LSP UAD Selenggarakan Sertifikasi Penyuluh Antikorupsi

Di Indonesia, tindak korupsi seperti sudah membudaya. Banyak anggota dewan maupun politisi yang tertangkap tangan melakukan praktik korupsi. Selain itu, modus korupsi juga semakin beragam.

Sebagai bentuk tindak nyata pencegahan korupsi, Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) bekerja sama dengan LSP Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Republik Indonesia (RI) menggelar uji kompetensi sertifikasi bagi penyuluh antikorupsi.

Acara yang berlangsung 19-21 September 2018, di aula kampus 2 B UAD diikuti oleh 25 peserta dari berbagai lembaga maupun instansi, dari kalangan pejabat, dosen, maupun aktivis. Eko Ari Wibowo, S.T.,M.Kom. Kepala LSP UAD menyampaikan, proses uji kompetensi untuk mendapat sertifikasi penyuluh antikorupsi akan difasilitasi langsung dari LSP KPK RI.

Pada kesempatan ini, Wakil Rektor I UAD, Dr. Muchlas, M.T. dalam sambutannya mengungkapkan, menjadi penyuluh antikorupsi merupakan panggilan jiwa. Profesi ini menjadi bagian terpenting proses peningkatan martabat bangsa.

Tidak semua orang mau menjadi penyuluh anti korupsi, dan hanya sebagian yang tersertifikasi. Profesi ini memegang peranan penting untuk menjadikan bangsa lebih bermartabat,” paparnya.

Muchlas menambahkan, setiap lembaga maupun instansi, termasuk UAD, memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mencegah terjadinya tindak korupsi. Oleh karenanya diperlukan pengarahan dan pemahaman yang lebih terkait korupsi. Misalnya tentang jenis-jenis korupsi, aspek legal hukum, dan tindakan preventifnya.

Sementara Busyro Muqoddas, S.H.,M.Hum., dewan pengarah LSP KPK RI, menyampaikan, modus korupsdi Indonesia sudah berkembang dengan berbagai model. “Yang harus dilakukanKPK saat ini adalah dialog pencegahan dan pemberantasan korupsi terintegrasi. KPK tidak bisa melakukan sendiri, harusbekerja sama dengan lembaga lain,” tandasnya. (ard)

Peran Mahasiswa Pascasarjana dalam Era Industri 4.0

Program Pascasarjana Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) menyelenggarakan stadium general bagi mahasiswa baru angkatan 2018. Tajuk yang diangkat “Peran Mahasiswa Pascasarjana dalam Perubahan Sosial di Era Industri 4.0” dengan narasumber Diyah Puspitarini, S.Pd.,M.Pd., Ketua Umum Pimpinan Pusat Nasyiatul Aisyiyah.

Dr. Dwi Sulisworo selaku Wakil Direktur Pascasarjana UAD, dalam sambutannya menyampaikan, mahasiswa memegang peran penting dalam pengembangan dan perubahan masyarakat di era revolusi industri 4.0.

“Mahasiswa memiliki peran sebagai pembawa bendera kebenaran untuk melakukan edukasi. Aktivitasnya tidak hanya kuliah, tetapi harus jadi intelektual yang memiliki tanggung jawab untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang sejahtera,” terangnya di auditorium kampus 3 UAD, Sabtu (15/9/2018).

Sementara Wakil Rektor I UAD Dr. Muchlas, M.T. mengungkapkan, dari angka usia produktif masyarakat Indonesia, hanya sekitar 30 persen yang bisa kuliah. Oleh karenanya forum stadium general ini harus dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya untuk mendukung pencapaian akademik di era revolusi industri 4.0.

Di sisi lain, Diyah mengharapkan mahasiswa pascasarjana harus siap menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0 dengan era disrupsi. Alumnus Pascasarjana UAD ini menyarankan untuk menguasai educational competence, competence in research, melakukan inovasi teknologi, knowing globalization, dan thinking of future strategis.

