Caring for the Environment, UAD PBS Students Organize a Beach Cleanup

S1 students of the Sharia Banking (PBS) Study Program of the Faculty of Education and Islamic Studies of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (FAI UAD) and Postgraduate students of English Language Education (PBI) of UAD, in collaboration with the Centre of Tourism & Creative Business (COTRES) of UAD, conducted a clean-up activity in mangrove area in the south coast of Bantul, on Sunday (2-12-2018).

A total of 175 students and lecturers from PBS and 25 PBI graduate students, together with a number of UAD Tourism Lovers volunteer students were deployed to the field to clean up garbage in the mangrove ecotourism area of ​​Baros beach.

Akhmad Arif Rifan, S.H.I., M.S.I., as the Chairperson of Sharia Banking Study Program, who was present to accompany the students and lecturers said that this activity was part of the agenda of the study program that was related to the environment, which was a manifestation of real contribution to the environment from UAD PBS. In addition, he said that this activity also aimed to instill a love for environment for PBS students as well as a manifestation of contribution from UAD as an educational institution in tourism development.

As the coordinator of this activity, COTRES Director, Nur Rifai Akhsan, explained that the activity could help grow a love and concern for the environment for the younger generation. The activity was also aimed at helping the government in developing tourism, especially in Yogyakarta. Nur Rifai Akhsan, who is also a lecturer at English Language Education of UAD, shared his expectation that the movement they carried out would be beneficial and could inspire the people awareness and concern and for all parties to work together to develop tourism in Indonesia. (PEP)

93 Tim Ikuti Kontes Robot Nasional UAD


Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Elektro (HMTE) dan Robotic Development Community (RDC) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta menyelenggarakan Ahmad Dahlan Robotic Competition (ADRC) 2018. Kontes Robot Nasional tingkat SD-SMA/K ini sudah memasuki tahun ketujuh, sejak diselenggarakan pada 2011.


Kegiatan diikuti 93 tim robot meliputi 27 SD-SMP dan 66 SMA/K. Acara yang digelar pada Kamis, 27 Desember 2018 ini diikuti tim dari berbagai daerah seperti Semarang, Surakarta, Gresik, Bandung, Magetan, Jakarta, Banyumas, Purworejo, dan Yogyakarta.


Membuka ADRC 2018 di Graha Wanabaktiyasha, Wakil Rektor III UAD, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T. mengatakan saat ini kita masuk ke era baru di revolusi industri 4.0 yang menitikberatkan pada sistem informasi. Ia berharap melalui ADRC para pelajar akan mencintai ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sejak dini. “Semoga minat pelajar dalam bidang robotika semakin berkembang selaras dengan tema ADRC 2018 ini, yakni berinovasi dan menginspirasi dalam Robotika,”ucapnya.


Dua kategori diperlombakan dalam ADRC 2018, Kontes Robot Sumo dan Line Follower, yang memperebutkan Piala Gubernur, Walikota, dan Rektor UAD. Pada kategori Sumo, juara adalah robot yang kuat yang mampu menjatuhkan pesaingnya layaknya olahraga sumo, sedangkan kategori Line Followers adalah mengadu kecepatan menuju garis finis. Kategori Sumo pemenangnya di antaranya SD Unggulan Aisyiyah (juara 1 dan 4), SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta (juara 2 dan 3), SD Muhammadiyah Bantul Kota (Desain Terbaik dan Inovasi Terbaik), MTsN 6 Sleman (Pertahanan Terbaik). Sedangkan untuk kategori Line Follower pemenangnya adalah SMAN 5 Semarang (juara 1), SMK N 3 Yogya (juara 2), SMA N 1 Yogya (juara 3), SMK N 2 Yogya (juara 4 dan Best Design), serta SMP N 1 Bantul (Best Strategy).


Penulis : Phisca Aditya Rosyady

93 Teams Participate in UAD National Robot Contest

Electrical Engineering Student Association (HMTE) and Robotic Development Community (RDC) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) held Ahmad Dahlan Robotic Competition (ADRC) of 2018. This National Robot Contest on SD-SMA/K level has entered its seventh year, since it was held in 2011.

"The activity was attended by 93 robotic teams, including 27 elementary schools and 66 high schools. The event, which was held on Thursday, December 27th, 2018, was attended by teams from various regions such as Semarang, Surakarta, Gresik, Bandung, Magetan, Jakarta, Banyumas, Purworejo, and Yogyakarta.

