha Wana Bhakti Yasa.

Kata Triantoro, Action Training ini, untuk mengakumudir mahasiswa baru (maba) yang registrasi pada hari terakhir, sehingga tidak bisa ikut pada acara Pengenalan Kampus (P2K).

Acara yang diikuti kurang lebih 787 mahasiswa baru ini berlangsung hanya sehari. Triantoro menjelaskan acara tersebut diadakan sehari karena perkuliahan sudah aktif dan mahasiswa harus ikut perkuliahan pada hari Seninnya. Meskipun begitu, kami tetap akan memberikan yang terbaik. Termasuk pembicara yang diundang.

Action Training 2016 mengangkat tema "Bersama UAD Kita Tingkatkan Integritas Moral dan Intelektual dalam Bela Negara Menuju Kemandirian Bangsa" ini mendatangkan tiga pemateri Dr. Chairil Anwar, M.Sc, Dwi Santoso, Ph.D dan Purnomo, Key Account Manager di PT. Indolakto Indofood CBP.

Dr. Chairil Anwar, M.Sc dipilih sebagai pemateri bukan semata-mata Wakil Ketua Majelis DIKTI Litbang PP Muhammadiyah. Menurut Triantoro, Chairil adalah mantan aktivis dan berpengalaman di organisasi, beliau pernah menjabat wakil rektor, termasuk dosen produktif, serta wawasannya tinggi. 

Pada kesempatan tersebut, Chairil memberi pencerahan tentang kemuhammadiyahan sebagai pembaharuan. Harapannya dapat menumbuhkan rasa bangga tentang Muhammadiyah dan mahasiswa baru UAD dapat meneruskan sebagai Ahmad Dahlan Muda serta mempunyai semangat juang seperti Ahmad Dahlan.

Pembicara selanjutnya Dwi Santoso, dia banyak berbicara tentang bagaimana berkomunikasi secara efektif. Dwi Santoso sendiri menyelesaikan pendidikan doktornya di Australia. Hal tersebut tidak luput dari kelihaian cara berkomunikasi yang efektif, tentu saja komunikasi yang baik dan benar.

Selain praktisi, pada kesempatan tersebut juga mengundang Purnomo, alumni Teknik Industri. Saat ini Purnomo menjadi Key Account Manager di PT. Indolakto Indofood CBP. Pada kesempatan tersebut dia berbagi motivasi kepada mahasiwa baru dan berbagai pengalaman kepada mahasiswa tentang dunia kerja dan bagaimana kinerja dia saat kuliah di UAD.

Reading from Foreign Labours in Indonesia


"In terms of employment, AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) not only create a threat but also open up business and employment opportunities. Therefore, it is important for the government and all parties to prepare short-term programs to improve Indonesian labour productivity, "said Ani Muttaqiyathun, S.E., M.Si. the head of Management Department of Faculty of Economics, University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta when attending a program at Radio of Sonora Jogjakarta, Thursday (08/18/2016).

  Ani continued, ‘This can be focused on the  improvement of human resource policy in the sector of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the labourers are not only be prepared for large-scale enterprises. Through the entrepreneurship establishment program in the SME sector, Indonesia will continue to be the host for their own country. The number of national entrepreneurs just about 0.18 percent of the total population. Meanwhile, to support high economic growth and sustainable development, Indonesia needs a number of entrepreneurs of more than 2 percent of the total population, or about 4 million people.

At the beginning of this year, many media reported that thousands of foreign laborers (TKA) entered the country. This is confirmed by the Ministry of  Labour. However, he argued that the number of foreign labourers is less than 0.1 percent of the total number of laborers in Indonesia (with a working age group about 129 million). On average the figure ranges from about 70 thousand people each year. The types of foreign labours occupation in general are professionals, directors, managers, advisors / consultants, commissioners, qualified technicians, and expert supervisors.

In the minister of labour and transmigration regulation No. 12 year 2013 it is mentioned, among others; only an incorporated company that is permitted to employ foreign labour; only four types of temporary jobs which are permitted: machine installation, electrical, after-sales service, and business introduction products; and foreign labour should be able to show a certificate of competency or have at least five years experience in that field.