“Ke depan, perubahan global semakin cepat yang menuntut berubahnya semua aspek kehidupan. Saat ini harus pandai menempatkan posisi. Harus berani menghadapi tantangan. Era ini menuntut dua kemungkinan, berubah atau punah,” tandasnya di hadapan mahasiswa. (ard)


UMKM Rintisan KKN PPM UAD Diresmikan Wabup Kulon Progo


Setelah sebulan dibentuk, Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) yang dirintis oleh tim Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PPM) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta pada Rabu (5/9/2018) diresmikan.

UMKM bernama Salari ini diresmikan oleh Wakil Bupati Kulon Progo, Drs. Sutedjo, di Desa Sendangsari, Kecamatan Pengasih, Kulon Progo.

Pendirian UMKM Salari sebagai salah satu program kegiatan KKN PPM ini didanai oleh Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenristekdikti) Republik Indonesia (RI), dengan judul “Pengelolaan Limbah Minyak Jelantah menjadi Sabun”.

Sutedjo berharap, keberadaan UMKM mampu mengelola usaha pembuatan sabun dari minyak jelantah dan meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat Sendangsari.

“Kami sangat mengapresiasi dan mendukung keberadaan UMKM ini karena bisa menjadi salah satu solusi dalam meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat. Selain itu, juga bisa mengatasi masalah pengelolaan limbah,” terangnya.

Sebelum diresmikan, UMKM Salari telah melakukan beberapa kegiatan yang didampingi oleh tim KKN PPM UAD yang dipelopori Iis Suwartini, M.Pd., Vera Yuli Erviana, M.Pd., dan Ahmad Ahid Mudayana, S.K.M.,M.P.H. Kegiatan tersebut antara lain pelatihan penjernihan minyak jelantah, pelatihan pembuatan sabun, sampai kegiatan pemasaran produk. (doc/ard)

Raih 14 Medali, Tapak Suci UAD Sabet Juara Umum


Kontingen Tapak Suci Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta menyandang juara umum pada kejuaraan Airlangga Tapak Suci University Open International Championship yang berlangsung di Universitas Airlangga, 12-15 September 2018.

Pencapaian ini didapat setelah memenangi beberapa nomor dengan perolehan 6 medali emas, 4 perak, dan 4 perunggu. Total 14 medali yang didapat, dan mengukuhkan Tapak Suci UAD sebagai juara umum.

Medali emas diraih oleh Herdiyana Asmoroningtyas (Sastra Indonesia), M. Arfian Hariz (Tafsir Hadits), Dadang Dwi S (PPKn), Luatul Nadlifah (Tafsir Hadits), Javid Novean Noorcha (Teknik Industri), serta Alfin Mubarroq dan Irfan Syarhul R (Tafsir Hadits).

Sementara peraih perak adalah Illyina Aulia A (Psikologi), Tito Kurniawan (Ilmu Hukum), Nur Ratnawati (Teknik Elektro) dan Pratiwi (PPKn), serta Habib Baharudin (Sistem Informasi).

Medali perunggu didapatkan Zulfikar Faishal Akbari (Ilmu Hukum), Dhia Asa Imtinan (Sistem Informasi), Nizar Robbani (Sistem Informasi), Hindryati Muhammat, Risma Dara, (Psikologi), Nofal Bowo P (PBSI) dan Ahmad Rizki S, L.R.Z. Uday (Tafsir Hadits).

Atas pencapaian ini Tapak Suci UAD telah beberapa kali menjadi juara umum pada ajang perlombaan tapak suci tingkat nasional dan internasional. (ard)

Food Technology of UAD to Focus on Local Wisdom


Food is a basic need that must be met for human survival. The problem is, not all foods have nutrition that is good for health. In fact, many of them tend to have substances that have a negative impact on our health. Many factors determine whether foods are good for consumption or not. Two of them are the raw materials and the processing methods.

Referring to these two things, Food Technology Study Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta places local wisdom as one of the main focuses in food engineering. Ika Dyah Kumalasari, Ph.D., the Chairperson of Food Technology Study Program explained that there were three things that became the focus of the study program. They were for foods to be local, halal, and functional.

"Indonesia, as a tropical country, has abundant food ingredients. Therefore, we teach students about the basic ingredients and processing methods based on local wisdom. The aim is to raise Indonesia's local potential so that it is known to the public," she explained when interviewed at campus 3 of UAD on Monday (3/9/2018).