Opening ADRC of 2018 at Graha Wanabaktiyasha, the Vice Rector III of UAD, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., said that today we were entering a new era in the industrial revolution of 4.0 which focused on information system. He expressed his hope that through ADRC, students would love science and technology early. "Hopefully, students' interest in the field of robotics is increasingly developing in line with the theme of the 2018 ADRC, which is to innovate and inspire people in Robotics," he said.

Two categories are competed in ADRC 2018, Sumo and Line Follower Robot Contest, to compete for the Cups of Governor, Mayor, and Rector of UAD. In Sumo category, the selected champions are those with powerful robots that are capable of taking down their competitors, just like sumo sport. Meanwhile, in Line Followers category, the participants compete to speed towards the finish line. The winners for Sumo category include SD Unggulan Aisyiyah (1st and 4th place winners), SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta (runner up and 3rd place winners), SD Muhammadiyah Bantul Kota (Best Design and Best Innovation), MTsN 6 Sleman (Best Endurance). Meanwhile, the winners for Line Follower category include SMAN 5 Semarang (1st place winner), SMK N 3 Yogya (runner up), SMA N 1 Yogya (3rd place winner), SMK N 2 Yogya (4th place winner and Best Design), serta SMP N 1 Bantul (Best Strategy).

Author: Phisca Aditya Rosyady


On Sunday (9-12-2018), Budi Mulia Dua held an activity entitled "BMD FEST 2018 PASTA COOKING COMPETITION" at VHS Budi Mulia Dua at Jalan Raya Tajem km. 3, Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman. Starting from their initiative to take part in the competition, Maretta and Krisna tried to convey their intentions and asked permission from the lecturers of Food Service Business (Bisma) Study Program. After getting permission and support from the university, the two students planned the concept that they would use in the competition later. Bisma sent three teams. The first team consisted of Maretta and Krisna, the second one with Heni and Putri, and the third team with Anisa and Isma.


The requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to take part in BMD FEST 2018 PASTA COOKING COMPETITION include the team must consist of two people, choose one type of pasta (fettuccini, fusilli, spaghetti, or lasagna), make two servings of processed pasta with no required technique and at a cost of IDR 40,000.00 for two portions, make a menu and recipe to be submitted to the committee, and is only provided 45 minutes to process the pasta and the clear up (cleaning the work table, processing equipment, sink and preparing the display plate).

The menu made by the first team was "Fusilli Pasta with Kallio Sauce", the second team made "Fettuccini Matcabor" which was a combination of Carbonara sauce with sambal matah, while the third team made "Fettuccini Bolognese". They were very excited to take part in the competition and really had the expectation that someone would win the competition as a representative of Bisma.


PASTA COOKING COMPETITION is divided into two sessions, the first session at 09.15 WIB and the second session at 10.00 WIB. Bisma team got their turn in the second session, so their turn was finished at 10:45 WIB. It felt like the time went very fast when the competition took place. It is because in the duration of 45 minutes, the cooking concept had to be finished, including the clear up. Alhamdulillah, Bisma team can finish on time, even the first team can finish their cooking before the jury reminded the remaining 15 minutes time that was left. The announcement of the champion of the competition was carried out after Zuhur prayer.


Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamiin, Allah Swt. Granted our prayer. Bisma students managed to be the second place winner. The achievement was made by the first team. The results, indeed, will not betray the process. The process started from when the students took initiative to participate in the competition, then prepared everything, practiced cooking before the competition, seriously participated in the race, and finally produced a very satisfying result that made us all proud.

Pentas Wayang Kulit: UAD untuk Indonesia Berkemajuan dan Berbudaya


Bertempat di Kampus empat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Sabtu (5/1) akan diselenggarakan pentas wayang kulit. Pagelaran wayang kulit ini akan dipandu oleh dalang kondang Ki Seno Nugroho dengan mengangkat lakon Amarta Binangun.

Lakon Amarta Binangun menceritakan tentang sebuah epik perjuangan Pandawa membangun hutan Wana Marta menjadi sebuah kerajaan yang masyur. Diceritakan dalam Amarta Binangun, setelah Pandu Dewanata sebagai Raja Hastina meninggal dunia, kelima anaknya yakni kesatria Pandawa, menuntut hak di kerajaan Hastina yang belakangan dikuasai oleh pamannya, Prabu Destarata. Akan tetapi, kelima kesatria itu tidak diberikan hak apapun atas kerajaan Ayahnya. Prabu Destarata justru memerintahkan Pandawa untuk membangun kerajaan sendiri di hutan tandus Amarta.