Based on the MRA (Mutual Recognition Arrangement) which has been acknowledged by ASEAN countries, there are just eight proffesions agreed. The occupation should be specific and not general, and only permitted for educated foreign labourers who master the skills and professional speciality. The eight profesional professions are engineers, nurses, architects, surveyors, accountants, medical practitioners, dentists, and tourism workers.

Foreign labors looking for a job in  Indonesia within the framework of MEA should be skilled labours. They should follow the labor law. These are related to MRA matters, so there should be common standards of the competencies.

"The point is someone who is considered to be skilled in our country, it is also considered the same or equivalent in other countries," he concluded. (dock)


The Application Requirements for Hiring Foreign Labor with Their Oddities

Considering Presidential decree No. 72 Year 2014, the requirement to bring in a foreign labour is not simple. The sponsor companies are obliged to employ local labours as a counterparts. By assistance system it is expected there are technology and knowledge transfer to local labours. Therefore, the labour ratio between local and foreign labor should meet the requirement of one foreign labor to ten local labors.

The Company, which will employ foreign labours in Indonesia are also obliged to complete dozens of documents. In order to complete the documents, each company should undergo some procedures to meet the requirements at various divisions at Directorate General for Labor Training and Employment (Binapenta) of the Ministry of Labor and at Directorate General  of Immigration of Ministry of Justice and Human Rights

"The problem is that many illegal brokers intrude the government offices to interfere the giving of permits.  They are always ready to offer their complete services with the detail tariffs, "said Ani Muttaqiyathun, S.E., M.Sc. the head of the Management Deparment Faculty of Economics, University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta when attending a program at Radio of Sonora Jogjakarta, Thursday (08/18/2016).

Referring to the results of the Tempo investigation (Main report in Tempo magazine August 31, 2015 edition), an illegal broker told that the Labor Ministry official rarely checked the validity of the foreign labor’s personal data. If there is a supervision, the brokers say they just assist the applicants.

Another illegal broker told his experience to apply for a working permit for  two low educated traditional Chinese cuisine cooks. To do this, the broker bribed the officials at Binapenta and the Director General of Immigration, the amount of money for bribery vary for each foreign labor

"Besides being effective, it also is also efficient for the bribers to get the permits. The normal procedure takes some seven weeks to three months to get IMTA. However, the brokers can provide the permits within three weeks to one month, "said Ani.

Based on the findings as reported by Tempo magazine, a lot of Chinese laborers are involved as low workers. This is against the law, which says that only trained foreign workers are allowed to work in the country. These workers can be found in different work areas such as at the construction of Vapor Power Plant Celukan Bawang, Buleleng, Bali, construction at Bayah, Lebak, Banten, and the construction of Bauxite Smelter done by PT Well Harvest Winning Alumina Refinery in Kendawangan Ketapang in Kalimantan Barat. (dock)

An Organization for Advancement

‘Being advanced means being able to anticipate future global issues and respond them correctly.’ said Dr. Rahmawati Husein, Ph.D. as she was presenting an article on challenges for modern women at national and global levels.

Rahmawati Husein is one of two national presenters at National Leader Meeting at 13rd Nasyiyatul Zisyiyah (NA) congress in Yogyakarta. She is a former NA general secretary and currently she is a deputy of disaster relief board central board of Muhammadiyah 2015-2020.

She said that a member of NA should be well informed and aware of task as well as knowledge to respond national and global challenges. The member should also make use of innovation and technology in proselytizing besides having strong characters, religious values and humanity.