In addition, Food Technology Study Program also conducts a lot of research and community service related to potential of foods. Those activities are conducted to educate the public so as not to depend on instant and foreign food products.

"We do research on the basic ingredients of local food, starting from nutritional contents to processing methods so that the substances contained in them are not damaged. Food engineering innovations based on local wisdom must continue to be developed to make Indonesia a food-independent country," she said.

Ika added that many of the basic ingredients for local food had not been explored, for example the basic ingredients from tubers, nuts, to fruits and vegetables. According to her, local food ingredients needed to be popularized to avoid them become extinct. In terms of nutrition, food ingredients from Indonesia have good benefits for the body.

"Food Technology Study Program of UAD sees market opportunities from local wisdom. We want to develop a variety of internationally standardized Indonesian food products that have a high-selling value. Therefore, they can be exported in order to introduce authentic Indonesian food."

After Participating in Peksimida DIY 2018, UAD Send Represetatives to Peksiminas

Regional Student Art Week (Peksimida) of Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) XIV 2018 was over. As a result, several contingents from various universities located in DIY have the rights to represent DIY at the National Student Art Week (Peksiminas), which will take place in October 2018.

In this event, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) sent its contingent in 21 branches of competition. UAD managed to win the championship from several competitions, but only managed to place first in poetry writing. The winner of poetry writing competition was Alfiandana Susilo Aji.

For his success, the student who is from Indonesian Literature Study Program has the rights to represent DIY at Peksiminas 2018. When interviewd at the closing event of Peksimida 2018 at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta on Monday (09/10/2018), he expressed his pride to be the only representative of UAD.

"Happy, proud, I beg the support from all UAD parties for me to be able to compete in Peksiminas. This is all thanks to the hard work and efforts and support from UAD," he explained shortly after receiving the trophy and award certificate.

At the closing ceremony, Peksiminas 2018 logo was also launched. Yogyakarta will be the host of the event, which is the first time since the last time it hosted the event in 2002. Peksiminas is usually held at one university only. However, it is planned to be held in eight different universities for 21 branches of competition in DIY. (ard)

MPR RI Holds a Socialization of Four Pillars in UAD

Civics Education (PPKn) study program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta, in collaboration with the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR), held a socialization of the four pillars of the Republic of Indonesia MPR.

This socialization is entitled "Understanding Pancasila as Darul Ahdi Wa Syahadah" with Muhammad Afnan Hadikusumo, a member of DPD RI and DIY, and Dikdik Baehaqi Arif, S.Pd., M.Pd., a lecturer from Civics study program of UAD as the speakers.

The event took place on Saturday (8/9/2018), at the auditorium of UAD campus 2 at Jln. Pramuka 42, Yogyakarta. It was initiated by the alumni of Civics study program. The four pillars discussed were related to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia, the Republic of Indonesia, and Unity in Diversity.

In his remarks while opening the event, UAD Vice Rector I, Dr. Muchlas, M.T. conveyed the importance of understanding Pancasila for UAD academics. "We hope that the entire community of UAD has a stronger commitment to believe in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which is based on Pancasila," he said.

On the other hand, related to the theme raised in the event, Muchlas explained that Muhammadiyah viewed Pancasila as the final Darul Ahdi Wa Syahadah, as the basis of an independent state. For this reason, independence must now be maintained by conducting various movements to improve the welfare of the community.

"Muhammadiyah view on Pancasila and the nation must be continuously socialized so that all cadres know about it." (Ard)

Ilkom of UAD Holds Alumni Gathering and Workshop

Communication Studies Study Program (Ilkom) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), in collaboration with FIF Group, held a workshop with a theme of "Youth Innovation". In addition to the workshop, there was also an alumni gathering which was held for the first time.

The event was held at the Islamic Center Hall of UAD on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta on Monday (09/10/2018) The event was attended by lecturers, students, and alumni of Ilkom study program. On the occasion, Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication (FSBK) of UAD and FIF signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Choirul Fajri, S.I.Kom., M.A., the Chairperson of the Ilkom Study Program, in his remarks revealed that students today had to be creative and innovative in facing the digital era, a disruptive era.