Meskipun berat, sebagai kesatria, Pandawa tetap menjalankan perintah Prabu Destarata yang telah menduduki posisi raja menggantikan ayahnya. Perjalanan dari Hastina menuju Amarta tidak dilalui dengan mudah oleh para kesatria Pandawa, banyak halangan dan rintangan namun tidak menghentikan langkanya menuju hutan tandus itu. Setelah sampai di hutan Amarta, para kesatria Pandawa tetap menemui hanyak halangan dan rintangan ketika membangun hutan belantara tandus menjadi sebuah kerajaan. Meskipun demikian, para Pandawa tidak patah arang hingga meraka berhasil membangun sebuah kerajaan baru yang besar dan maju dengan rakyatnya yang makmur dan sejahtera.     

Kordinator Seksi Pagelaran Wayang Kulit Unggul Haryanto Nur Utomo M.Si menyampaikan, wayang kulit merupakan salah satu kesenian asli Indonesia yang telah diakui dunia, sehingga wayang kulit merupakan salah satu simbol identitas bangsa. Wayang kulit juga merupakan kesenian yang sarat nilai-nilai luhur. Menggelar pentas wayang kulit adalah wujud melestarikan identitas budaya sakaligus menyuguhkan tontonan berisi tuntunan.

Lebih lanjut, Unggul mengatakan pemilihan lakon Amarta Binangun bukan tanpa alasan. Dalam lakon itu perjuangan para kesatria Pandawa membangun hutan hingga menjadi sebuah kerajaan yang besar dan maju dapat menjadi contoh dan dipetik nilai-nilai luhurnya. Apa yang dilakukan para Pandawa juga dilakukan para pendiri UAD. Sebelum menjadi sebuah universitas yang besar dan maju seperti sekarang ini, UAD juga memiliki proses yang panjang dan tidak mudah.

Β“Dimulai dari IKIP Muhammadiyah, sebuah institut yang hanya fokus di keguruan, hingga akhirnya berkembang menjadi UAD yang memiliki banyak fakultas. Termasuk Fakultas Kedokteran yang dulu dianggap tidak memungkinkan. Waktu telah membuktikan UAD terus berkembang dan selalu berusaha memberikan yang terbaik untuk bangsa melalui dunia pendidikan,” kata Kordinator Seksi Pagelaran Wayang Kulit yang juga Dosen Psikologi.

Unggul juga mengemukakan, pagelaran wayang kulit kali ini juga mendatangkan sinden bernama Elisha Orkarus Allaso, sarjana Pedalangan lulusan ISI Yogyakarta yang juga seorang Magister Psikologi asal Sulawesi blasteran Venezuela dan Perancis. Sesuai dengan tema Milad Β“Membangun identitas Bangsa yang Berkemajuan Berbasis BudayaΒ”, pagelaran wayang kulit ini diharapkan menjadi kegiatan yang dapat memberikan banyak teladan nilai untuk memajukan bangsa dan wahana merefleksikan.

“Elisha meskipun bukan orang Jawa, namun mau dan mampu menjadi sinden. Selain dapat memetik banyak pembelajaran dari lakon Amarta Binangun, kita juga dapat belajar dari Elisha untuk membangun dan memajukan bangsa yang beridentitas,Β” ucap Unggul. (Efri). 

Flooded with Ideas in the Final Project Exhibition (FiPEx) of 2018

Final Project Exhibition (FiPEx) of 2018 successfully attracted the enthusiasm of students and the general public at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). FiPEx of 2018 is an event aimed for exhibiting the work of students of Information System Study Program of UAD in the form of product applications, prototypes, and posters. These works are the result of projects in several courses to be exhibited in FiPEx.

"We are trying out a project-based learning process to trigger students’ new ideas and it turned out the results were very satisfying. There were lots of fresh ideas that emerged and had the potential to turn into startups," said Farid Suryanto, M.T., as a lecturer at Information System Study Program of UAD.

The exhibition which was held from Friday, December 28th to Saturday, December 29th 2018 was attended by Dr. Muchlas, M.T., as Vice Rector 1. "All competencies needed in the industrial era of 4.0 can be found in FiPEx of 2018," he said in the opening session of the exhibition. Furthermore, he said that activities like FiPEx needed to be initiated in other study programs at UAD so that fresh ideas from the millennial generation could emerge.