‘The most important thing, NA organization is a means for advancement.’ She said. The event, which took place at Hall of Islamic Center University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) on South Ringroad, Banguntapan, Bantul, on Thursday (25/08/2016), also presented Prof. Dr. H.M. Amien Rais, M.A. as the second speaker with Aryati Dina Puspitasari, M.Pd. as the moderator. (AKN)


Timor Leste’s Representatives of Environmental Ministry Visited UAD

Accompanied by members of Smile Group Yogyakarta, three representatives of Environmental Ministry of Timor Leste (MCIA) visited University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). In their visit, they inspected the Calibration and Testing Laboratory (LKU) on Friday (26/08/2016)

Margi Sasono, M.Si., the director of Quality Assurance, explained the advantage and the working procedure in calibration.

‘All medical instruments should be calibrated to meet the standard of quality. The instruments used by an institution such as hospitals, pharmacological laboratories, natural science laboratories and so on should be standardized.’ Said Margi.

LKU’s mission is that it becomes a reputed institution in providing calibration services and is able to provide quality academic and medical necessity for public.

Meanwhile the mission is to carry out quality managerial system for the laboratory based on SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2008; to develop competent human resources in the field; and to develop calibration for environmental development in academic, industry as well as medical fields.

Dr. Ernesto Montiero, M.T. the chief of the delegates said that the visit was interesting and was pleased for the warm welcome by UAD.

The Opening Ceremony of 13rd Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Congress

The 13rd congress of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (NA) was officially opened by Head of Central Board of Muhammadiyah Dr. H. Haedar Nashier. The event was held at Sportium of University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) attended by some 2000 participants from 34 regions in Indonesia.

Some national leaders also attended the event taking the theme ‘Young Woman Advanced Movement for Developed Nation. They were Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud RI), representatives of X commission of House of Representatives (DPR-RI), etc.

People know that NA congress is the highest forum in the organization to set the coming programs and to elect the new members of national committee of NA. This year the event was held jubilantly and gladly with thousands of participants coming from all parts of Indonesia. The event lasted from Thursday-Sunday (25-28-08-2016). The last event was held at Lampung Sumatra.

The success of this big event was due to cooperation of many institutions under Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta such as University of Ahmad Dahlan (uad), University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), and University of Ashiyah (Unisa).

The Education and Culture Minister Muhadjir Effendi said, ‘Good education is capable of improving the students’ potentials. In this case, home education especially mother as the first educator for the children is the key to develop the future human resources.’

Muhadjir expected that all NA members always support and ready to carry out any agenda lounced by the ministry and are able to contribute real quality program for the advancement of the republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

In the end he suggested that NA members to be active in developing educational programs ranging from early childhood education up to higher education (PT). (AKN)

Finding Inspiration in A Young Woman Nasyiatul Aisyiyah National Leader Meeting

In the spirit of building brotherhood, motivating members, and finding inspiration, a meeting of young woman Nasyiyatul Aisyiyah national leader meeting was held coinciding a series of activities of 13rd Nasyiyatul Aisyiyah (NA) congress in Yogyakarta.

The meeting aimed at finding regional as well as national leaders’ ideas to improve the organization so that members of the congress can contribute useful ideas during the the four day congress.

Attended by some 200 participants, the event with the theme Young woman Movement for The advancement and Independent Nation ran well. Two speakers addressed their speeches. They are Prof. Dr. H.M. Amien Rais, M.A. and Dr. Rahmawati Husein, Ph.D.

The event was held at Hall of Islamic Center University of Ahmmad Dahlan (UAD) on South Ringroad, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta last Thursday (25/08/2016). The event was managed by the chief of committee Normasari, S.H.,M.Hum, who was also the chief of 2011-2016 NA national leader board. The Vice rector II of UAD also gave a speech in the event.

Acting as the moderator of the event was Aryati Dina Puspitasari, M.Pd., a lecturer of Physics Education department. Amien Rais as the father of NA presented the equality between men and women. According to him, men and women share the same characteristics. The Holy Qur’an and Hadits say that men should protect women. So, men and women should have strong characteristics. It is the gender that man is praised but their knowledge and deed determine it,’ he said.

Amien Rais closed his speech with his message, ‘Don not raise discrimination in becoming members of Muhammadiyah. The most important thing in an organization is becoming functional, beneficial, and advantageous.’ (AKN)