"We want to equip Ilkom students to be able to open business opportunities. So, they do not only work for others. For example, they can open a company engaged in the creative industry, as it is currently popular," he explained.

On the other hand, the Dean of FSBK, Drs. Nizam Ahzani, M.Hum., when giving a speech and opening the event revealed the importance of workshops for students and the development of study programs.

"Like the theme that is raised for the event, students and alumni must become young pillars that have innovations. This is important to advance the community, UAD, and the nation," he said.

On that occasion, the Chairman of Ahmad Dahlan Alumni Association (Kamada) of Ilkom, Ayu Nuangsari, S.I.Kom., handed over five million rupiah of money, ornamental plants, and learning books to support the improvement of the study program. The donation was immediately handed over to the Chairperson of the Communication Studies Study Program. (ard)

Kamada of UAD Pharmacy Establishes a Medical Center in Lombok


Ahmad Dahlan Alumni Association of Faculty of Pharmacy (Kamada Farmasi) in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) established a medical center for victims of the earthquake in Lombok. The post was established in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine (FK) of Universitas Mataram (UNRAM).

From the explanation from Dzun Haryadi Ittiqo, M.Sc., Apt., the Chairman of Kamada Farmasi of NTB, a post was established to provide medical access for earthquake victims. "Disasters give us many lessons, including increased solidarity and caring for others. It aso builds a sense of empathy, and sympathy in the community," he explained.


He, who is also a lecturer at Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram added that a lot of knowledge learned while being a student could be implemented in the community, especially in disaster locations. He and his team moved from one place to another to facilitate medical access.


In providing services to the community, it is emphasized to always be patient, smile, and friendly, so that the victims feel like they have found new relatives at the refuge center. "Both academic and non-academic knowledge that I got while studying at UAD are useful and can be applied at disaster locations," said the man who was also active at Regional Executive Board of Indonesian Pharmacist Association (PD IAI) of NTB.


According to his statement, pharmaceutical workers could not intervene with the disease examination, so they needed to cooperate with FK of UNRAM. The problems they faced while at the disaster site were the limited drug logistics and the difficult access that made it difficult for them to reach isolated places. Currently, Dzun and Kamada Farmasi of UAD still continue to provide health services for the earthquake victims in Lombok. (ard)

P2K of UAD Batch Two to be Participated by 2,800 Students


Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta held the second phase of Student Orientation and Campus Recognition Program (P2K) of 2018 with 2,800 participants, which took place from September 3rd to 5th, 2018. In total, the number of the new UAD students of the academic year of 2018 is around 7,200.

In the second batch of P2K, there was a general lecture presented by the Deputy Chairperson of the Higher Education, Research and Development Council (Diktilitbang) of Muhammadiyah Central Board (PP Muhammadiyah), Dr. Chairil Anwar. Chairil delivered a public lecture in accordance with the theme of P2K, which was "Together with UAD, We Increase the Leadership Spirit to Strengthen Togetherness and Diversity in the Millennial Era".

"Those who are included in the Millennial generation is those who become an adult in the 21st century. One of the characteristics of the millenial generation is their dependence on technology, such as devices and social media. "The millennial era is close to the industrial revolution 4.0 with more solitary people," he explained to students at the Islamic Center Mosque of UAD at campus 4 on Jln. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

According to him, what was needed by the younger generation today was the spirit of togetherness, realizing that you yourself were a part of the Indonesian nation. Living in the millennial era, we also needed leadership spirit.

In addition, Chairil also talked about the potential of millennial students to engage in politics. Therefore, the learning must start from joining student organizations at campus.

"Join an organization to improve leadership spirit. In the future, plunging into politics can be a good opportunity. It is proven by the large number of young people who are currently members of political parties," he said.

In line with Chairil, UAD Vice Rector III, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T., said that UAD students were given freedom of politics on campus. "In UAD, there is Pemilwa (Student Election), student KPU, there is also a party system. This can be a means to practice democracy and improve leadership spirit," he said.

On the other hand, Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum., expressed his expectation that the Dahlan Muda had a critical, creative, collaborative spirit. This is so that students can compete in the millennial era which is an era with a high competition. According to him, students had to be active in on and off campus activities to optimize their skills and potentials. (ard)