In line with Muchlas, Imam Azhari, as the Dean of FMIPA UAD, also said that project-based learning was the answer to challenges in the industrial era of 4.0. "I see the ideas displayed in this 2018 FiPEx worth producing for commercial needs. I also see that in the next two or three years, the ideas displayed here will become startups that will compete in the industry."

At the opening session of the 2018 FiPEx, Dr. Dedi Pramono, as the Head of Bureau of Student and Alumni Affairs (Bimawa) of UAD said, "the ideas exhibited here are great. They should be followed up," he said while attending the exhibition stands and trying out web-based game applications that were controlled by body gestures captured by a camera.

The Head of UAD PKM Center, Dr. Endang Darmawan, seemed very enthusiastic when trying out the Virus Shooter application that used Augmented Reality (AR) technology in one of the exhibition stands. In fact, he also had the opportunity to give appreciation Virus Shooter, a work by Muhammad Luthfiansyah, a third semester student of UAD Information System Study Program, by pinning a gold star. In this 2018 FiPEx, the gold star is the highest appreciation that will determine the final grade of students in related subjects.

There was also a talk show in the exhibition held at campus 4 of UAD that presented one of the Google Student Ambassadors for Yogyakarta region, Niken Wulandari. Niken, who is also a student of UAD Information System, shared her experiences at the Google conference held in Bali in 2017 and in Bangalore, India in November 2018.

"We deliberately presented Niken to inspire students to be more proactive to take the opportunity in networking with communities outside campus," said Hudzaifah Saiful Haq from the event division of 2018 FiPEx.

Farrizal Alchudri as the head of the committee added that there were 90 works exhibited in FiPEx of 2018. Furthermore, Farrizal said, "They have worked optimally of one semester to prepare their works and the technical implementation of the event and it turned out that it received big appreciation from the people."


Contact Activity Information:

Farid Suryanto,



Pada Minggu (9-12-2018), Budi Mulia Dua mengadakan kegiatan “BMD FEST 2018 PASTA COOKING COMPETITION” di VHS Budi Mulia Dua, Jalan Raya Tajem km. 3, Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman. Berawal dari inisiatif untuk mengikuti perlombaan tersebut, Maretta dan Krisna mencoba menyampaikan maksudnya dan meminta izin kepada dosen Program Studi Bisnis Jasa Makanan (Bisma). Setelah mendapatkan izin dan dukungan, dua mahasiswa tersebut menyusun konsep yang akan dibawa saat lomba nanti. Bisma mengirimkan tiga tim yang terdiri atas Maretta dan Krisna sebagai tim pertama, Heni dan Putri sebagai tim kedua, serta tim ketiga yaitu Anisa dan Isma.

Ketentuan dari BMD FEST 2018 PASTA COOKING COMPETITION antara lain tim harus terdiri atas dua orang, memilih salah satu jenis pasta (fettucini, fusilli, spageti, atau lasagna), membuat olahan pasta sebanyak dua porsi dengan teknis bebas dan dengan biaya harus Rp40.000,00 untuk dua porsi, membuat menu dan resep untuk diserahkan kepada panitia, serta hanya disediakan waktu selama 45 menit untuk pengolahan pasta dan clear up (kebersihan meja kerja, alat pengolahan, bak cuci, dan piring display).

Menu yang dibuat oleh tim pertama adalah “Fusilli Pasta with Kallio Sauce, tim kedua membuat “Fettucini Matcabor” yang merupakan perpaduan saus carbonara dengan sambal matah, sementara tim ketiga membuat “Fettucini Bolognese. Mereka sangat bersemangat mengikuti perlombaan tersebut dan sangat berharap ada yang memenangkan lomba dari perwakilan Bisma.

PASTA COOKING COMPETITION dibagi menjadi dua sesi, sesi pertama pukul 09.15 WIB dan sesi kedua pukul 10.00 WIB. Tim Bisma mendapatkan giliran pada sesi kedua, sehingga perlombaan selesai pada pukul 10.45 WIB. Waktu berjalan terasa sangat cepat pada saat lomba berlangsung karena dalam waktu 45 menit, konsep memasak harus selesai semua termasuk clear up. Alhamdulillah, tim Bisma dapat selesai tepat waktu, bahkan tim pertama dapat menyelesaikan perlombaan sebelum juri mengingatkan sisa waktu 15 menit. Pengumuman pemenanng lomba dilakukan setelah salat Zuhur.

Ucap Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamiin, Allah Swt. mengabulkan doa. Mahasiswa Bisma berhasil mendapatkan juara 2 yang diperoleh tim pertama. Hasil tidak akan mengkhianati proses. Proses dari inisiatif mahasiswa kemudian mempersiapkan semuanya, berlatih memasak sebelum pelaksanaan lomba, hingga bersungguh-sungguh mengikuti perlombaan, akhirnya menghasilkan hasil yang sangat memuaskan dan membanggakan.

Banjir Ide di Final Project Exhibition (FiPEx) 2018

Final Project Exhibition (FiPEx) 2018 berhasil menyedot antusiasme mahasiswa dan berbagai kalangan di Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). FiPEx 2018 merupakan agenda pameran karya mahasiswa Program Studi Sistem Informasi UAD dalam bentuk produk aplikasi, prototype, dan poster. Karya-karya tersebut adalah hasil dari proyek beberapa mata kuliah yang dipamerkan dalam satu kegiatan FiPEx.

“Kami sedang mencoba pola pembelajaran berbasis proyek untuk memicu ide-ide baru mahasiswa dan ternyata hasilnya sangat memuaskan. Banyak ide segar yang muncul dan sangat berpotensi menjadi startup,” ungkap Farid Suryanto, M.T. selaku dosen Sistem Informasi UAD.

Pameran yang diselenggarakan mulai Jumat 28 Desember hingga Sabtu 29 Desember 2018 ini dihadiri oleh Dr. Muchlas, M.T. selaku Wakil Rektor 1. “Semua kompetensi yang dibutuhkan dalam era industri 4.0 ada di FiPEx 2018,” ungkapnya dalam sesi pembukaan pameran. Lebih lanjut, ia mengatakan bahwa kegiatan seperti FiPEx ini perlu disemarakkan di program studi lain di UAD agar ide-ide segar dari generasi milenial dapat bermunculan.

Senada denganMuchlas, Imam Azhari selaku Dekan FMIPA UAD juga mengatakan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis proyek merupakan jawaban dari tantangan di era industri 4.0. “Saya melihat ide-ide yang ditampilkan dalam FiPEx 2018 ini layak diproduksi untuk kebutuhan komersial. Saya juga melihat bahwa dalam dua tiga tahun ke depan ide-ide yang ditampilkan di sini akan menjadi startup yang akan ikut bersaing di dunia industri.”

Pada sesi pembukaan FiPEx 2018, hadir pula Dr. Dedi Pramono selaku Kepala Biro Kemahasiswaan (Bimawa) UAD. “Idenya bagus-bagus, patut untuk ditindaklanjuti,” ungkapnya saat mengunjungi stand pameran dan mencoba aplikasi permainan berbasis web yang dikendalikan oleh gestur tubuh yang ditangkap oleh kamera.

Kepala PKM Center UAD, Dr. Endang Darmawan, tampak sangat antusias saat mencoba aplikasi Virus Shooter yang menggunakan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) di salah satu stand pameran. Bahkan ia juga berkesempatan memberikan apresiasi kepada karya Virus Shooter karya Muhammad Luthfiansyah, mahasiswa semester 3 Sistem Informasi UAD, dengan menyematkan bintang emas. Dalam FiPEx 2018 ini, bintang emas adalah penilaian dengan bobot tertinggi yang akan menentukan nilai akhir mahasiswa pada mata kuliah terkait.

Pameran yang dilaksanakan di hall kampus 4 UAD ini juga diramaikan dengan kegiatan talkshow yang menghadirkan salah satu Google Student Ambassador untuk wilayah Yogyakarta, Niken Wulandari. Niken yang juga sebagai mahasiswi Sistem Informasi UAD membagikan pengalamannya mengikuti konferensi Google di Bali pada 2017 dan di Bangalore India pada November 2018.

“Kami sengaja menghadirkan Niken untuk memberikan inspirasi kepada mahasiswa agar lebih proaktif mengambil kesempatan untuk berjejaring dengan komunitas di luar kampus,” ungkap Hudzaifah Saiful Haq selaku seksi acara kegiatan FiPEx 2018.

Farrizal Alchudri selaku ketua panitia menambahkan bahwa ada 90 karya yang dipamerkan dalam FiPEx 2018. Lebih lanjut Farrizal mengatakan, “Teman-teman sudah bekerja maksimal selama satu semester ini untuk mempersiapkan karya maupun mempersiapkan teknis penyelenggaraan kegiatan dan ternyata apresiasi dari berbagai kalangan sangat baik.”



Kontak Informasi Kegiatan:

Farid Suryanto,


58th Anniversary of UAD: The Rector Annual Report of 2018

2018 Open Senate Session of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) to celebrate the 58th Milad (anniversary) of the university scheduled the Rector Annual Report of 2018. On this occasion, the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.A.P., was present to deliver scientific speech. The event which was held at the UAD Amphitarium on Saturday (12-29-2018) was attended by academic members and students of UAD, government officials, leaders and officials of PP Muhammadiyah, UAD partners, as well as the stake holders.

The Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M. Hum., in his annual report, highlighted several important matters. Some of them were related to institutional development, leading research center, business unit development, and welfare improvement.

"This Milad program is not only aimed as a tool to measure performance accountability, but also as an expression of gratitude to Allah SWT, who has given His gift, so that UAD becomes a higher education institution that gains trust from stakeholders and is able to make meaningful contributions to the nation," said Kasiyarno in his speech.

Currently, UAD is one of the leading private universities in Indonesia with A accreditation for the institution, which was obtained in 2017. There is a total of 48 study programs, 18 of them are accredited with A and 21 are accredited B.

UAD students do not only come from Indonesia, but also from abroad. The total number of active UAD students is 27,401. Of this number, 151 students come from Thailand, Malaysia, India, China, Uzbekistan, Hungary, Japan, Timor Leste, the Philippines, Iraq, Egypt, Vietnam, Ukraine, South Korea, Yemen, Laos, and Tunisia.

"The increasing interest of foreign students to study at UAD indicates that the Muhammadiyah university has been recognized internationally. This is in accordance with its vision of becoming an internationally recognized university that is imbued with Islamic values," he explained.

Another thing that also deserves recognition is the increasing achievement of UAD students from year to year on regional, local, national, and international levels. Another one that we need to be proud of is that the Center for Integrated Research and Innovation (CIRNOV) of UAD managed to make Merapi Missile in collaboration with the Indonesian Army Dislitbang and PT Pindad.

For this achievement, UAD established a new business unit, PT Adi Multi Teknologi (AMT), in addition to eight business units that it previously owned. From Kasiyarno's statement, PT AMT would work with other related institutions to produce Merapi Missiles used for Indonesian military combat training.

In the field of education, UAD has established new school units (USB), which are a junior high school and a vocational school, that are used as a Lab School in Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan, one of the 3T regions with the funding obtained from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud). In addition, in supporting the internationalization program of Muhammadiyah, UAD will build a Muhammadiyah school in Australia and Muhammadiyah Da'wah headquarter in Egypt.

The Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Muhadjir, expressed his pride in UAD that had paid attention to 3T regions. "In the era of industrial revolution 4.0, this region became the focus of the government realize education equity. So, there will be no regions that are left behind," he said.

In addition, Muhadjir said that he was happy with the current development of UAD. He expressed his hope that UAD would become a university that was ready for technological development and could support technological progress for the benefit of the nation.

On the other hand, the Chairperson of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah, Dr. Haedar Nashir who was present at the event said that Muhammadiyah universities had to become a madrasah (school) of thought. According to him, being a madrasah of thought could only be done by PTMs of class A, such as UAD. "In the future, UAD and Muhammadiyah must be the center of research as well as agents of change."

Haedar advised UAD and Muhammadiyah to be able to evoke the role of Islam that was able to acculturate culture in the midst of modern culture. Moreover, he advised them to improve advanced modernity, and strengthen progressive national integration. (ard)

Bisma Students are in the Top 10 of the National Business Plan Competition

A total of three students of D-IV Food Service Business (Bisma) Study Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) successfully passed UNIVATION of Padjadjaran 2018. The event was a national-level business plan competition organized by Universitas Padjajaran as a manifestation of Bringing out Food Fermentation into a Nowadays Culinary. As the name implies, this event is a business plan that directly synergizes food and business. New food product innovations or modification of existing products, especially fermented products with a touch of current trends, are the highlight of the event. The reason for the selection of the topic is for the products to be able to compete in the world of culinary business.

The event series of UNIVATION of Padjadjaran 2018 lasted two days, from November 30th to December 1st, 2018. In the first day, a seminar and competition for food product business planning proposals were held. Meanwhile, on the second day, a Food Expo was held.

In this competition, Bisma students presented fermented sorghum that was turned into a tape which was then processed into silky pudding. The students learned about how to plan, make, develop, and market the products they created. At the Food Expo, Bisma students presented three variants of silky pudding, namely chocolate, mango and taro. The most popular pudding for visitors was the mango flavored one. In the activity, students also planned and practiced directly how to decorate the booths provided by the committee.